Here’s some need-to-know information for the week

Here’s some need-to-know information for the week

Boulder County’s 5 Star Certification Program application has been approved by the state CDPHE 

Boulder County’s 5 Star Program application has been approved by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment as of today, Jan. 28, 2021. A news release will be sent out tomorrow, Friday, by the administrative committee announcing the anticipated date of opening applications on Thursday, Feb. 4, and the first business inspections happening on Monday, Feb. 8.  

As you know, the 5 Star Certification program encourages businesses to implement safety measures beyond what is already required by public health orders and guidelines that help slow the spread of COVID-19. Boulder County is now officially meeting the state’s Level Orange metrics, and if those metrics continue to be met (must be maintained for seven days in a row), certified businesses will be able to operate in Level Yellow capacity caps.   

The local 5 Star certification process approved for Boulder County applies a checklist of criteria to be able to accelerate individual business capacity level and ensure commitment to enhanced safety guidance. Businesses applying for and receiving 5 Star certification will have signs posted in an outward facing front window, and they will be listed on the 5 Star program webpage. Inspections and reports are via H2, the vendor for Boulder County’s program.  

For more information, including how a business can prepare and apply for 5 Star certification, please visit the 5 Star Business Certification Program webpage on the Boulder Chamber's website. The website is available in both English and Spanish. 

The Boulder County 5 Star Program Administrative Committee consists of economic development leaders, municipal, county, and public health staff, elected officials, and hospital executives. The committee is responsible for the oversight and management of the 5 Star program.  

Questions and comments from businesses and the general public concerning Boulder County’s 5 Star Certification Program may be sent to: 

Councilmembers, feel free to contact Yvette Bowden, assistant city manager/director of Community Vitality, 303-413-7215, 


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