1. Plan

  2. Design

  3. Community Engagement

  4. Complete

  5. Implement

Project Overview

After years of community discussion, City Council gave final approval to the East Boulder Subcommunity Plan on Oct. 6, 2022. The plan guides the evolution of East Boulder over the next two decades into a local business hub with a variety of housing options and an artful community that is well connected to the surrounding city and the region. Code updates to facilitate future redevelpoment are a first step in implementing the East Bolder Subcommunity Plan recommendations.

Upcoming Engagement Opportunities

Office Hours

City staff are hosting two Office Hour sessions to review the draft Form Based Code (FBC) update, answer questions and gather additional input from the community. These are open all community members in-person or virtually.

  • WHEN: Tuesday, Jan. 14 from 4 to 6 p.m.
    WHERE: Penfield Tate II Municipal Building — Room W101
    1777 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80302

  • WHEN:Wednesday, Jan. 29 from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m.
    WHERE: Penfield Tate II Municipal Building – Room W101
    1777 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80302
    A Zoom link to join virtually will be posted 24 hours in advance

A list of comments received in the last few months and staff analysis of each has been prepared to facilitate the discussion. Staff encourage interested community members to attend both sessions to learn about the staff recommendations at the first meeting, and weigh in on any additional responses/modifications at the second meeting.

Please submit additional feedback by Friday, Jan. 31. If you are interested in submitting comments for City Council consideration, please send them to Sarah Horn, Kathleen King or Kristofer Johnson.

Form Based Code Update City Council Review

The city has completed a final draft Form Based Code update and minor amendments to the East Boulder Subcommunity Plan. These were presented at public hearings with Planning Board on Oct. 15, 2024, and City Council on Dec. 5, 2024. City Council deferred a decision on the code update and Subcommunity Plan amendments to allow staff to gather additional community input, and continued the public hearing to their meeting on Feb. 20, 2025. 

East Boulder Code Update

The City of Boulder is building off extensive community input from the East Boulder Subcommunity Plan, adopted in 2022. We’ve worked together with the community on envisioning the future of East Boulder and are now making the vision happen!

This next phase of the process will result in updates to the city’s Form Based Code, which will be applied to areas of change identified in the Subcommunity Plan. This will:

  • Reduce barriers to achieving the types of places we heard community members want.
  • Promote the design of buildings to strengthen their relationship to public space.
  • Enhance the unique character of the East Boulder subcommunity.
  • Nurture a more economically resilient, walkable place for businesses, workers and residents.
  • Provide more attainable and affordable housing opportunities to accommodate a growing region.
  • Encourage workspaces and commercial places for existing and new makers and merchants. 

What is a Form Based Code?

The purpose of the FBC in Boulder is to establish building form and design standards for development within areas designated by the “Form Based Code Areas” map, with the goal of achieving the type of place described by the community’s vision.
The FBC will ensure that East Boulder’s buildings and public spaces (streets, sidewalks, parking, plazas, gathering places) are designed to create high-quality, enduring places that are interconnected, accessible and appropriately scaled.

What key recommendations are reflected in the Form Based Code updates?

East Boulder Place Types

The place types defined in the East Boulder Subcommunity Plan were used to inform these code updates, including:

  • Identifying suggested future zoning districts based on the match of uses described in the place types.
  • Creating a new building type, street frontage type and ground floor base type to enable greater flexibility for the design of a mix of light industrial, business, cultural and housing uses envisioned by the plan. The combination of requirements in the ground floor base types and building types supports a mix of different uses within new structures in key locations.

Industrial Identity in East Boulder

Multiple steps were taken to respect and carry forward the area's industrial identity.

  • A requirement for larger redevelopments to provide "production space” on the ground floor that meets certain design standards has been added to ensure space for local and small businesses continues to be available in the area. 
  • Suggested future zone districts continue to allow for light industrial light manufacturing, arts and culture, service and other similar uses.
  • A new Workshop building type was created to accommodate larger light industrial, manufacturing and research uses.

Building Design and Gathering Spaces in East Boulder

The subcommunity plan envisions a variety of different gathering spaces interspersed within a creative mix of building types and materials.

  • A wider mix of building materials reflecting the industrial feel of the area are allowed.
  • Longer building facades are required to be broken up by “streetscape plazas” and courtyards.
  • Minimum and maximum building setbacks are larger to allow more flexibility in locating building facades and provide more room for landscape and streetscape elements and small gathering spaces.

Additional refinements to the existing Form based Code

Several other elements of the FBC have been updated to respond to issues identified by architects and staff to improve readability, set clear expectations and make the code easier to use by designers, staff and community members.

Community Engagement

Fall 2024/Winter 2025:

  • Staff prepared draft updates based on feedback and presented final recommendations to Planning Board in October 2024 and City Council in December 2024.
  • The city will host Office Hours open to all community members to review additional recommended adjustments to the proposed code on Jan. 14 and Jan. 29.
  • City Council will continue the public hearing and decision on the code updates at their meeting on Feb. 20, 2025.

Project Timeline

Summer 2023 - Inventory and Analysis

  • Focus Groups

Fall 2023 - Rezoning and Community Benefits

  • Property Owner Outreach

Winter 2023 to Summer 2024 - Form Based Code Draft

  • Focus Groups
  • Community Review

Fall 2024/Winter 2025 - Final Updates

  • Planning Board and City Council Public Hearings
East Boulder Form Based Code Update Timeline 2023-2024

Form Based Code Update FAQs

No, the city is not rezoning any parcels in the East Boulder subcommunity. If a property owner is interested in changing or expanding the allowed uses on their property, they may submit a Rezoning Review application

Yes, the city is not rezoning any parcels in the East Boulder subcommunity.

No, there is no requirement to change anything on your property as a result of the code update.

If your property is identified as a FBC area in the Appendix L map of the Boulder Revised Code, then FBC applies. The update proposes to add most of the “Areas of Change” identified in the East Boulder Subcommunity Plan (pg. 22) to the Appendix L map. If City Council approves this update, the FBC will apply to those properties following the adoption of an ordinance.

A FBC review process may be applicable to major additions to existing buildings (more than 60 percent), new façades within the frontage setback, major replacements of existing facades within the frontage setback (more than 60 percent ), and full redevelopment proposals. Renovations of an existing building that do not exceed these thresholds will not be subject to FBC. Properties with an existing Planned Unit Development (PUD) or Site Review approval are also not subject to FBC, but may choose to ‘opt-in’ to a FBC review.

If you have a previously approved Site Review or a Planned Unit Development (PUD), your approved application is still in effect and FBC does not apply. Changes to these properties will be reviewed through the Site Review Amendment process. You may still choose to ‘opt-in’ and redevelop your property under the FBC Review process by rescinding the previous approval.

No. Most of the East Boulder Subcommunity Plan area is outside the FBC and only under specific circumstances are residential uses necessary where the East Boulder FBC applies. Properties without existing PUD or Site Review approvals in the future 55th & Arapahoe Station Area or directly adjacent to Valmont City Park can still expand existing structures up to an additional 60% of existing floor area and can build new projects up to 35,000 square feet without residential uses. New redevelopment projects or major expansions to existing structures (greater than 60%) in these locations that are greater than 35,000 square feet in total gross floor area must include at least 50% residential use in alignment with the goals of the East Boulder Subcommunity Plan, unless they have an existing PUD or Site Review approval.

The Form Based Code updates include:

  • Simplification of the building type tables and language
  • Moving of several repetitive items out of the tables and into the summary of standards that apply to all building types
  • Creation of “base types” to avoid repeating information in the building type descriptions and allow greater flexibility for ground floor design
  • Greater flexibility on the use of materials
  • Removal of extraneous standards and requirements (e.g., Golden Ratio)
  • Addition of new standards specific to East Boulder that are more flexible than other areas to accommodate production and business uses

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