Project Overview
These proposed signal reconstruction projects at intersections aim to:
- Eliminate crashes resulting in serious injuries and fatalities.
- Reduce other types of crashes.
- Improve travel safety and comfort.
The Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) is a U.S. grant program that aims to achieve a significant reduction in traffic fatalities and serious injuries on all public roads. Learn more about HSIP-funded projects in Boulder below.
These proposed signal reconstruction projects at intersections aim to:
Signal improvements will allow for protected left-turn phasing for all left-turn movements, and a protected eastbound right-turn movement. New signal poles will be constructed on the northwest, southeast, and northeast corners of the intersection to allow for different types of left-turn signal phasing. We will also remove the north median pole and the arm from the south median pole. We are also removing the detectable warnings and pedestrian signals and buttons from the south crosswalk at the median, as the signal timing to allow pedestrians to cross the full width of Broadway in one phase.
This project will also modify the eastbound and westbound Baseline Road approaches to allow different types of left-turn signal phasing to operate throughout the day based on traffic conditions.
This intersection is one of the top crash locations in the city. Compared to other intersections in Boulder, the intersection has a significant amount of crashes with speeding as a factor. This intersection is where two major corridors meet and is adjacent to the major local and regional destinations like the University of Colorado Boulder and Basemar Shopping Center.
We will reconstruct signal poles and change the signal operation to improve bicyclist and pedestrian crossing safety. These signal improvements will allow protected left-turn phasing for both northbound and southbound travelers.
This intersection is part of the Vision Zero Action Plan and has a history of serious and fatal left-turn crashes The intersection is next to Boulder Manor, a senior living facility and nursing home, as well as Vistoso Condominiums, Henley and Remy Apartments, and Meadows on the Parkway Shopping Plaza. Mohawk Drive is also a Neighborhood GreenStreet.
Recommended improvements include reconstructing all four existing signal poles to allow for protected left-turn phasing for all left-turn movements. Additionally, the east and west Pine Street approaches will be restriped to include a dedicated left-turn lane. We are also reconstructing the curb ramps to meet current ADA standards.
This intersection is one of the locations in Boulder with a higher number of severe crashes resulting in incapacitating injuries to people biking, which are non-fatal injuries that prevent victims from functioning as they did before the crash. Folsom Street connects to popular destinations like the University of Colorado Boulder, Goose Creek Path, and shopping centers. The intersection is where two primary biking corridors meet and is also nearby historic neighborhoods and Downtown Boulder.
Boulder is a Vision Zero city with a community's goal to reduce the number of fatal and serious-injury crashes to zero. At its core, this goal is inspired by the belief that traffic collisions are preventable, and that even one fatality is too many. These HSIP-funded projects support Boulder's Vision Zero Action Plan and advance the vision and mission of the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) Strategic Highway Safety Plan.
We upgraded the traffic signal for people crossing the street. The existing rectangular rapid flashing beacon was changed to a pedestrian signal. This means switching the blinking yellow lights to a formal traffic signal.