Trail and Area Closures and Advisories

Open Space and Mountain Parks (OSMP) makes every attempt to keep this page as up to date as possible. However, some closures or advisories are emergent for the safety and well-being of our visitors, wildlife and natural resources. Please watch for these signs during your visit. Accessing closed areas can result in a summons with penalties up to 90 days in jail and/or a $1,000 fine.

Temporary Closures, Advisories and Fire Bans

Current Muddy Trail Closures

View current muddy trail closures through our interactive map.

Muddy Text Alerts

Text “OSMP” to 888-777 to sign up for text updates about muddy trail closures.

Other Trail Closures and Advisories

Gregory Canyon Trailhead closed Feb. 12
The trailhead and access road are closed because of icy conditions. The trailhead and access road will reopen when they can be safely cleared of ice and snow.

Cottonwood Trail closure, Feb. 5 Feb. 13
OSMP will close a segment of the Cottonwood Trail from Jay Road to Independence for work on the Fourmile Canyon Creek Underpass northeast of Boulder. The closure will remain in effect from Wednesday, Feb. 5, through Thursday, Feb. 13 – weather permitting. Looking for alternate trails? Plan your route at

Boulder Falls Trail closed effective November 12
The Boulder Falls area in Boulder Canyon is temporarily closed after a rockslide damaged the trail and infrastructure that keeps rocks and sediment from falling on the trail. There is no estimated timeline for when the area may reopen and more information will be provided once an assessment is completed. Climbers who access Dream Canyon through Boulder Falls should take alternate routes, such as Sugarloaf Road.

Marshall Mesa Trailhead closure
OSMP closed the Marshall Mesa Trailhead to support state coal mine mitigation work and conduct extensive trailhead improvements. The trailhead will likely be closed for one year. During the Marshall Mesa trailhead closure, visitors can access most of the Marshall Mesa trails. Bicyclists also will be able to complete the full "Dirty Bismark" loop. View maps and learn more.

Flagstaff Summit Road closed to vehicles
The summit road is closed to vehicles until May. Visitors may still access the area on foot. The closest open trailhead is Realization Point.

South Boulder Creek (Bobolink) Trail section closed
The section of South Boulder Creek Trail heading south from Bobolink Trailhead to the East Boulder Community Center is closed to support construction of the East Boulder Ditch Fish Passage until January. Visitors may detour on the paved South Boulder Creek Path just to the east of the dirt trail.

Boulder Star Area closure
The City of Boulder reminds everyone to view the Boulder Star from afar as it remains closed. No designated trail currently leads to the Boulder Star. Learn more about viewing the Boulder Star from afar.

Creek closures to limit spread of invasive mudsnails
The City of Boulder has closed access to South Boulder Creek at the South Mesa Trailhead to prevent the spread of a highly invasive aquatic species, New Zealand Mudsnails (NZMS). The South Mesa Trailhead and the Mesa Trail will remain open. Learn more about the NZMS closures.

Rock Island 1 in Boulder Canyon closed
Rock Island 1 is closed. The rock fractured and part fell onto the Boulder Canyon Creek path. Sections of the remaining rock have been evaluated as unstable so it is closed until recommended bolting can be completed.

Current Area Closures

The area closures below do not close any designated hiking trails (climbing access trails may be affected). Please be sure to check for any leash restrictions if you are bringing a dog. Current area closures can be seen on the Wildlife Closures map.

Bald Eagle Closures Nov. 1 - July 31

The following areas are closed to protect nesting Bald Eagles from Nov. 1 - July 31:

Golden Eagle Closures Dec. 15 - July 31

The areas below are closed from Dec. 15 to July 31 for the protection of nesting Golden Eagles:

  • Lefthand Canyon Palisades, at the intersection of Lefthand Canyon Drive and Olde Stage Road (Buckingham Picnic area remains open).
  • Flagstaff Mountain, the north side of Flagstaff Mountain. The Boy Scout Trail remains open.
  • Skunk Canyon, including Ridges 2, 3 and 4, the Aechean Pronouncement, the Dreadnaught, Hippo Head, the North Ridge and the entirety of Sacred Cliffs.

Falcon Closures Feb. 1 - July 31

Thanks to OSMP visitors and volunteers for supporting these closures and the cliff-nesting raptor program! The following areas (listed north to south) are closed from Feb. 1 - July 31 to protect falcons:

  • Third Flatiron, including Queen Anne’s Head, W.C Fields Pinnacle, 1911 Gully and the Ghetto, the East Bench & West Bench, the East & West Ironing Boards, The Fin, Green Thumb and Jaws.
  • The Back Porch
  • The Box
  • Fern Canyon, north of the Fern Canyon Trail, including the Nebel Horn Ridge, East Ridge, the Goose and the Goose Eggs (the designated Fern Canyon hiking trail remains open).
  • The Wings
  • The Sphinx
  • The Apostle
  • Shadow Canyon and the Matron: The Maiden remains open and accessible from the east; Shadow Canyon Trail remains open.
  • The entire Mickey Mouse wall, including South Tower, North Tower, Central Tower, Ship's Prow, Wall of Shiva's Dance, The Gargoyle, the East Face and Cryptic Crags.

Please note: Golden Eagle closures now begin on Dec. 15.

Bat Roosting Site Closures - Year-Round & Seasonal

Female bats locate roosting sites in caves and rock crevices along the foothills, where the pups are raised in maternity colonies. The pups suffer high mortality rates even under normal conditions, so these closures help ensure they will remain undisturbed by humans during roosting season. Thank you for your cooperation!

Permanent closures:

The following areas are closed permanently to human use to reduce the chance of people introducing White-Nose Syndrome.

Seasonal closures:

  • Closed April 1 - Sept. 1: the east face of the climbing formation known as Der Zerkle is closed April 1 - Sept. 1 every year.
  • Closed April 1 - Oct. 1: A buffer surrounding Mallory Cave is closed April 1 - Oct. 1 to protect Townsend’s Big-eared Bats. Instead of being part of the permanent Mallory Cave closure, the climbing routes on the east face of The Hand, the standard route on the Finger Flatiron, and all of Shark’s Fin are only closed from April 1 to Oct.1.

New Zealand Mudsnail Closures


Learn more about New Zealand Mudsnails and how you can help stop the spread.

Inactive Closures

The closures listed below are not currently in place. You may review the maps for reference, but these areas are not currently closed.

Seasonal Leash Restrictions Aug. 15 - Dec. 1

These areas are frequent foraging locations for bears. Leash restrictions protect dogs and their guardians when there is a high probability of encountering bears, and help avoid disturbing bears while they feed during the critical pre-hibernation period.

Seasonal Leash Restrictions are in place Aug. 15 to Dec. 1.

Due to bear activity dogs must be leashed from 8-15 to 12-1 on the following trails:

Grassland Ground Nesting Bird restriction in place May 1 to July 31

The Greenbelt Plateau area is also affected by a seasonal leash restriction for grassland ground nesting birds from May 1 to July 31 every year: Both sides of the Greenbelt Plateau trail from the Community Ditch trail to the Greenbelt Plateau trailhead on Highway 128. Dogs must be on-leash on the Greenbelt Plateau trail, view map.

Burrowing Owl Closures March 15 - Oct. 31

Thank you for your cooperation in respecting the closures and providing the owls a quiet place to nest!

These areas are closed to protect nesting burrowing owls every year from March 15-Oct. 31:

This Parks and Recreation property will be closed through Oct. 31 if burrowing owls nest in the area:

  • Boulder Reservoir (Dry Creek East): East of 51st/55th Streets, south of Dry Creek, west of the Boulder Reservoir water body and north of the private property on North 51st St.

All designated trails near these areas remain open to help visitors view wildlife species as they thrive in their native habitats.

Osprey, Northern Harrier & American Bittern Closures March 15 - Sept. 10

The following area on OSMP is closed every year from March 15 to Sept. 10 to protect nesting osprey and Northern Harrier:

  • Axelson: Part of the Axelson property near the Boulder Reservoir is closed from March 15 to Sept. 10 every year to protect nesting osprey.
  • Boulder Valley Ranch: West of 51st/55th, west of Eagle Trail and west of the Boulder Valley Ranch pond.
  • Sawhill Ponds: The southwest corner of the Sawhill Ponds property, located west of 75th St. between Valmont and Jay.

The following areas on Parks & Recreation land are closed every year from March 15 to Sept. 10 to protect nesting osprey, northern harrier and American bittern:

  • Boulder Reservoir (Little Dry Creek East): East of 51st/55th Streets, south of private property on North 51st St., west of the Boulder Reservoir water body and north of the Boulder Reservoir Regional Park entrance.
  • Boulder Reservoir (Little Dry Creek West): West of 51st/55th Streets, south of the Eagle Trailhead, east of Boulder Valley Ranch and north of private property on Valhalla Drive.
  • Boulder Reservoir (Dry Creek East): East of 51st/55th Streets, south of Dry Creek, west of the Boulder Reservoir water body and north of the private property on North 51st St.
  • Coot Lake: Within the wooden fence that surrounds the western portion of the Coot Lake area.

All designated trails near these areas remain open to help visitors view wildlife species as they thrive in their native habitats.

Grassland Ground Nesting Bird Closures May 1 - July 31

Grassland breeding birds have seen widespread and precipitous declines at a continental scale due to a variety of impacts. OSMP provides habitat for several species of grassland nesting birds including Grasshopper Sparrow, Western Meadowlark, Vesper Sparrow, Horned Lark, Lark Sparrow, and Savannah Sparrow. OSMP closes certain areas to help reduce human impacts that could disturb nesting birds.

These closures do not affect designated trails in the area which remain open throughout the closure period.

The following areas are closed May 1 - July 31 every year:

  • Greenbelt Plateau: Both sides of the Greenbelt Plateau trail from the Community Ditch trail to the Greenbelt Plateau trailhead on Highway 128. Dogs must be on-leash on the Greenbelt Plateau trail;
  • Doudy Draw: the area north of Community Ditch trail and west of Highway 93;
  • Flatirons Vista: the area north of Flatirons Vista North trail and west of Highway 93 on top of the mesa; and
  • Lower Big Bluestem: the area north of the South Boulder Creek West Trail, east of the Bluestem Connector and south of Shanahan Ridge (dogs are prohibited off-trail in this area year round).
  • Hester, DeLuca and Campbell properties: located north of Nimbus Road and west of 39th Street.

Note: Dogs must be on-leash on Lower Big Bluestem year round due to West Trail Study Area Implementation.