Sign up for Parks and Rec texts about unplanned operational updates.

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Text updates will be sent about changes that impact the rest of that day’s operations. For example, an update would be sent if nearby lightning requires Scott Carpenter Pool to close for the rest of the day, but not if a pool closes for an hour and then reopens.

How to sign up for text notifications

Choose one or multiple keywords

The keywords are:

  • BPRswim for updates related to indoor/outdoor pool operations;
  • BPRnow for facility and parks operational updates, not related to aquatics;
  • BPRValmont for updates related Valmont Park, including the bike park, dog park, green block area and skate park;
  • BPRReservoir for updates related to the Boulder Reservoir operations including the swim beach, aquatics nuisance species and special event operational impacts.

Text Keywords

Text any of the above keywords to the number 888-777.

This service is free to the community except for any data usage charges that might apply. Community members may also unsubscribe from this service at any time.

Content will be cross posted to BPR’s X/Twitter for now, but this may change in the future.

The content is also available via RSS feed/webpage for each keyword. The three most recent notifications appear on the webpage but may be out of date, so be sure to check notifications' dates: