Objectives and Purposes

The objectives and purposes of the Boulder Parks and Recreation Department Adult Sports Leagues shall be to foster, develop, promote, and regulate amateur sports in the City of Boulder; to establish rules and regulations governing all teams participating: to engage in any activity that will be beneficial to the participants and the leagues’ well-being, and to extend the sports as wholesome recreational activities.

General Policy Statement

The Boulder Parks and Recreation Department reserves the right to change any and all rules, regulations and policies whenever due cause warrants a change. When a change is made, all managers of teams affected by the change will be notified immediately.

General Policies

The regulations stated under General Policies will govern all adult sport leagues: basketball, softball, dodgeball, volleyball, kickball and soccer.

Animals: No animals will be allowed in any sport complex with the exception of service animals with clearly marked insignia.

Bottles and Kegs: No bottles or kegs are allowed at the sport complexes.

Pleasant View Soccer Complex – No alcohol is allowed.

Sportsmanship and fair play will be the hallmark of all adult sport programs.

The Rules Committee that governs all Boulder Parks and Recreation Adult Sports will be composed of the Recreation Supervisor and the Program Coordinator for the respective sport.

Team Registration

In the event that we receive the maximum number of team entries during registration, the following priority will be used for teams on the waiting list.

  1. Teams that played in the same league and classification last year or teams moving up a classification.
  2. Teams that were first added to the waitlist.
  3. Teams that contain the highest percentage of City of Boulder residents.

Entry Fees and deadlines vary with each sport or league; please refer to the entry fee listed under each sport. Entries must be received by the published deadline or late fees may be incurred. Teams will not be considered entered until their entry fee has been paid in full.

Dividing Teams: The Boulder Parks and Recreation Department reserves the right and authority to place teams into leagues or divisions so competitive parity can be achieved.

Limit of Team Entries: The number of team entries will be limited due to facility availability. All entries are taken on a first come, first served basis. To assure team entry, team fees must be paid at the time of registration as designated on the specific league information.


Each player must sign the roster/waiver form before playing to be considered an eligible player.

Teams may have as many players on its roster as desired. All rosters must be turned in either typed or printed in a neat manner. Teams may add players at any time during the season unless designated by specific league rules.

Refunds: Absolutely no entry or player fees will be refunded once the deadline has passed.

Players may play in as many leagues as they want but only one team per league. Players must sign a roster/waiver for each team they play with.

Participants must be 18 years of age in order to play in the Adult Sport Leagues.

Current varsity athletes in the particular sport from either high school or college are ineligible during “on” season.

No Official Present Rule

In the event that an official fails to be present and the two teams wish to play:

  1. The game supervisor must be notified.
  2. The absent official form must be signed by both team managers and the game supervisor.
  3. At the game’s end the form must be given to the game supervisor.
  4. The scores will then be entered into the official record. In the event that an official fails to be present and the two teams do not wish to play, a make up game will be scheduled at Program Coordinator’s discretion.

Release of Liability

It is the manager’s responsibility to see that each player is aware and agrees that there are certain inherent dangers and risks involved in playing and participating in the sports of basketball, softball, dodgeball, volleyball, kickball and soccer. By accepting the role of manager you assume the liability for all players who have not signed the roster. All players must realize that they may be exposed to possible injury in connection with participation in the sport. All players are to be notified that the City of Boulder, the affiliated facilities, affiliated teams, and any staff members will not be held responsible for injuries.

City of Boulder Player Code of Conduct


Manager - A person designated as the team spokesperson. One who is either a player or non-player

Player - A person who actively participates in the game, whether it is playing or sitting on the bench, and who is on the roster. Spectator - A person who comes out to watch the games for entertainment with no physical involvement.

Official - A person on the field to administer the official rules.

Participation - Any involvement in the Boulder Parks and Recreation Department activities such as spectating, officiating, playing, coaching, registering for classes, or attending non-sporting events.

Recreation Activity - Any class or event sponsored by the Boulder Parks and Recreation Department.

Program Coordinator - The full-time Parks and Recreation employee designated to organize and supervise the activity. Team names may not reference; race, gender, ethnicity, religion or anything else that may be ruled on as offensive or inappropriate by the Sports Rules Committee, including offensive language or slang.

No player shall:

  1. At any time lay a hand upon, shove, strike, or threaten an official, player, or spectator.
  2. Refuse to abide by an official’s decision.
  3. Be guilty of obscene gestures, objectionable demonstrations, or dissent of an official’s decision.
  4. Be guilty of using unnecessarily rough tactics in the play of the game against the body and person of an opposing player.
  5. Be guilty of physical attack as an aggressor on any player, official, or spectator.
  6. Be guilty of using foul language (swearing) or abusive verbal attack upon any player, official, or spectator.
  7. Appear on the field under the influence of alcohol to the extent that he/she is inclined to cause harm to him/herself or another player.
  8. Misuse or destroy City of Boulder property or facilities. Officials are required to suspend the player immediately from further play and report the player to the Program Coordinator.

Minimum Penalty: Removal from the game, suspension from the team’s next game and placed on probation for the remainder of the season.

Maximum Penalty: Suspension from all City of Boulder recreational activities for life. Case is subject to review the following year. Police involvement.

No player shall:

  1. Discuss with an official in any manner the decisions reached by an official. Exception: The manager may confer with the official(s) in a reasonable and civil manner.
  2. Smoke while coming off or going onto the field of play in any recreation facility.

Minimum Penalty: Warning by the official.

Maximum Penalty: Suspension from all recreational activities for one year and probation for the following year. Case is subject to review the following year. Police involvement.

  1. Any player being placed on probation for the remainder of the season and reported again for the violation of Code of Conduct will be suspended for the remainder of the season.
  2. Any player removed from a game must leave the field, court, or facility immediately. This includes any and all city property and any other property used by the City of Boulder for programs. Failure to do so will carry a maximum penalty of suspension for the remainder of the season.
  3. Any person on probation who violates the Code of Conduct will be placed on suspension until the case can be heard by the Sports Department staff.
  4. Any person wishing to appeal a decision reached by the Program Coordinator should do so by calling the department at 303-413-7465 within 72 hours of the sports staff decision.
  5. Any ejected player must pay appropriate fine and sit out the designated number of games prior to playing again.

Failure to comply will result in suspension of playing, per Program Coordinator’s decision.

First and Foremost

This is a recreational league. Have fune and enjoy. Don't get bent about anything and everything!

Objectives and Purposes

The objectives and purposes of the Boulder Parks and Recreation Department Adult Sports Leagues shall be to foster, develop, promote and regulate amateur athletics in the City of Boulder; to establish rules, and regulations governing all teams participating: to engage in any activity that will be beneficial to the participants and the leagues’ well-being; to extend the sports listed heron as wholesome recreational activities.

General Policy Statement

The Boulder Parks and Recreation Department reserves the right to change any and all rules, regulations and policies whenever due cause warrants a change. When a change is made, all managers of teams affected by the change will be notified. The Rules Committee that governs all Boulder Parks and Recreation Adult Sports will be composed of the Recreation Supervisor and the Program Coordinator for the respective sport.

General Policies

No foul language. Foul language is not permitted at the fields. The referee will give a single warning to both teams at the first infraction. Any infraction following the warning will result in an immediate technical.

Sportsmanship and fair play will be the hallmark of all adult athletic programs.

Bottles and kegs: No bottles or kegs are allowed at the athletic complexes.

Team Registration

In the event that we receive the maximum number of team entries during registration, the following priority will be used for teams on the waiting list. One, teams that played in the same league and classification last year or teams moving up a classification. Two, teams that contain the highest percentage of City of Boulder residents. Teams will not be considered entered until their entry fee has been paid in full.

Dividing teams: The Boulder Parks and Recreation Department reserves the right and authority to place teams into leagues or divisions so competitive parity can be achieved.

Limit of team entries: The number of team entries will be limited due to facility availability. All entries are taken on a first come, first served basis. To assure team entry, team fees must be paid at the time of registration as designated on the specific league information.

Refunds: Absolutely no entry fees will be refunded once the deadline has passed.


The Manager is responsible for all rosters being turned in at the first game. They may be filled out at the first night of your league, please arrive early to do this paperwork. Each player must sign the roster/waiver form before playing.

Managers are responsible for making sure all their players sign the roster.

Teams may have as many players on its roster as desired. All rosters must be turned in either typed or printed in a neat manner. Teams may add players in the first 4 weeks of the season, no additions after that.

Officials and scorekeeper will be checking rosters intermittently to make sure there are no illegal players.

Players may play in as many leagues as they want, but only on one team per league. It is illegal to hop teams, play for one team one game and then another team on the same night. If this does occur, that team forfeits their game. Managers this is your responsibility that this doesn’t occur.

Any player playing under an assumed name shall result in the forfeiture of the game by that player’s team. The player is fined $25 on the first offense and if it occurs a second time, the player is barred from the league for the remainder of the season. Protests must be made at the beginning of the game by the opposing team in order for this rule to be in effect.

Participants must be 16 years of age in order to play in the Adult Athletic Leagues.

Release of Liability: It is the manager’s responsibility to see that each player is aware and agrees that there are certain inherent dangers and risks involved in playing and participating in the sport of basketball. All players must realize that they may be exposed to possible injury in connection with participation in the sport. All players are to be notified that the City of Boulder, the affiliated facilities, affiliated teams, and any staff members will not be held responsible for injuries.

Playing Rules

Games will be played under the rules of the current year of the National Federation of State High School Associations unless specified under local exceptions.

  1. Games will be scheduled at various times, depending upon gym availability. Typically games are played on Tuesdays or Wednesdays between the hours of 6 p.m. and 10:30 p.m.
  2. Score keepers/facility supervisors are assigned by the City of Boulder parks and Recreation Department. Officials are assigned by an independent contractor.
  3. Game balls are supplied by the City of Boulder. If both teams agree to use a different ball, it must be approved by the referee.
  4. Game time is forfeit time. Must have a minimum of 4 players when the game begins and ends. If one of the 4 players fouls out or is removed due to technical fouls, the game will end at that point and team with only 3 players left will need to forfeit.
  5. Game
    1. Two, 20 minute halves, running clock (except for the last 3 minutes of 2nd half).
    2. The last 3 minutes of the 2nd half, the clock will stop on all whistles. If the score is greater than 15 points in the second half the clock will continue to run.
    3. Overtime periods are 3 minute running time, with the last 1 minute being stopped at each whistle. Each team is allowed 1 time out per overtime period and timeouts do not carry over from overtime period to overtime period.
  6. Fouls
    1. If a player is fouled in the act of shooting and misses the shot, the player is awarded 2 foul shots. If a player is fouled in the act of shooting and makes the shot, the basket is counted and 1 free throw is rewarded.
    2. One and one goes into effect on the 7th team foul. Double bonus goes into effect on the 10th team foul. Shooter is awarded 2 shots. In overtime, team fouls will be carried over from end of 2nd half.
    3. On all foul shots, players may enter the lane on release of the ball from the shooter’s hand. Marked lane spaces may be occupied by a maximum of 3 total spots on each side of the lane.
    4. Technical Fouls: Any player receiving 2 technical fouls is automatically ejected from the game and is to immediately leave the City of Boulder facility. The player(s) is also suspended a minimum of their next scheduled game. And will be charged a $50 sportsmanship fine. See Player Code of Conduct. Any team receiving 4 unsportsmanlike technical fouls during the course of the game will automatically forfeit that game. Unsportsmanlike called games will result in a $50 fine to the TEAM. Fine must be paid before the next game.
      1. Technical Fouls will result in 2 free throws and the ball.
      2. Player(s) may receive further sanctions based upon the severity of the situation. (See Player Code of Conduct)
  7. Time outs: Each team is allowed 2, 1 minute time outs per half. Unused time outs do not carry over to the second half or to any overtime periods.
  8. Substitutions: Are permitted only during a dead ball situation. All substitutes must be kneeling in front of the scorer’s table and wait until the official beckons the player to enter the court. Only enter the game if the officials calls you in.
  9. No Dunking Allowed: Any player dunking before, during, or after the game is automatically ejected for that game and their teams next scheduled game. Plus a 2 shot technical foul is awarded to the opposing team. Any player damaging the rim or backboard due to dunking is responsible for the cost to repair the basket, rim, backboard, and any other costs involved to repair the damage.
  10. Any game, terminated for any reason; the team with the most points at the time of termination is declared the winner. Terminating the game will be up to the discretion of the official and scorekeeper.
  11. Uniforms: All must wear the same color or a like color jerseys/shirts with a 4 to 6 inch number; preferably on the front and back of the jersey. Any irregularity regarding this rule, the referee’s decision will be final. If teams have the same color jersey, the first team listed on the schedule will change jerseys or wear the supplied pennies. Teams can just purchase like colored shirts and uses permanent marker or athletic tape for numbers. Any team who does not have uniforms will be required to wear pennies.
  12. Post Season Play / Tournaments: Post season tournaments are not part of regular season play unless specified on the specified league information. Typically there will be 1 or 2 games that are considered playoff/championship games.
  13. Cancellations: Games will only be cancelled for weather conditions, damage to facilities, or other acts of nature that cause the South Boulder Recreation Center to close.
  14. Reschedule Policy: Makeup game schedules will be available after 5 pm the second working day after a cancellation. Once a game has been rescheduled, the makeup date, time, and location will not be changed.
  15. Manager’s Responsibilities: Managers are responsible for having each individual sign the roster prior to participating.
    1. The manager is responsible for the team’s behavior and controlling the emotions of players.
    2. Any discussion with the referee’s and/or supervisor, should be handled by the manager.
    3. Any change of information by the manager; address, phone number, email, etc.; it is the manager’s responsibility to notify the league coordinator.
    4. Any disciplinary action, the manager will be notified of any penalties and fines. It will be the managers responsibility to notify players of their suspension or fines.
    5. Managers are responsible for making sure all their players on their team know and understand the rules and code of conduct.
  16. Alcohol, drugs, and tobacco products or their use, are not allowed in any City of Boulder Recreation Center. If a player seems to be drunk or has been drinking, they will be asked to leave the facility. The team that the player was playing on will be issued a technical foul.
  17. Amendments/Changes: Any time there is a change in a rule or policy regarding the league, managers will be notified by mail, email, or phone.
  18. League Awards: Winners of the league will be awarded something. Sometimes it will be a gift card, or a t-shirt, hats, shorts, trophy, etc.
  19. Tie Breaker Rule: If 2 or more teams have identical records at the end of league play; the following method will be used to determine league standings:
    1. If a team has a non appearance forfeit on their record, it will remove that team from the tie.
    2. Head to head competition, the winner of the most games played between the tied teams is awarded the higher place.
    3. If the records are the same, the team with the greatest point differential is awarded the higher place.
    4. If the point differential is the same, the team allowing the fewest defensive points allowed in game(s) played against each other is awarded the higher place.
  20. Protests: Protests are not allowed on judgment calls. If protesting a game, all of the following must be completed:
    1. Notify the official and scorekeeper at the time of the protest.
    2. Submit a typed protest explaining the protest and the specific rule misinterpretation and submit to the Athletics office by 5 p.m. the next working day. Email preferred.
    3. The protest will be ruled on as soon as all information is assembled. The decision on the protest will be made as soon as possible. The decision will be made consulting the entire City of Boulder sports workgroup.
  21. Forfeits:
    1. Non Appearance Forfeit: When a team fails to show up for their assigned game without notification. The team must pay a $25 forfeit fee prior to participating in their next scheduled game.
    2. Failure to pay the forfeit fee shall result in another non appearance forfeit. Another $25 fee will be assessed.
    3. Exception: If a team has to forfeit, the team MUST contact the Sports Office by noon the day of the game. If notified properly, there will be no forfeit fee charged. The team must also notify the other team of the forfeit.
    4. 3 forfeits will result in your team getting dropped from the league.
  22. Exiting Building
    1. If you are playing a 9 p.m. or 9:30 p.m. game, please be sure to exit the building immediately after your game ends. The recreation center is technically closed at this time and front desk staff are eager to leave.
    2. Teams are required to vacate the court after their game is over to allow the next scheduled game to start on time.
    3. Teams are asked to pick up all their trash and remove their belongings from the gym after their game is over.
    4. If you have lost something please check the front desk lost and found.
  23. No Official/Single Official Present Rule: In the event that only 1 official is present or no officials are present and the two teams wish to play the following must be done before game time.
    1. The field supervisor must be notified.
    2. The absent official form must be signed by both team managers and the field supervisor. (The supervisor will have the form)
    3. At the game’s end, the form must be given to the facility supervisor.
    4. The scores will then be entered into the official record. In the event that 1 official is present or no officials are present and the two teams do not wish to play, a makeup game will be scheduled at Program Coordinator’s discretion. Please notify the Program Coordinator of this situation within 24 hours of the original scheduled game.

The International Dodgeball Federation rulebook shall govern all games, with the exception of local league rules.

Team Rules: All Leagues

  1. Coed teams will consist of 6 players, 3 men and 3 women on the court at a time.
  2. Men’s or Women’s teams consist of either 6 men or 6 women on the court at any given time.
  3. Teams must have a minimum of 5 players to start a game. Failure to have 5 players at game time will result in a forfeit.
  4. Teams may have unlimited players on a roster. Players will not be added to a roster after the start of matches for any individual game time.
  5. Teams play with six players on the court to begin and may not exceed six at any time throughout play.

Equipment Rules

  1. The official ball used in tournament and league play will be an 8 ½” rubber/plastic coated foam ball.
  2. The standard number of balls for a game is six.

Uniform Rules

  1. Uniforms are not mandatory, but are strongly encouraged.
  2. It is asked that teams dress in similar colored shirts.
  3. All players must wear a shirt, closed-toe athletic shoes, and shorts or pants
  4. Midriff baring clothes are not allowed in City of Boulder leagues.
  5. Costumes are permitted, but must not cause any hindrance in play or danger to any participant or the Umpire.

Playing Rules

Beginning the Game

  1. Prior to each game, each team will be given 3 balls to start the match.
  2. Players take positions along the end line, with one hand on the wall, balls in hand.
  3. Following signal by official (whistle), teams may move and begin throwing the balls.

Game Play

  1. There will be 5 games played per 20 minute match. Please see “Tournament Play” section of rules for information on match play during tournament play.
  2. Each game will have a time limit of seven minutes.
  3. Teams will alternate sides following each game.
  4. The object of the game is to eliminate all opposing players by getting them OUT.

Playing Area, Boundaries & Markings

  1. The center line will serve as the center boundary between the two teams; no other lines will serve as a boundary.
  2. Court divider also reflects boundary. Balls are dead when crossing divider.
  3. During play, players may not cross the center line boundary.
  4. Players may retrieve stray balls at any time. Because no other boundary lines exist other than the center line, players are susceptible to being hit at any time. i) A stray ball is one that has not been picked up and is lying on the ground.
  5. Players who are out may help put balls back in to play by rolling them back onto the court.
  6. A player shall not, have any part of their body cross the centerline and make contact with the ground on their opponent’s side of the court, including players who are out.

Player Throws & Catches

  1. A player hit by a “live” thrown ball is considered out.
    1. Definition: LIVE - A ball that thrown and has not touched anything, including the floor/ground, official or other item outside of the playing field: wall, ceiling, net, etc.
  2. If a defender attempts to catch a live ball, but drops it, the defender is out.
  3. If a defender catches a “live” thrown ball, the thrower is out and one player then returns to the defenders side on first out, first in basis.
  4. If a thrown ball hits a defender and is then caught by a defending teammate, before becoming dead, the thrower is out as well as the defender hit by the ball. Then a player from the defending team may re-enter because of the catch.
  5. If a defender deflects a thrown ball with a ball in their possession, it can be deflected to one of their players and if caught, the thrower is out and one of the defending team’s players may return to the game.
  6. If a defender deflects a thrown ball (with either their body or a held ball) and their teammate touches it, but does not catch the ball, that player who did not catch the ball, is out.
  7. If a defender deflects a thrown ball, with a ball in their possession, the thrown ball is still alive and if it then hits the person who deflected it, that person it out.
  8. If a defender deflects a thrown ball, then drops the original ball in their possession they are out.
  9. If a player is hit in the head while in a vertical standing position, they or the thrower are not out. If that player is attempting to dodge or in a non-vertical position and is hit, they will be considered out. J. Uniforms are considered part of a player’s body.
  10. Any ball that touches the ceiling, ground, wall, or basketball standard is considered a dead ball.
  11. Players who have been called out must form a line in order of being called out, at the designated area, until it is their turn to rejoin the game.
  12. A player may only hold the ball for 5 seconds; a dribble is allowed to restart the 5 second time limit. If the ball is held for more than 5 seconds, the player will be out.
  13. A player may not have more than one ball in their possession at any time.
  14. Unsportsmanlike conduct, in any form, will result in immediate ejection from the game. Respect needs to be given to the game official at all times.


  1. Each team will be allowed one, 60-second time out per game.
  2. A timeout will be called when the official has recognized the request and signaled for time out by blowing their whistle. Any player may signal the timeout.
  3. Any balls that are “in play” when the whistle is blown are still considered live. Ball must have left the hand before or while whistle is blown.


  1. During a time-out is the ONLY time a team may substitute players into a game.
  2. Substitute players are allowed but MUST be of the same sex. Only a male can substitute for a male and only a female can substitute for a female.
  3. If a time-out is called due to injury, a substitution may be made for the injured player only.
  4. Re-entry rule: If a defender catches a “live” thrown ball, the thrower is out and one player then returns to the defenders’ side in order of first out, first in. The player who threw the ball is still OUT. If the team catching the ball has no players OUT, play simply continues with no player reentering the contest.

Stalling Violation

  1. A team trailing in numbers of players requires a ball to be at their disposal for the opportunity to eliminate opposing players.
  2. It is illegal for the leading team to control all for the balls for more than five seconds. If the leading team controls all the balls (all balls are located on their side of the centerline, they must make a legitimate effort to get at least one ball across to the opposing side before a five second violation is called. This may be done by throwing or rolling a ball towards the opponent’s side. Only the official may call a five-second violation.
  3. Penalty for five-second violation:
    1. First offense- A warning will be given to the offending team and all the balls will be given to the other side.
    2. Second offense- will result in a member of the offending team being declared OUT automatically.

Declaring a Winner

  1. The first team to legally eliminate all opposing players or with the most remaining players after the expiration of the time period, will be declared the game winner.
  2. Matches will consist of a series of five games between the two teams. All game scores will count toward a team’s record.
  3. A time limit of seven minutes has been established for each game. If neither team has been eliminated at the end of the time limit, the team with the greater number of players on the floor will be declared the winner.
  4. In case of an equal number of players remaining for each team at the expiration of the time limit, a three-minute sudden death overtime period will be played. The first team to eliminate ONE opposing player will be declared the winner.
  5. Should teams remain tied after the first overtime period; each team will add one player to their side and play another overtime period according to the above rules. Overtime play shall continue until there is a winning team.

Tournament Play

  1. All rules from league play will carry over to tournament play with the following exceptions:
    1. Game time will be 10 minutes.
    2. Winners of a match will be declared after a best of three series of games. If one team has won two games, a third game will not be played.

League Standing Rules


In order to avoid several season end ties, standings will be kept as follows:

  1. Records will reflect both number of wins and losses
  2. The winning team will be awarded one (1) point for each player standing at the end of each game.
    1. Example: Team A wins 3 of 5 games and has 1 player standing at the end of the first and second win and 3 players standing at the end of the third win. Their standings would reflect as: 3-2, with 5 points.

Tiebreaker Rule

  1. Tiebreaker Rule: When 2 or more teams have identical win-loss records at the end of league play, the following method will be used to determine league standings.
  2. Fewest number of forfeits
  3. (If a team has more forfeits than another team it is tied with, that team is eliminated from the tiebreaking) D. Head to head (or group)
  4. (The head to head standings of the tied team, when the teams remaining in the tie have played each other equal number of times.)
  5. Head to head (or group) point differential
  6. (Within the teams remaining in the tie, in games played against each other, the team with the biggest points for/against difference remains in the tiebreaking)
  7. Head to head (or group) points against
  8. (Within the teams remaining in the tie, in games played against each other, the team with the fewest points allowed remains in the tiebreaking)
  9. Total season points for
  10. (Within the teams remaining in the tie, the team that has scored the most points in the season remains in the tie)
  11. Coin toss if two teams remain in the tie, a draw by lot if more than two team remain in the tie.
  12. Final standings will be posted within 24 hours of your last regular season game; any protest of standings must be made within 24 hours of posting. After 24 hours, standings are final.


  1. All games are scheduled by the Program Coordinator.
  2. Team managers are responsible to alerting teams of all game times, including make-up and tournament games.
  3. Schedules, makeup games, standings, rules, etc. will be posted on TeamSideline.
  4. Forfeits:
    1. Non-appearance forfeit: When a team fails to show up for their scheduled match without notification, they must pay a $25 fee prior to participating in their next match.
      1. Exception: If a team has to forfeit, they must notify the Program Coordinator at 303-413-7465 by 4 p.m. the day of the game or by 1 p.m. on Friday for games played on the weekend.
    2. If a team has 3 forfeits, that team will be dropped from the league and remaining schedule will be offered up on a first-come, first-served basis to all other teams in the league.

All rules are subject to change at Program Coordinator's discretion.

Fielding Legal Teams

  1. Teams must field either 8, 9, or 10 defensive players in every inning.
    1. If a team cannot field at least 8 defensive players a forfeit is declared.
      1. A team may play with a minimum combination of 3 of one gender and 5 of another defensively each inning, or 4 and 4. If 4 or more of one gender are available to play, they must do so. Teams may also play with combinations of 4 men and 5 women or 5 women and 4 men.
      2. A victory of 7-0 is awarded the team not forfeiting.
  2. Any number of players available to a team may kick on offense, in a set rotation, even if the player is not positioned defensively.
    1. If a player is positioned defensively, they must kick in the set rotation.
  3. A pitcher and a catcher must be positioned defensively each inning and must be of opposite gender.
  4. Either 3 or 4 infielders must be positioned defensively each inning. Infielders must be positioned on the dirt of the infield.
  5. Either 3 or 4 outfielders must be positioned defensively each inning. Outfielders must be positioned on the grass of the outfield.
  6. The gender of infielders and outfielders must be as balanced as possible with the fielded defensive players.
  7. The kicking order must alternate men and women kickers. All men kicking must kick in set rotation of men. All women kicking must kick in a set rotation of women. These two rotations alternate turns at kicking.

Player Substitutions

  1. All players in the set kicking rotation may freely substitute in and out of defensive positioning each inning.
  2. Players may be added to the end of a set kicking rotation if they become available to play after the game has started.
  3. If a player must leave the kicking rotation after the game has started, no “Automatic Out” is to be called at their turn to kick.
  4. Any base runner may request a substitute “Courtesy Runner” during a time out in play.
    1. The substitute runner is the player of the same gender in the set batting rotation immediately prior to the current batter, who is not on base.

Game Procedures

  1. Games begin in inning 1 with the start of a game clock set to countdown from 50 minutes. Games may be completed in several different ways:
    1. 7 innings are completed. (6 1/2 innings if the home team leads)
    2. 5 innings are completed and inclement weather is declared (4 1/2 innings if the home team leads)
    3. The 50-minute clock expires AND the current inning's at-bat for the trailing team is completed
    4. A team leads by 15 or more runs after their opponents have kicked 4 or more times.
    5. A team fails to field at least 8 defensive players in any inning
  2. The Umpire will begin the game clock countdown at the scheduled start time for the game.
    1. If an earlier game causes a delay from the scheduled start time, the umpire will begin the game clock countdown using this procedure:
      1. The team from the earlier (“late-running”) game must vacate the dugouts promptly.
      2. The scheduled teams are then permitted 2 minutes to occupy the dugouts, for the Home team to take the field defensively, and for the Visitor team to supply the first kicker in the kicking rotation.
      3. Two minutes after the late-running game players are out of the dugouts, the Umpire will begin the game clock countdown and call for “Kicker Up”.
  3. Once the game clock has begun counting down, the home team must field at least 8 defensive players to begin the game.
    1. The Field Supervisor may switch Home team and Visitor team assignments if it facilitates the start of a game. (When the home team does not have enough defensive players, but the visitors do.)
    2. For games scheduled to begin at 6 p.m. ONLY: A “grace period” of 10 minutes is permitted in order for shorthanded teams to pick-up players from other teams, or for team roster players to arrive. Teams are permitted 10 minutes to field 8 players defensively before a forfeit is declared.
  4. If the game score is tied at the completion of 7 innings, or after the completion of any inning when the game clock expires, the following Tie Breaker procedure is followed (Extra Innings Rule):
    1. Each kicker is thrown ONE PITCH.
      1. A pitched strike or foul ball is an out.
      2. A pitched ball is a walk.
    2. In the first extra inning, the last kicker up in the previous inning is placed on 2nd base to begin the inning. The inning begins with no outs.
    3. In the second extra inning, the last two kickers up in the previous inning are placed on 3rd and 2nd base respectively to begin the inning. The inning begins with 1 out.
    4. In the third extra inning, the last three previous kickers are placed on 3rd, 2nd and 1st base respectively to begin the inning. The inning begins with two outs.
    5. If a winner is not decided after the completion of three extra innings, the game will result in a tie.

Playing Rules

  1. Pitching
    1. The pitcher must begin the pitch by presenting the ball to the kicker while standing on the pitcher’s rubber.
    2. The pitcher’s foot must be in contact with the pitcher’s plate, with the torso of the body facing the kicker, when the pitch is delivered. The pitch must be delivered with an underhand motion.
    3. The pitched ball must contact the ground at least three times before reaching the Kicker’s Box.
      1. A pitch that does not contact the ground at least three times is declared a ball unless the Kicker attempts to kick it.
    4. The pitched ball must not bounce higher than 1’ (one foot) above the ground upon reaching the Kicker’s Box.
      1. A pitch that bounces higher than 1’ inside the Kicker’s Box is declared a ball unless the kicker attempts to kick it.
      2. EXCEPTION: A “plate bouncy”, when the pitch hits home plate and the contours around the plate causes the pitch to bounce above 1’ high, is a NO PITCH. No ball or strike is awarded. No kick may be made.
    5. The pitcher must remain positioned inside the Pitcher’s Circle until the pitched ball is kicked.
      1. The kicker is awarded 1st base if the pitcher leaves the Pitcher Circle before the ball is kicked. The ball is dead.
  2. Kicking
    1. The kicker begins with a count of 1 ball and 1 strike. (1-1).
    2. The kicker is awarded a strike if they attempt to kick a pitch and miss it.
    3. The kicker is awarded a strike if they do not attempt to kick a legal pitch that rolls over or within 1’ of home plate.
    4. The kicker is awarded a foul ball strike if they kick any ball that first touches or is touched in foul territory.
    5. The kicker is awarded a foul ball strike if they contact any pitch outside the Kicker’s Box.
    6. The kicker is awarded a ball if they do not attempt to kick a pitch that rolls more than 1’ (one foot) from home plate.
    7. The kicker is awarded a ball if they do no attempt to kick a pitch that bounces more than 1’ high inside the Kicker’s Box.
    8. The kicker is awarded a ball if they do not attempt to kick a pitch that contacts the ground fewer than three times.
    9. The kicker is awarded 1st base if they accumulate a count of 4 pitched balls.
    10. The kicker is declared out if they accumulate a count of 3 strikes.
    11. EXCEPTION: If a kicker advances to a 2-strike count, then either one more strike or two foul ball strikes is an out. (The “Courtesy Foul” rule).
    12. The kicker must attempt any kick from within the Kicker’s Box. The kicker’s plant foot must be on or within the Box.
    13. Kicking/touching a pitch outside the Kicker’s Box is declared a foul ball strike.
    14. A kick must be made by a single contact of the foot or a leg below the knee.
    15. A pitch that contacts the kicker above the knee or is contacted more than once is declared a foul ball strike.
    16. The kick must enter the field without contacting foul territory.
    17. EXCEPTION: A ground ball kick must go through the Fair Ball Line.
    18. The kick must go past the “Fair Ball Line” drawn 10’ (ten feet) in front of Home Plate.
  3. Running
  4. A runner contacted by the ball while off base is out.
  5. EXCEPTION: After kicking the ball and running to 1st base safely, the runner may overrun 1st base and continue down the baseline without risk of being put out.
  6. After a runner safely overruns 1st base, that runner must return immediately to 1st base. A runner stepping toward 2nd base after overrunning 1st base puts the runner at risk of being put out by contact with the ball.
  7. A runner must remain in contact with the base until a pitched ball is kicked, or the runner is declared out. i) If the kicker “whiffs” or if a pitch is taken for a ball or strike, and the runner runs off base, the runner will be called out.
  8. It is always the responsibility of the runner to avoid contact with any fielder. Crashing into any fielder is Interference and the runner must be declared out.
  9. When running to 1st base, the runner must stay inside the marked Runner’s Lane and touch the ORANGE base in foul territory in order to avoid interfering with fielders.
  10. Fielding At other bases, runners are not required to slide, but they may never crash into a fielder. If a fielder is obstructing a base illegally, the umpire will rule Obstruction. Runners crashing the fielder will negate the Obstruction and invoke an Interference ruling by the Umpire.
  11. The fielding team must obtain 3 outs to complete their defensive 1/2 inning.
  12. Any kicked ball caught in the air before touching the ground is an out.
  13. Play continues if a ball is caught in foul territory. Runners may still tag up and advance.
  14. Any runner contacted by the ball while off base is an out.
  15. A fielder may not contact the runner with the ball in the head or neck. NO EXCEPTIONS. A runner contacted in the head/neck is awarded the base they are running to and the play is dead. A fielder may not contact the runner with the ball with excessive force when (in the umpire’s judgement) the runner is in a “defenseless” position. The umpire will award the runner the base and MAY eject the unsportsmanlike player.
  16. Any tag of a base by a fielder holding the ball prior to the arrival of a runner forced to that base is an out.
  17. Infield Fly Rule: An infield fly is a fair kick (not including a line drive nor an attempted bunt) which can be caught by an infielder with ordinary effort, when there is a force out at third base and there are less than two outs. As soon as the infield fly rule is invoked by the umpire, the kicker is automatically out as long as the fly ball stays fair.
  18. The infield fly rule may only be invoked by the judgement of the umpire, who shall call "infield fly" as soon as possible.
  19. If a called infield fly is caught, the kicker is automatically out, and runners must tag up before advancing.
  20. If an infield fly is dropped, the kicker is still out, and the ball is still live. Runners do not need to tag up, and all force outs are removed because the kicker is already out.
  21. If an infield fly goes foul, all normal rules about foul balls apply. The kicker shall only be called out if the ball is actually caught.
  22. A ball thrown or kicked by a fielder that strikes or goes over any fence surrounding the infield is a dead ball.
  23. A ball that strikes the fence in the outfield is still a live ball.
  24. Any ball that is deemed by the umpire to have struck a fence intentionally by a fielder to create a dead ball will be considered live.
  25. Runners who are currently between bases are awarded the next base they are running to.
  26. Fielders may not position themselves in any runner’s base path. Restricting the path of a runner is Obstruction. i) At 1st base, the fielder must not move into the Runner’s Lane at any time to field a throw. If warranted, defensive obstruction will be called and the runner awarded 1st base. The ball is dead.
  27. At 2nd and 3rd bases, the fielder must not obstruct the base or the path to the base until they possess the ball. The runner must be given free access to the base in a standing upright position. The fielder may not position themselves to “force” a runner to slow down or to slide.
  28. Any fielder may hold the ball inside the Pitcher’s Circle to end a play. The Umpire will call “Time Out” and the play is dead.
  29. Any runner advancing to a base is awarded that base. Other runners must return to the last base occupied. All infielders must remain positioned behind a diagonal line extending across the infield diamond from 1st base to 3rd base until the pitch is kicked.
  30. The kicker is awarded 1st base if a fielder advances in front of the diagonal before the ball is kicked. The ball is dead.
  31. The pitcher must remain positioned inside the Pitcher’s Circle and the catcher must remain positioned behind the back line of the Kicker’s Box to receive the pitched ball until the ball is kicked.
  32. The kicker is awarded 1st base if the pitcher leaves the Pitcher Circle before the ball is kicked. The ball is dead.
  33. Players should be aware of these Rules and Rules Supplements (RS) from the ASA Rules book that the Umpires will enforce:
  34. Base Runner’s Path (ASA Rule 8.7.A) -The base path is the direct line from where the runner is to the next base. A runner is out if they move more than three feet off that line. Three feet is about the length of an outstretched arm attempting a tag; i.e. -- it is very difficult to “dodge” a tag. It is also very difficult to get in a rundown and not leave the direct line to the next base.
  35. Crashing into a Fielder with the ball (ASA RS#13) - If a fielder has the ball, a runner cannot remain upright and make contact with that fielder. This is a “crash” and the runner MUST be called out. This includes plays at all bases, including home plate. The rule specifically states: “To prevent the out ruling, the runner may slide, jump over the defender holding the ball, or return to the previous base touched.” For a play at 1st base, the runner must avoid contact with a fielder, and may use either the orange or white base to do so.
  36. Obstruction (ASA RS#36) - Obstruction occurs when the defense hinders a runner in any way. A fielder without the ball must get out of the way of runners. The fielder cannot block access to the base waiting for a throw. A fielder cannot make a fake tag on a runner. (Note that a fielder committing Obstruction by blocking a base DOES NOT allow a runner to Crash into that fielder. Runners must avoid contact with fielders.)
  37. Blood Rule (ASA 4.9) Any player actively bleeding must leave the field until it is stopped. Blood on the uniform must be removed, cleaned or covered.
  38. The manager of the winning team must sign the umpire’s game card at the end of the game.
  39. Game protests are limited in nature and must use the following procedure: A. If a team is discovered not playing according to any local rules, the violation must be corrected before further play resumes. All completed play stands without the ability to protest. B. Judgment calls by the Umpire cannot be protested. Judgment calls include how many runs have scored and how many outs have been made. C. Protesting the use of an illegal player must be made no later than when the player in question first kicks. If a valid protest is made, the game will continue to be played to completion, under protest. D. If the manager believes an Umpire has misapplied a rule, the manager may file a protest. i) The manager must request an explanation of the rule being applied. ii) iii) The manager must inform the Umpire that a protest is registered. The Umpire will record appropriate game situation information. iv) The Umpire will file a protest report with the Field Supervisor. v) The manager must submit a typed a report of the protest within 24 hours of the Protested game to the Boulder Recreation Sports Office. (1) The protest must include a description of the game situation and which rule the Umpire misapplied. (2) The protest must include a $25 fee. (3) If the protest is upheld, the $25 fee will be refunded.

Gonzo Pickleball League Rules

We follow all USA pickleball rules.

General Rules

Below are our local rules as they apply to this league.

Each game is played to 11 win by 2. The third game is also played to 11 win by 2 or will end at the 55 minute mark of each hour. Whatever team is ahead at the 55 min mark will be the winner of that game. To win the set of games a team must win 2 of the 3 matches. If a team wins the first two matches and there is still time left feel free to play the third game. All games will be counted toward a teams record that will determine seeding by the end of the season.

The last week teams will be seeded based on their records during the first 7 weeks. The 8th week will crown the champion. Teams are required to report scores to the onsite supervisor. Scores will be posted typically within 24 hours. The home team will serve first. Please see schedule online to determine who the home team is. Teams will switch sides after each game.

Forfeits and Subs

We encourage teams to have a sub just in case one of their players cant make it. We highly discourage teams from forfeiting, but we understand things come up. Please let your league manager know right away if you need to forfeit. We encourage teams to play fair and exhibit good sportsmanship. If there is a discrepancy please try and work it out yourselves, however you can always ask our league supervisor for rule clarifications.

League Rules

The 2018 ASA Rule Book governs all league games with the exception of local league rules.


  • 1. All Leagues:
    • A. Teams are made up of 10 starting players. Additional players are substitutes for starting players.
    • B. Teams must have a minimum of 8 players to start play and to continue play. Failure to have 8 players at game time results in a Forfeit.
    • C. A team can finish a game with fewer players than they started with, provided the team continues to field the minimum number of 8 players at all times.
    • D. Before the start of each game, the team managers must meet with the Umpire to discuss rules and player conduct.
    • E. It is highly recommended that teams exchange lineups before the start of the game and keep their own score book. This will help teams self-police illegal players, enforce line ups, and aid in providing information regarding Protests. (See PLAYING RULES #18)
  • 2. Coed Leagues:
    • A. Teams are made up of 5 men and 5 women starting players.
    • B. Teams must have 2 men and 2 women in the outfield and 2 men and 2 women in the infield and opposite genders for the pitcher and catcher positions. Infielders must be positioned on the dirt of the infield diamond. Outfielders must be positioned on the grass of the outfield.
    • C. Teams may play with combinations of 5 men/4 women or 4 men/5 women.
    • D. Teams may play with a minimum combination of 4 men and 4 women. In this configuration, the pitcher/catcher must be opposite gender, and at least one man and one woman must play in both the infield and outfield.
  • 3. Limited Gender Restriction (LGR) League:
    • A. Teams may play with as few as 2 women or 2 men on the field at a time so long as they have at least 8 players on the field at all times.
  • 4. Women Players in Men’s Leagues:
    • A. Women may only play on Men’s teams in leagues where the City of Boulder does not offer an equivalent level Coed league (e.g. Men’s D Rec and D Comp leagues).
  • 5. Team Rosters:
    • A. Every player must sign a City of Boulder Team Roster for each team they play on before they can participate.
    • B. Players are considered ineligible if they have not signed a Team Roster.
    • C. Team Rosters are collected by the Field Supervisor the night of your first game.
    • D. Players can be added to a Team Roster during the season. Rosters are kept on file at each team’s respective field complex. See the Field Supervisor to add players to your Team Roster.
    • E. Players must be 18 years old to sign a Team Roster and play in Boulder Adult Softball Leagues.
    • F. Team Roster Freeze goes into effect after the last regular season game.
    • G. For Playoff Championships, Team Rosters may be checked along with player IDs before games. Players must pick one team to play on for the duration of the playoffs and cannot play for more than one team in the same league.
  • 6. Pick-up Players:
    • A. In order for teams to have enough players to start or continue a game, a team may “pick-up” players for a single night’s games. The “pick-up” player must have signed some team’s Team Roster in order to play (i.e. - they must already be a player “in the league”).
  • 7. Team Conduct:
    • A. Team Managers are responsible for the conduct of their team while in the dugout and on the playing field. The Umpire or the Field Supervisor will direct conduct violations to the Team Manager to be corrected before play resumes.
    • B. Teams must remain inside the dugout while at bat with the exception of the base coaches, the batter and the on-deck batter.
    • C. No alcoholic beverages are allowed on the field at any time.
    • D. No animals are allowed inside either Stazio Fields complex. No animals are allowed in the dugouts or on the fields at any time at Mapleton Fields complex.
    • E. It is each team’s responsibility to clean up after themselves after each game. All trash should be thrown away and all cans recycled. Teams that don’t pick up after themselves will be warned once and then fined $50.00. The fine must be paid before the team’s next game, or the game will be a Forfeit.


  • 1. Game Timing: All games start with 55 minutes on the clock, and counts down to zero. The Umpire will start the game clock immediately after meeting with the Team Managers before the game.
  • 2. Games scheduled for 6:00pm only:
    • A. If one team does not have the minimum 8 players to start the game, and the opposing team has 8 or more players, the opposing team has the option of accepting an immediate Forfeit. Alternatively, the game clock will start and a 10-minute grace period will be allowed to field enough players. Failure to field 8 players within the 10 minutes results in a Forfeit.
  • 3. The Field Supervisor may move a game to a different field, or may switch Home and Away teams, or switch Umpire assignments, in order to help keep scheduled games on time.
  • 4. Pitch Count:
    • A. All batters start with a count of 1 ball and 1 strike.
    • B. On the 3rd strike, the batter is allowed 1 foul ball. The next foul ball is an out. (Courtesy Foul Rule)
  • 5. Substitutes for Starting Players:
    • A. Additional players over the starting 10 players may hit anywhere in the batting order.
    • B. Additional players over the starting 10 players may substitute freely into defensive positions at any time in the game.
    • C. If a player takes a defensive position in the field, they must hit in the batting order.
    • D. If a player must leave the game, no automatic out is called for their position in the batting order.
  • 6. Courtesy (Pinch) Runners:
    • A. The Courtesy Runner must be the most recent batter of the same gender in the batting order who is not on base when the substitute is requested.
    • B. A Courtesy Runner must report to the Umpire.
    • C. D Leagues: One Courtesy Runner allowed per inning.
    • D. E Leagues: Unlimited Courtesy Runners are allowed.
    • E. LR Leagues: If all players of one gender are on base, and no teammate of same gender is available and a pinch runner is needed, the pinch runner may be of the opposite gender.
  • 7. Catchers box:
    • A. No chalked catcher’s box will be drawn on the field.
    • B. The catcher must be positioned behind the strike mat and within the outer boundaries of the batter’s boxes on either side of the plate.
  • 8. Strike Mat:
    • A. The strike mat will be 21” wide and 35” long, covering home plate.
    • B. Any pitched ball hitting any part of the strike mat is a strike.
  • 9. Walks:
    • A. If a male batter is walked (intentionally or unintentionally) with 4 balls, he is awarded 2nd base. With fewer than 2 outs, the female batter following must bat. With 2 outs, the female batter has the option to bat or to take a walk. A batted ball must be completed once the choice to swing has been made. If a female batter hits a foul ball with 2 strikes and 2 outs, the male batter is not allowed to automatically take 2nd base until that female batter has completed her at bat. This is a delayed dead ball situation.
  • 10. Ejections:
    • A. Players ejected from the game must leave the field and the playing area immediately.
    • B. Teams cannot replace ejected players. The team must field the remaining 9 or 8 players for the duration of the game.
    • C. Players who refuse to leave the field and playing area immediately when ejected will cause their team to forfeit the game and receive a team suspension.
  • 11. Double First Base Bag:
    • A. A double base will be used at first base. A batted ball hitting the white part of the base is fair. A batted ball hitting the colored part of the base is foul.
    • B. The batter-runner must touch the colored portion of the base, and the first baseman must touch the white portion of the base on the initial play at first base. On any attempt to force the batter-runner out at first base on a ball hit to the infield, the defense must use the white portion of the base, and the batter-runner must use the colored portion of the base.
  • 12. Home Runs:
    • A. An over-the-fence home run is allowed at Stazio Fields and Mapleton Fields. No home runs are allowed at East Mapleton Fields.
  • 13. 20-Run Rule: Any team leading by 20 runs after 3 innings, 15 runs after 4 innings, or 10 runs after 5 innings wins the game. The game is over.
  • 14. Tie Games: If the game is tied at the end of 7 innings and there is still time left on the clock, the game will continue until there is a winner or time runs out. If time runs out before the winner is determined, the game will be a tie. The “Tie Breaker” rule will not be used in regular season league games.
  • 15. Scoring Runs:
    • A. Players must touch home plate to score a run. The batter or base runner may be tagged out by a defensive player while attempting to touch home plate.
    • B. A commitment line will be drawn 20 feet from home plate. Once the runner crosses the commitment line, he/she cannot return to third base and must continue toward home plate. The runner is then subject to being tagged out by a defensive player while attempting to touch home plate. Any base runner who crosses the commitment line without continuing to touch home plate will be called out.
  • 16. Sliding:
    • A. Base runners may slide into a base or dive back to a base.
    • B. Any base runner who deliberately runs into a fielder in a forceful manner will be called out, and the base runner is subject to ejection from the game.
  • 17. Appeals:
    • A. Defensive teams may appeal to the umpire for a missed base or leaving a base early on a caught fly ball.
    • B. The appeal must be made before the next pitch or play.
    • C. The appeal must be made by tagging the base or the runner who missed the base or left early.
  • 18. Protests:
    • A. Protests must be made at the time of the infraction and before the next pitch or play.
    • B. The team manager must inform the umpire that the game is being played under protest.
    • C. The umpire will note the protest in the score book and the game will continue.
    • D. A written protest must be submitted to the Field Supervisor before leaving the complex.
    • E. The League Coordinator will review the protest and make a ruling.
    • F. The ruling of the League Coordinator is final.

Objectives and Purposes

The objectives and purposes of the Boulder Parks and Recreation Department adult athletic leagues shall be: to foster, develop, promote and regulate amateur athletics within the City of Boulder area; to establish rules and regulations governing all teams participating; to engage in any activity that will be beneficial to the participants’ and the leagues’ well-being; and to extend the sports listed herein as wholesome recreational activities.

General Policy Statement

The Boulder Parks and Recreation Department reserves the right to change any and all rules, regulations, and policies whenever due cause warrants a change. When a change is made, all managers of teams affected by such a change will be notified immediately.


  1. Rosters – Each player must sign the City of Boulder roster before they can participate in any league.
    1. Players must sign a roster for each team they play on.
    2. Rosters will be collected by the officials during the first week of games.
    3. Players can be added to a team roster at any time (besides week of championships) by contacting the game official. Rosters will be kept on file at the gym.
    4. Players are considered illegal if they have not signed the team roster.
  2. No entry fees will be refunded after the registration deadline.
  3. Any team being suspended from the league will not receive a refund.
  4. Competitive Parity – The Program Coordinator has the right to place teams appropriately to preserve competitive parity. Teams that win their league with 0 or 1 loss MUST move up a division the following season. This move may only be waived if the roster changes by 2 or more players.


  1. Player Age – Participants must be at least 18 years of age in order to play in the adult leagues.
  2. Roster/Managers Responsibility – All players must sign the roster to be eligible. Players from another team may sub within the same division, but a D1 player may not sub for a D2 team. Managers are responsible for rosters and the correct and complete information on them.
  3. Roster Changes – Team rosters are kept on file with the officials. Players may be added to the team roster 5 minutes before the game. No roster additions accepted during championship week.
  4. Unsportsmanlike Conduct – In cases of unsportsmanlike conduct the following steps will be taken by the official:
    1. Warning
    2. Yellow Card
    3. Red Card
      Any player or coach who is ejected from a game is automatically ineligible for the team’s next game.

Postponements, Forfeits, and Protests

  1. Adverse Weather – Games will not be canceled unless the recreation centers are closed. Call the weather line: 303- 441-3410. We will update this line as soon as a final decision is made.
  2. Forfeits – Teams that needs to forfeit must contact the Program Coordinator by 4:00 pm or face a $25.00 fine. A team with three forfeits during a season will be dropped from the league, and their opponents’ remaining games will be rescheduled. Forfeiting the first game still warrants the $25.00 fine. If a team does not have enough players at the time their game is to begin it is considered a forfeit. The second game will begin 20 minutes after the scheduled time, and the 3rd will begin 40 minutes after the scheduled time.
  3. Protest – A protest will be ruled upon by the Rules Committee when it concerns player eligibility or rules interpretation. Protests involving referees’ decisions (judgment) will not be considered. All protests involving rule interpretations must be submitted to the Program Coordinator within 24 hours. The official must be informed that the game is under protest before the ball is put into play.
  4. Disputes With Referee – If a dispute occurs, the referee will talk to the team captain only. All others must retire from the immediate vicinity. Anyone violating this rule will be ejected from the game.
  5. Games

  6. All games will be played under current USAV Rules except for changes and additions noted in the City of Boulder Rules.

City of Boulder Rules

  1. Start and End Time – Games will start at 5 minutes after the hour (6:05, 7:05, etc). Teams will have from the top of the hour until 5 minutes after the hour to warm up. All games will end at the top of the hour (7:00, 8:00, etc). If teams have not finished their 3rd game, the score at the top of the hour is the final score.
  2. Scoring – Rally scoring will be used. In the rally score system, a point will be awarded on either service or side out; teams receiving service may score in this system. A game is won by the team which first scores 21 points with a minimum point lead of two points or when the cap of 25 points is reached. The 3rd game is played to 21 points with a cap of 25 points or to as many points possible till time runs out on the hour.
  3. Ghost Player - Teams may play with as few as 4 players. One ghost player will be enforced, the team short loses 1 point and loses the ball on a sideout when the ghost rotates back to serve.– exception; if both teams are short the same amount of players the ghost position is ignored.
    1. When playing with 5 players, there will always be 3 positions in the front row. With 4 players, the server is the only back row player.
    2. Exception: D1 Division Only- the “Ghost Player” must rotate through the front row, leaving 2 players in the front row during the applicable rotations.
  4. First Serve – A flip of the coin will occur on the hour. The winning team of the coin toss chooses serve, side, or receive. For the 2nd game the opposing team will serve first and another flip of the coin will determine the first server of the 3rd game.
  5. Uniforms – Players are encouraged to wear numbers on the front of their shirts. No duplicate numbers on a team. Like-colored shirts are encouraged. If a libero is used, they must wear a different colored shirt than the rest of the team.
    1. No hats are to be worn during matches.
  6. Substitutions – Each team is allowed 12 subs maximum each match. You can make a sub whenever the ball is not in play.
  7. Time Outs – Each team is allowed 2 timeouts per game. However, in the 3rd game you cannot use a timeout within the last 5 minutes of play. Since our games have a time limit this rule is to be enforced so teams do not stall at the end of the match.
  8. Balance of Players - For coed teams: teams may not play with 4 men and 2 women for full strength. However, a team can play with 4 women and 2 men for full strength. Women must out number or be equal to men during play. In the case where there are not 3 women, teams can play with 3 men and 2 women with a ghost player. This rule is in place to not give an advantage to the team with 4 men. Sexes must alternate in the rotation, except when playing with 4 women I.
  9. Coed Rule Difference –
    1. If a ball is contacted more than twice by a team, one contact must be made by a woman.
    2. A man may come from the back row to block, provided there is only one man positioned in the front row at that time.
  10. Successive Contacts – A player may have successive contacts of the ball during blocking and during a single attempt to make the first team hit of a ball coming from the opponents, even if the ball is blocked, provided the ball is not held or thrown. Any other player contacting the ball more than once, with any part of the body, without an intervening contact by another player, will be considered to have committed a fault. Which results in a side out and point awarded to the opposing team.
  11. Special Ground Rules –
    1. East Boulder Recreation Center: touching the curtain is a fault, even after playing the ball; the basketball goals and supports are attached to, and thus are part of, the wall; the ventilation tubes are part of the wall, except that the square portion is low enough – less than 15 feet – that a replay may be granted if contact prevents a player, who was in position, from playing the ball.
    2. North Boulder Recreation Center: since overhanging objects (goals, supports, speakers) are within 6 feet of the court, a replay may be granted if contact prevents a player, who was in position, from playing the ball – the overhead pipes and beams are part of the ceiling, so the ball must actually contact a wall to be considered “out” – servers may contact the end line, but may not completely cross it.
  12. Officials and Officials Authority
    1. Officials, as chosen by the Parks and Recreation Department, shall have full authority over the game.
    2. Officials have authority to recommend suspension of players to the Parks and Recreation Department.
  13. Player Conduct
    1. Manager Responsibility – Managers of the teams shall be responsible for the conduct of their players and the spectators in the stands favoring their teams.
    2. Any player ejected for any reason may be suspended or ejected out of the league. This includes any incident before, during, or after games. The end of a game will not protect players or coaches from discipline and penalties. Ejected players must leave the playing facility immediately.
    3. It is the responsibility of the manager to make sure all players have a copy of these rules and code of conduct.
  14. Tie Breaker
    1. If a tie occurs at the end of the regular season the following tie break order will occur:
      1. Winning Percentage
      2. Head-To-Group
      3. Head-To-Group Differential
      4. Common Opponents
      5. Coin Toss
  15. Miscellaneous
    1. Food or Drink – No food or drinks besides water are allowed in the gym at any time
    2. Children – Children who accompany participating parents as spectators must remain seated in the spectator area. Children who run around unattended are a safety hazard to the players as well as themselves. They may be asked to leave.