2025 Funding Structure

GENERAL OPERATING SUPPORTExtra Large Orgs (Renewal) 9@ $55,000$495,000
Extra Large Org (New - estimated) 2 est.@ $55.000$110,000
Large Orgs (Renewal) 10@ $22,000$220,000
Large Org (New - estimated) 4 est.@ $22,000$88,000
Mid Orgs (Renewal) 9@ $11,000$99,000
Mid Org (New - estimated) 5 est.@ $11,000$55,000
Small Orgs (Renewal) 14@ $8,800$123,200
Small Orgs (New - estimated) 5 est. @ $8,800$44,000
PROJECT GRANTSCommunity Projects - Orgs 6@ $10,000$60,000
Community Projects – Indv 5@ $5,000$25,000
Arts Education Project Grants 10@ $3,000$30,000
STRATEGIC FUNDSRental Assistance Grant 37@~$1,000$37,000
Artist Hiring Incentive Grants 18@ $3,000$54,000
SCHOLARSHIPSProfessional Development Scholarships 16@~$500$8,000
Leadership Pipeline Fund 2@ $8,000$16,000
Cultural Field Trip Fund 5@~$2,000$10,000
SPONSORSHIPSAssistance for Grant Writing 8@ $500$4,000
TOTAL $1,478,200

Our funding structure for 2025 was based off our Bridge-Year Needs and Funding Assessment. The base for 2024 funding was $925,000; the remainder was one-time approved funding and American Rescue Plan Act funds. Our 2025 grant structure represents a 60% increase in base funding from 2024. Information about how to become involved with our Boulder Arts Blueprint, which will shape the next iteration of the Community Cultural Plan and guide usage of the Arts, Culture and Heritage Tax, will be available soon.

The Macky Auditorium Fee Waiver and eTown Hall Fee Waiver awards are not included in the funding structure.

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