Joint Boulder Junction Access District Commissions Meeting

For the time being, both the Boulder Junction Access District Parking Commission (BJAD - Parking) and the Boulder Junction Access District Travel Demand Management Commission (BJAD - TDM) meet at the same time and location, and are treated as a joint commission. Both commissions typically meet on the third Wednesday of every other month at 4 p.m. at the Community Vitality Department, 1500 Pearl Street, Suite 300. They are currently being held virtually for the public.

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Boulder Junction Access District Commissions Meeting 11/13/2024 18:00 11/13/2024 16:00 America/Denver MM/DD/YYYY CONFIRMED OPAQUE

Meeting Details

Meeting Details:

Join 11/13 BJAD Joint Commissions Meeting

Webinar ID: 825 4488 0215


  1. Roll Call
  2. Procedural Items

    A. Approval of September 18, 2024, Meeting Minutes

    B. Approval of Proposed 2025 BJAD Parking & BJAD TDM Meeting Dates

    C. Election for Chair and Vice-Chair

    D. Boards & Commissions Vacancy and Recruitment Update

  3. Public Participation
  4. Consent Agenda – Topics will not be discussed unless there are questions posed by the Commission. Please reference the consent agenda memo.
  5. Fund Financials– The fund will not be discussed unless there are questions posed by the Commission. Please reference the packet attachment.
  6. CAGID Visitation Report ( – The report will not be discussed unless there are questions posed by the Commission. Please reference the packet attachment.
  7. RTD Services Update for Boulder Junction
  8. Boulder Transportation Connections (BTC) Update
  9. Matters from Staff

    A. Improvement District Analysis Update

    B. 2025 Budget Update

  10. Matters from Commissioners

    A. 2025 BJAD-Parking and BJAD-TDM Commissions’ Priorities

  11. Next BJAD Commissions Meeting: 4 p.m., Tuesday, January 22, 2025
  12. Adjourn