No. This project is looking at potential funding for the recreation center locations we currently operate. All three recreation centers are an important part of our community and we have no plans to close any of them.

While the current South Boulder Recreation Center building is approaching the end of its operational life cycle, the city is in the early stages of planning for the future of the SBRC building and all three of our recreation centers

Right now, we are exploring creative financial solutions to fund rec center renovations. Those results will determine the next steps and timing for future recreation center plans in 2024 and beyond. We’re just getting started in this process.

Future decisions could involve shifting around services available at existing recreation centers. Once we have financing information, community engagement will inform the decisions about what services are offered in each recreation center.

Sign up for the email list and fill out the questionnaire by June 2. We will keep you informed of future engagement. There will be multiple upcoming opportunities to engage.

Staff recognizes that recreation buildings are aging. As buildings, like our three recreation centers, get older, they become more expensive to maintain. Some of the recreation centers are nearing the end of their life.

Staff also recognizes the need for creative financing to support city recreation centers and other city-owned buildings beyond currently identified funding. As staff explores financing options, we are engaging the community on what our future recreation centers could include. If financing becomes available in future years, we want to be ready to continue the planning and design process that we are starting now.

No decisions have been madeon the design of the Recreation Centers and the community services they will provide in the future. Decisions will be guided by community engagement, policy directive and research.

Blended approach diagram showing how community engagement, research and policy impact a recommendation along with sustainability equity and resilience.

Using this model, future decisions will be made in collaboration with Facilities and Fleet department, Parks and Recreation department, Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and City Council

See the full timeline and updates for current information.

There are lots of possibilities for what future rec centers could include. We want to hear your ideas.

​​​​​​​We always consider operations, including staffing, during the design process.

​​​​​​​This phase of the project will NOT specifically address recreation center operating hours.

​​​​​​​Recreation fees are set independently of the cost of capital projects. Programming and operating costs are considered when determining recreation fees. The financing Facilities is exploring is also not anticipated to impact recreation fees.

Parking, multi-modal transportation and accessibility will be part of the design process once financing is identified.

The 2021 Facilities Master Plan is the guiding policy document for the City of Boulder’s Facilities and Fleet department (Facilities). It provides a holistic view of the city’s entire building portfolio and sets the strategic direction for 75 buildings with over 1.8 million square feet. The 2021 Facilities Master Plan is unique because it spans all city departments, unlike most master plans that are specific to the department’s services in the community.

BPR’s 2021 Indoor Recreation Facility Assessment was prepared as part of the 2022 BPR Master Plan. The assessment is a conceptual overview of BPR’s primary indoor recreation facilities. As an overview, it highlights key observations and opportunities identified by previous assessments, staff input, and a visual assessment of each facility. The report also highlights where more research and evaluation needs to be conducted for aging infrastructure with consideration of programming needs and trends.

The key themes from each department plan will help guide decisions:

Key themes from Facilities and from Parks and Recreation plans.