The Design Advisory Board typically meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 4 p.m. The board will meet either in the City Council Chambers, 1777 Broadway or hold the meeting virtually. The dates, times and locations are subject to change.
Upcoming Events
Board Agendas and Materials
Design Advisory Board Meetings
New videos will be posted within three business days of each meeting.
Contact Design Advisory Board
Speaking at the Design Advisory Board Meeting Instructions
- Any correspondence you wish the Board to review MUST be received via email at least 48 hours prior to the beginning of the meeting. Anything received after the 48 hour window has closed will not be considered.
- Submit written comments in advance of the hearing to Please note that we currently CANNOT accept mail. Only email will be received at this time.
- There is no sign-up form for public comment at the Design Advisory Board meetings. Public comment will be taken at the designated time during the meeting.
- Speak under public comment or observe the public hearing via video conference. The conference link will be at the top of the agenda on the appropriate event page.
- Call in to the public hearing video conference via telephone (if computer audio is not available).