Community can provide feedback on the recommended conceptual design in person or online
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The City of Boulder has completed a formal evaluation of four conceptual design alternatives to make travel on Iris Avenue between Broadway and 28th Street safer, better connected and more comfortable for all. The evaluation identified a recommended conceptual alternative for the Iris Avenue Transportation Improvements Project. The city invites the community to view and provide feedback on the recommended alternative beginning July 19.
Community members can view and provide feedback on the recommendation online or in person at the project’s third set of open houses: the Virtual Iris Avenue Open House from the afternoon of July 19 to Aug. 15, and the In-Person Iris Avenue Open House on July 23 from 4-6 p.m. at Calvary Bible Church of Boulder (3245 Kalmia Ave., Boulder, CO 80301). Input will inform the final recommendation to the Transportation Advisory Board and City Council this fall.
The evaluation and recommendation are part of the city’s Community and Environmental Assessment Process which includes:
- The Community and Environmental Assessment Process (CEAP) Checklist, which evaluates the potential social and environmental impacts of each alternative. This provides an opportunity to balance multiple community goals in the design of a capital project by assessing consistency with citywide plans and policies such as the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan, Transportation Master Plan and Vision Zero Action Plan.
- 17 project-specific criteria evaluating for traffic safety, safe and comfortable connections, transportation operations, implementation feasibility and sustaining the tree canopy.
- Community feedback, with high priorities including vehicle travel time, crash reductions, biking and walking safety and comfort, crossing safety and comfort, vehicle speed moderation and preserving existing trees.
More information will be available at the open houses. Community members can also view the June 2024 project fact sheets online for answers to common questions.
Iris Avenue is one of three corridors prioritized for improvements on the Core Arterial Network (CAN). The CAN is Boulder’s connected system of multimodal transportation — taking the bus, driving, biking and walking — improvements along Boulder’s main corridors that will help reduce the potential for severe crashes and make it more comfortable and convenient for people to get where they need to go.
Learn more and sign up for updates on the project webpage.