Community invited to provide input on current and potential water conservation efforts
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The City of Boulder has begun the process of updating the Water Efficiency Plan (WEP). The project includes a 10-minute online questionnaire available from April 3 to April 28 in English and Spanish to gather input on the community’s values around water conservation efforts. Questionnaire respondents will be entered into a raffle to win a $50 gift card to Downtown Boulder.
The purpose of the 2023 WEP update is to provide guidance for implementing the city’s Water Conservation Program in a way that is compatible with the Colorado Water Plan, the city’s water supply system, adopted water conservation goals and community values.
“While Boulder has a resilient water supply system with several water sources, water conservation is a priority for Boulder and the community’s feedback are a significant part of the update,” said Robby Glenn, project manager. “The plan is part of a larger citywide effort to efficiently manage our natural resources and support living systems that need water to thrive.”
The city is required by the State Department of Natural Resources Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB) to update the WEP every seven years. Once the draft plan is complete following the first phase of community engagement, it will be available for a 60-day public comment and review process.
Find the questionnaire online or learn more on the 2023 WEP webpage. For City of Boulder water conservation efforts and current programs, incentives and tools, visit the Water Conservation webpage.