Project Overview
The Gregory Canyon Creek Flood Mitigation project is dedicated to reducing flood risks, enhancing stream health, and improving public safety in the Gregory Canyon Creek watershed. This comprehensive initiative includes various measures to effectively manage and mitigate flooding, ensuring the safety and resilience of nearby communities. In addition to flood risk reduction, the project aims to preserve the natural environment.
Gregory Canyon Creek originates in City of Boulder Open Space. From the city limits at Flagstaff Road to its confluence with Boulder Creek, Gregory Canyon Creek is approximately 1.8 miles in length and the watershed associated with this creek is approximately 1.9 square miles.
The upper part of the watershed is south of the city limits. Upslope areas are covered with a variety of rock outcroppings, thick residual soils on bedrock, and thicker debris, alluvium, and slope wash deposits that are vegetated with grasses, trees, and shrubs. Deeper soils and wetland vegetation are found on alluvial deposits adjacent to streams. A well-defined channel is visible upstream of Flagstaff Road. The Gregory Canyon trail is located along this section of the creek.