Where to Get Help

The City of Boulder, Boulder County and area agencies offer services for individuals and families experiencing homelessness or trying to stay housed.

Services Overview

Resources and services for adults, youth and families are listed below.

What do I do if I am concerned about someone experiencing homelessness?

If someone is in crisis or there is a reason to worry about immediate safety, call 911. If there is no life-safety concern, please contact the Boulder Police Department’s non-emergency phone line at 303-441-3333. Dispatchers are trained to determine the right personnel to send to the situation, whether it is CARE, CIRT or Police/Fire.

If you have a relationship with someone experiencing homelessness and it feels safe to do so, you can suggest they connect with Coordinated Entry.

Day Services Center

Hours & Location

  • The center is located at the All Roads Shelter at 4869 Broadway.
  • Open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. Those participating in day services are welcome to stay for overnight shelter if capacity allows.

Lunch Services

Lunch is served at 11:45 a.m. Monday through Friday.


A free shuttle is provided between downtown and the Shelter.

  • From downtown Boulder to the Shelter: 10:45 a.m.
  • From the Shelter to downtown Boulder: 1:30 p.m.


Available services include:

  • Coordinated Entry
  • Diversion services
  • Case management services
  • Showers
  • Coin-operated washing machines and free drying
  • Phones
  • Wi-fi
  • Device charging

Single Adult Homeless Services

Coordinated Entry

Coordinated Entry is a required step for anyone seeking homeless-related services in Boulder County.

  • Services include shelter; help identifying housing options, basic-needs services, case management and more.
  • Talk with a staff person and go through a short assessment to help connect you with the best resources.
  • Coordinated Entry is available by phone or in person. Call 303-579-4404 or visit All Roads Shelter at 4869 North Broadway from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday.
  • After hours, you may go to All Roads Shelter from 5 to 7 p.m. and complete the assessment at the next available time to access future services.


Once Coordinated Entry is completed, qualified individuals can access Navigation Services at All Roads Shelter.

In the Navigation Program, clients will participate in housing-focused case management. Navigation Services are intended to eliminate or reduce time in homeless services for adults by providing short-term assistance including access to employment, benefits and basic needs, coupled with an overnight shelter.

Diversion Services

Diversion Services are provided through the Coordinated Entry process. These services provide light assistance for such things as reunification to families or support systems or assistance with landlord communication. The goal of the Diversion Services program is to keep people from entering long-term homelessness or the sheltering system. While all people who are screened through Coordinated Entry are eligible for Diversion Services, it is the primary resource for people who are not Boulder County residents.

More Community Resources

All Roads Shelter has a list of additional resources. You can view this list on the shelter's website.

Family Services

Emergency Family Assistance Association

The Emergency Family Assistance Association (EFAA) provides services for families in need, including:

  • Housing
  • Food
  • Support with critical expenses such as rent and minor medical costs
  • Guidance by case managers

EFAA's Housing Program provides both short-term and transitional housing.

  • Call EFAA at 303-442-3042 to make an appointment with a case manager.

Youth and Young Adult Services

TGTHR (formerly Attention Homes) 

TGTHR provides safe housing, food, clothing, counseling, employment help, health care, transportation assistance and other support services to individuals ages 12 to 24.

  • Drop-in Center: Open every day, 12:30 to 5:30 p.m.
  • Overnight emergency shelter: Open every night, 5 to 8 p.m.
  • Appointments: Can be scheduled every day between 8 a.m. and noon.

More information

Safe Shelter

Domestic Violence

Safehouse Progressive Alliance for Nonviolence (SPAN) provides services including crisis intervention, shelter, legal advocacy and counseling for adults, youth and children who have been impacted by domestic or dating violence or are questioning unhealthy aspects of their relationship.

  • If you or someone you know needs help, call SPAN's 24-hour hotline at 303-444-2424 or email hotline@safehousealliance.org. You can also contact SPAN by phone at 303-449-8623 or by mail at:
    835 North Street
    Boulder, CO 80304

Pregnant Women

Haven Ridge provides safe shelter for pregnant women and women choosing adoption who are in need. Residents can participate in birthing, pregnancy and parenting classes at Boulder Foothills Hospital, paid for by Haven Ridge, and receive information on how to connect with community services, many of which require a legal residence, including pre-natal and birthing health care, Medicaid and Food Stamps, Woman and Infant Children (WIC) program, and Colorado Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP).

  • Call Haven Ridge at 303-447-9602.

Critical Weather

What is Critical Weather?

Critical Weather Conditions are considered to be when there is a forecasted (by the National Weather Service):

  • Warning for blizzard or dangerous winds with gusts in excess of 70 M.P.H., OR
  • Predicted low temperature of 20°F or below during the day, OR
  • Predicted six inches or more of snowfall.


More Information

We recognize that critical weather is likely during Colorado winters and can be especially impactful to those who are unhoused.

  • Beds are limited and there is no guarantee of bed availability.
  • People are encouraged to make other arrangements where possible or to engage with year-round programming.
  • Individuals seeking shelter and services are strongly encouraged to contact Coordinated Entry at 303-579-4404 to be assessed for available services. Walk-up, in-person Coordinated Entry is available at All Roads Shelter, 4869 North Broadway, Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
  • The All Roads Shelter facility has 180 beds.

To access this service, people must meet certain requirements.

  • Arrive before 7 p.m.
  • Be in good standing and follow the shelter’s health and safety requirements.

Extreme Weather Shelter

When will an Extreme Weather Shelter open?

When conditions meet the criteria below, and the City of Boulder has the necessary resources, the city may open an Extreme Weather Shelter. An Extreme Weather Shelter will only be activated when conditions are consistently expected to last a minimum of three nights and there is:

  1. A forecasted consistent daily high of 5°F or below when accompanied by heavy precipitation or forecasted blizzard, heavy wind (in excess of 30MPH sustained/70MPH gusts), or extreme winter weather watch/warning; or
  2. A forecasted consistent nightly low of 0°F or lower.

More Information

All forecasts are to be provided by the National Weather Service, and decisions to open and close the Extreme Weather Shelter will be made based on forecasts 48 hours, minimum, in advance of opening the shelter.

Resource Summary

ServiceDescriptionPopulation Served
Coordinated Entry (CE) Initial screening for access to shelter and programs. All single adults experiencing homelessness.
Diversion Services Addresses immediate crises through problem-solving, financial assistance, connection to mediation resources, family reunification, mental health and transportation to help people avoid entering the shelter system or homelessness. Open to all Boulder County residents.
Navigation ServicesSheltering with case management and services to support basic needs, health and exiting homelessness into housing. Access to reserved beds until housed.All single adults experiencing homelessness.
Critical Weather NightsLife-safety shelter during inclement weather. Must go through CE (with grace night provided) and can use for 90 nights. All people experiencing homelessness who have been screened through CE but are not currently engaged with a program.
Non-Congregate Shelter (NCS)Hotel or sheltering provided with separate sleeping spaces.People designated by All Roads Shelter or participants in specific sheltering programs such as SPAN and Haven Ridge.