Boulder's Public Art Program

The public art program and its guiding policy commission a wide variety of artworks representing the most innovative approaches to contemporary practice in the arts, works of enduring value, and a diversity of artists and arts experiences within the city of Boulder.

The public art website pages are currently under construction. For questions please contact

Public art on Boulder bike path with pedestrian and cyclist travel

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Sign up for the bimonthly Office of Arts and Culture Newsletter to get updates on Arts Commission meetings, events, public art projects, grants, resources, and more.

Ways to Get Involved in Public Art

Serve on a public art selection panel

Every public art project is determined through a unique selection panel of community members. We’re looking for artists, arts professionals, and all-around community members interested in helping select artists for upcoming public art projects – like the murals featured in the Boulder Public Library Restrooms for All. Email us at with any questions, or if you’d like to join the roster of folks for a selection panel, email a one page letter of interest and resume.

Become a public art steward

Email if you see artwork that is damaged or vandalized so we can conserve it.

Take a guided public art tour!

Register in advance for walking tours of downtown's public art. Offered most Saturdays at 11 a.m. and Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. through August 31.

Public Art Resources

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