Sarah Huntley, Communication and Engagement Director, 720-908-5722
Wendy Schwartz, Reimagine Policing Project Manager, 303-519-5420
The City of Boulder is opening up a second window of engagement in connection with its efforts to reimagine policing and update the Police Department’s Master Plan.
This summer, the city invited community members to share their values, hopes and concerns for the future of policing in Boulder. Open-ended feedback was collected during in-person and virtual listening sessions, online at Be Heard Boulder and through community connectors in harder to reach populations. The goal was to create a safe space for everyone to share ideas in their own words rather than preconceived concepts.
The quantitative and qualitative data collected were used to develop the following draft Reimagine Policing values statements, which the city plans to use as touchpoints and an aspirational vision throughout the remainder of the planning process. The summary report for Engagement Window I: Values, Hopes & Concerns, including links to all public feedback, is available at Reimagine Policing | City of Boulder (
Proposed Values Statements
We feel safe in our community when:
In addition to creating value statements, the city analyzed community feedback to define and refine possible focus areas that could shape the final plan. The proposed focus areas are as follows:
Integrating with Community
Ensuring Right Response, Role for Police
Providing Leadership in Preventing/Reducing Crime
Serving as a Trusted Partner in Equity, Anti-Racism, Support for Vulnerable Populations
Partnership/communication with communities/organizations representing traditionally marginalized populations to improve access, communication with the department and its services
Recruiting & Supporting a Professional Workforce with Integrity
Modeling Transparency & Accountability
For the next two weeks, the city is seeking feedback about whether these values and proposed focus areas resonate with the community. Community members are asked to complete a short form on now through October 17, 2021. Feedback received will be used to further refine these values and focus areas and then present them to City Council for input in late November/early December 2021. Once the focus areas are solidified, the city will begin to draft strategies and priorities in each category and ask the community for feedback again starting in December 2021.
The Police Master Plan is expected to be completed in the fall of 2022 and will serve as a vision for the future with goals on how the police department will serve the community. More information about this process and the full summary report for Window I is available at Reimagine Policing | City of Boulder (