National Preparedness Month is observed across the United States each September to raise awareness about the importance of preparing for disasters and emergencies that could happen at any time.

In Boulder, our unique natural environment can make us highly prone to potentially catastrophic events such as wildfires, blizzards and flash flooding. And our changing climate means that weather events like these will happen more often and with greater severity.

It’s critical that if you live or work in Boulder, you’re prepared to respond quickly if there’s a wildland fire, flood or other disaster.

Here are some ways you can prepare: 

  • Sign up to receive local emergency alerts to your phone via the Everbridge notification system.

  • Check out our Emergency Preparedness Guide to learn how you can get ready for disasters in Boulder, including what to pack in a “go-bag,” where to find information in the event of an emergency and the different types of emergency alerts that may be sent out.

  • Fill out the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Make a Plan Form to determine how you’ll reconnect with your family if separated in the event of an emergency.

  • If you or a loved one has a disability, visit for tips on how to best prepare for emergencies.

  • Have you and your family download the FEMA mobile app to receive real-time weather alerts, send notifications to loved ones, locate emergency shelters in your area, and more.

Explore more ways you can be prepared at

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