1. Community Engagement

  2. Plan

  3. Design

  4. Implement

Project Overview

The Alpine-Balsam property, formerly the Boulder Community Health (BCH) hospital, was purchased by the City of Boulder in 2015. Plans for redevelopment have taken shape over the past several years. The reimagined site will provide new affordable and market-rate homes in a range of housing types and will be the future location of the Western City Campus to serve city customers and house municipal functions. It will include new indoor and outdoor public spaces, new streets and paths, sustainable solutions for infrastructure and buildings, increased tree canopy, a greenway for flood conveyance, easy-to-use travel options and managed parking. The vision for the area is guided by the Alpine-Balsam Area Plan (PDF).

The city officially broke ground at the Alpine-Balsam site on Dec. 17, 2024 in advance of construction of the flood mitigation project and Western City Campus in 2025. View site renderings, and other information (PDF) from our recent Open House in January 2025.


Alpine Balsam Overall Site Timeline

View a larger vision of the above timeline


Dec. 17, 2024 — Official Groundbreaking


  • Floodway and site infrastructure construction has begun. The floodway work is expected to last through 2025, with final landscape planting occurring in the spring of 2026.
  • Western City Campus Construction begins spring 2025.

View a map of the site overview below. Select a building to learn more.

View a full screen version of the map

Alpine-Balsam Site Overview

What's Coming?

Flood Mitigation

The city will begin construction of a floodway mitigation channel to remove the properties on the Alpine-Balsam site from the flood zone in 2025. This work will be more than just a floodway, and will include extensive landscaping, an improved bicycle lane, enhanced pedestrian crossings, a plaza and pedestrian walkway improvements.

The floodway project will provide recreational connections that are safe from Broadway to the North Boulder Park and aesthetic facets of the flood conveyance channel that runs along Balsam. Ensuring newly developed housing is placed out of the floodplain and using carefully selected vegetation to enhance the floodway infrastructure. This will be done through selecting native vegetation to create an urban habitat for pollinators, birds, and other urban wildlife. Providing the community with a sense of connection to a healthy urban waterway by creating gathering spaces.

Watch a digital rendering flythrough of the flood mitigation project.

Alpine-Balsam Flood Mitigation Project Design Flythrough

Western City Campus

ZGF Architects were selected in July 2022 as the design team for the Western City Campus and tasked with proceeding on the design of the Pavilion Building renovation, new civic plaza, parking garage, and other site-wide elements. Since ZGF was selected, extensive work has been done to analyze the city’s needs, determine the required environmental and regulatory requirements, and develop funding strategies. Saunders construction was selected in June 2024 as the General Contractor for the Western City Campus. Work will begin in spring 2025.


Led by Boulder Housing Partners. More information and updates to come!

What We've Done?

Hospital Deconstruction

The city successfully completed the deconstruction of the hospital in fall 2023. Many materials from the hospital were directly reused in other projects or recycled. Overall, 94% of all the building materials from the deconstruction of the hospital were diverted away from the landfill. The steel from the hospital was removed and reused in several city projects, including the new Fire Station 3.

See page 13 of the Winter 2023 Community Newsletter for an article about the sustainable deconstruction of this site.

Deconstruction Time Lapse

Boulder Community Hospital Deconstruction Aerial Photographs

Stay Informed

  • Sign-up for the Western City Campus and Site e-newsletter to receive project updates.
  • Sign-up for the city’s planning e-newsletter to receive city-wide planning updates.

Frequently Asked Questions

During construction, the Alpine-Balsam flood channel will have an opening of the box culvert (a concrete structure that allows water to flow under the street) under 9th St. that discharges into the open channel in the Alpine-Balsam site. This feature is a first step in resolving the flooding issues occurring in the park during heavy rain events.

Long term, North Boulder Park’s storm infrastructure will undergo some upgrades to increase capacity. See the North Boulder Park Renovation Project webpage for more information.

Park users can expect to have access to most of the park during the construction of the Alpine-Balsam flood channel.

The City of Boulder Parks & Recreation Department is renovating the northern end of the park. More information on the North Boulder Park Renovation Project is available online.

The City of Boulder and contractor, Mile High Flood District will jointly be responsible for maintaining the new flood channel on the Alpine-Balsam site.

Tree impacts are an unfortunate reality of all flood mitigation projects. However, the city is working diligently to minimize tree removal as much as possible while ensuring the project meets its design flow and safety requirements. In the project design, the city’s plan is to replace the trees removed and add more tree canopy to the area.

The city will be keeping all the existing mature trees in North Boulder Park.

There will be a total of 434 parking spaces available to the Alpine-Balsam site to be used by affordable and senior housing residents, city employees and visitors to the site.

Parking for the multi-family market rate units, city staff and visitors will all be shared with the remaining spots. The townhouses will be self-parked.

The city has worked with independent consultants to conduct a supply and demand analysis of multi-family residential sites to determine the parking need at Alpine-Balsam. In 2024, the study determined that 0.95 spaces are needed per dwelling unit.

The city is allocating one parking spot per dwelling until.

The site design includes several pedestrian crossing improvements to increase safety, including an improved crossing treatment across Alpine Ave. and changes in signal timing to include pedestrian head starts. Intersection changes will change turning radii to slow the movement of turning vehicles on to Balsam Ave. from 9th St. and shorten pedestrian crossing lengths.

The site design also includes new bicycle facilities along Balsam Ave. and a multi-use path along the greenway on the north side of the site. The addition of buffered bike lanes along Balsam Ave. will improve safety and the reduction of travel lane widths to 10 feet will reduce vehicle speeds. Based on community input, city staff are also evaluating additional safety improvements for pedestrians seeking access to North Boulder Park and commercial properties across Broadway Ave. City staff are also working to evaluate ways to reduce vehicle speeds and disincentivize the use of Alpine Ave. and Balsam Ave. as cut through streets.

Overall, the new uses of the Alpine-Balsam site will generate less daily vehicle trips than the former use as a fully functioning hospital. The city is also proposing a wide variety of transportation demand management (TDM) strategies and policies to reduce single-occupant vehicle trips by community members and city employees who will be working on the site.

The Western City Campus pavilion building can accommodate up to 450 staff.

Alpine-Balsam refers to the development of the entire 8.8 acre site between Alpine Ave., Broadway, Balsam Ave. and 9th St. The site includes flood mitigation, street and other landscaping improvements, a variety of housing types, a parking garage and the Western City Campus.

The Western City Campus is the parking structure and two buildings: the Pavilion and the Brenton Building. This site is a centralized customer service hub and city office space. See the interactive site map above.

The northwest corner parcel (A) will have 22 for-sale, market-rate townhomes in four buildings. The middle two parcels (B&D) will be developed by Boulder Housing Partners as permanently affordable rentals serving older adults and families. The affordable rentals will be in four buildings with 144 new homes in total. The fourth parcel (C) is on the northeast corner of the site and will either be rental or ownership depending on future market conditions and may include some permanently affordable homeownership opportunities. That parcel will have one building with 51 homes for a sitewide total of 217 new homes.

Map of housing buildings on Alpine Balsam site.

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