Community Mental Health Resources for Traumatic Events, Disasters and More

If you or someone you know is currently experiencing a life-threatening crisis or emergency, call 911.

24/7 Crisis Assistance

Suicide Prevention

Colorado Suicide Prevention/National Suicide Prevention : 24/7, free, confidential crisis intervention. 1-844-493-TALK (8255), text TALK to 38255. Services and information available in English and Spanish. ​

Disaster Distress Helpline

Call or text 1-800-985-5990 . Spanish-speakers can call the hotline and press “2” for 24/7 bilingual support. Resources available in multiple languages.

Boulder Strong Resource Center

After over four years of dedicated service, the Boulder Strong Resource Center will close its doors on April 25, 2025.

The BoulderStrong Resource Center (BSRC) is a place of healing and support for those impacted by the Boulder shooting. The BSRC is open to all and is staffed by knowledgeable, compassionate and caring professionals, including therapists provided by Mental Health Partners.

The center’s trained professionals know that people process grief and trauma differently and on their own timeline. Their goal is to help the community work through the traumatic experience to move forward. Each person’s journey and timetable are different. Some people may need to play with a comfort dog while others may need someone to talk to. The center encourages victims, families, first responders and the Boulder community to seek support when coping with the psychological and emotional effects of the Boulder shooting.

The center is located at 2935 Baseline Road in Boulder. All are welcome.

Victims of Crime

National Crisis Line for Crime Victims

Assistance available in 20 languages at 855-4-victim or 855-484-2846.

The Rebels Project

Not a crisis response organization, this Colorado-based organization connects survivors of mass shooting and other trauma events for peer support.

Other Local Resources

Mental Health Partners

Call 303-443-8500 or 1-844-493-TALK (8255) 24/7.

The Hope Institute

The Hope Institute provides short-term outpatient care (6-12 weeks) to individuals of all ages including individual and group counseling, using the evidence-based treatments Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality (CAMS) and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), and additional services for those most in need. With a proven track record of reducing suicidal ideation in an average of six weeks, services can benefit community members with a wide range of public and private insurance coverage and people who are uninsured.

Boulder County Crisis Counseling

Jewish Family Service and Community Foundation Boulder County have partnered to offer counseling services to Boulder County residents. Call 720.248.4686.

WellMind Connection

WellMind Connection is a team of professionals, highly trained in knowledge of local resources to connect you with the right service at the right time. A team of bilingual professionals will receive your help request and work directly with you to determine your service needs. This is a free resource. Call 303-441-1300 (Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.) or email for more information.

Naropa Community Counseling

Call 303-546-3589 or email

Boulder County Public Health

Colorado Addiction Treatment

Other Local Resources - Youth, BIPOC, LGBTQ​

Boulder Valley School District

Grief and loss support for BVSD students.

Natural Highs

Weekly teen trauma support groups on Tuesdays at September School.

Queer Asterisk

LGBTQ “Queer Conversations” and other community therapies: (720) 507-6161. ​

Rise Against Suicide

Counseling services for youth experiencing suicide ideation: (720)-212-7527. ​

Umbrella Collective

LGBTQ therapies: 720-663-0163 or