Building Performance Ordinance (BPO) Program

Program aims to reduce energy use and improve the quality of Boulder’s commercial and industrial building stock.

About the Ordinance

The Boulder Building Performance Ordinance (Ordinance No. 8071) is a set of rating, reporting and energy efficiency requirements that move beyond current voluntary programs. This program aims to reduce energy use and improve the quality of Boulder’s commercial and industrial building stock.

For all commercial buildings, rating and reporting requirements are phased in based on building size. Deadlines for each requirement vary by building size.

Ordinance Requirements

There are four main requirements of the Boulder Building Performance Ordinance.

Exemptions, Deadline Extensions and Enforcement


Deadline Extensions


Owners of affected buildings are required to rate and report building energy data, and complete efficiency actions by the deadlines posted (see above). Failure to do so can result in fines of $0.0025 per square foot – up to $1,000 per day of non-compliance.

Any tenant of an owner subject to the provisions of this chapter shall, within 30 days of a request, provide the owner with any information required for compliance that cannot otherwise be acquired by the owner.

Large Industrial Campuses

Large industrial or manufacturing campuses (LICs), multiple buildings served by a central plant or single utility meter, are have their own set of BPO requirements. Learn more about the requirements.

Complete Rating & Reporting

Understand the requirements

The Building Performance Ordinance requires each affected commercial and industrial building owner to rate whole-building energy use with the approved tools and report this energy use to the city annually.

The reported energy metrics will be publicly disclosed following a two-year grace period.

Follow the reporting steps

Use the resource that is right for you:

Submit your Completed Retro-commissioning Measures

Two years after the completion of your Retro-commissioning Report, you are required to submit documentation that verifies the completion of your two-year or less payback Retro-commissioning Measures from your Report.

Please use this submission link to submit documentation of the completion of those measures.

Get Help

Additional Rating & Reporting Resources

Transferring Ownership in Portfolio Manager

  • If you sold your building, how to transfer the building to the new owner in Portfolio Manager.

Tenant Data Collection Worksheets - Worksheets to collect the property details necessary to set up the building in Portfolio Manager for rating and reporting.

*Manufacturing and industrial buildings have alternative tools available for completing annual rating and reporting.

Connect with Xcel Energy to automatically upload your monthly energy data. Interested in having your building's monthly gas and electric data automatically uploaded into your Portfolio Manager account? Find more information on Xcel's website and check out their step by step user guide.

Complete Energy Assessments

Understanding the Requirement

Every ten years, affected building owners must perform energy assessments that meet or exceed the requirements below per the Standard for Commercial Building Energy Audits as published by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) in 2018 (Standard 211) and as updated periodically.

For a more detailed explanation of the Energy Assessment requirements, see the Efficiency Requirements How-to Guide.

Building Size

Energy Assessment Required Scope

Buildings < 50,000 SF

ASHRAE Level I assessment (Also offered by Xcel Energy, will comply)

Buildings ≥ 50,000 SF

ASHRAE Level II assessment (Not currently offered by a local utility, Xcel Energy audits do not comply)

Find a Qualified Service Provider

Building owners must use a Qualified Service Provider to complete a Level I or Level II energy assessment for compliance purposes.

Follow the Assessment Checklist

Review the Energy Assessment Checklist to prepare for compliance.

Energy Assessment Compliance Trainings:

Choose the Correct Template

Report templates are available that include current ASHRAE requirements and City Manager Rule requirements to ensure compliance with the ordinance. The use of these templates is not required, however they can be a reference to ensure all requirements are included in the report:

Level I Energy Assessment Report Template*
Level II Energy Assessment Report Template

*Note: If completing the Level I Energy Assessment through Xcel Energy's Onsite Energy Audit Program, that report will suffice for compliance.

Submit Assessment Report

Submit your energy assessment report to the city through the online Submission Form.

Get Help

Contact the Help Desk 8am-5pm MDT at or (844) 811-8785.

Contact Program Administrator Laurel Mattrey or 303-441-4227.

Complete One-Time Lighting Upgrades

Review the Requirements

Review the Lighting Compliance Checklist to prepare for compliance.

Review the One-Time Lighting Compliance Trainings:

For a more detailed explanation of the One-time Lighting Upgrade requirements, see the Efficiency Requirements How-to Guide.

Complete Required Lighting Forms

For interior lighting compliance, you are REQUIRED to complete and submit the Interior Lighting Compliance Form.

For exterior lighting compliance, submit a copy of your 2012 IECC ComCheck Compliance Certification.

Submit Lighting Compliance Form

Submit your lighting compliance documents/certification through this Submission Form.

More information on required documentation can be found in the Efficiency Requirements How-to Guide.

Get Help

Contact the Help Desk 8am-5pm MDT at or (844) 811-8785.

Contact Program Administrator Laurel Mattrey or 303-441-4227

Review our Lighting Checklist for codes that apply.

Lighting Upgrade Requirements

Affected building owners must complete one-time lighting upgrades that meet specific energy codes for interior and exterior lighting power, controls and sensors as outlined below.

Lighting Requirement Code Code Section
Occupancy Sensor Controls 2017 COBECC C405.2.2.2
Time-switch Controls 2017 COBECC C405.2.2.1
Exterior Lighting Controls 2017 COBECC C405.2.4
Interior Lighting - Power 2017 COBECC C405.5
Exterior Lighting - Power 2012 IECC C405.6

Complete Retro-commissioning

Find a Qualified Service Provider

Building owners must use a Qualified Service Provider to complete the retro-commissioning study.

Review the Requirements

Review the RCx Checklist to prepare for compliance.

Retro-commissioning trainings:

For a more detailed explanation of the retro-commissioning requirements, see the Efficiency Requirements How-to Guide.

Submit the RCx Report and Rebate Application

Submit the final RCx report and a copy of the Xcel Recommissioning/Building Tune-up Rebate Application through the online Submission Form.

Submit your Completed Retro-commissioning Measures

Two years after the completion of your Retro-commissioning Report, you are required to submit documentation that verifies the completion of your two-year or less payback Retro-commissioning Measures from your Report.

Please follow this link to submit documentation of the completion of those measures.

Get Help

Contact the Help Desk 8am-5pm MDT at or (844) 811-8785.

Contact Program Administrator Laurel Mattrey or 303-441-4227


Every ten years, affected building owners must perform retro-commissioning, a process that improves the efficiency of existing building operations by “tuning up” and calibrating existing functional systems to run as efficiently as possible through low- or no-cost improvements.

Owners must implement the cost-effective measures (any measure with a payback period of two years or less with rebates) identified through retro-commissioning within two years of the study.

The scope of the requirements depends on the size of the building as shown below.

Building Size

RCx Scope

Buildings < 50,000 SF

Owners can participate in the Xcel Energy Business Energy Assessments Program or meet the scope (PDF) outlined in the City Manager Rules

Buildings ≥ 50,000 SF

Owners must work with a Qualified Vendor (Excel) and use the scope (PDF) outlined in the City Manager Rules

Find a Service Provider

Contact a Provider for Energy Assessment or RxC

The Boulder Building Performance Ordinance requires affected building owners to use qualified service providers to complete energy assessments and retro-commissioning on their buildings.

The List of Qualified Service Providers is a list of service providers that have met the minimum qualifications and completed the online training required to offer energy assessments and retro-commissioning for Building Performance Ordinance compliance.

Find a Pre-Screened Service Provider for Lighting Audits or Upgrades

While building owners may select their own vendor to perform any lighting audits or upgrades, the city has a Pre-Screened Lighting Service Provider List of vendors that are qualified to provide lighting audits and/or upgrades within the City of Boulder.

Become a Qualified Service Provider for Energy Assessments or Retro-commissioning

Understand the Requirements

Service providers looking to offer affected building owners energy assessment and/or retro-comissioning services to comply with the ordinance must be included on the City of Boulder's qualified list.

Minimum Qualifications for Becoming a Qualified Service Provider

Complete the Service Provider Training

After reviewing the Minimum Qualifications listed in Number 1, please fill out and submit your application to become a Qualified Service Provider.

Service Provider Training Information

  • The online training will take approximately 30 minutes to complete and must be completed in one sitting.
  • Upon successful completion, your name and contact information will be added to the qualified list of service providers.
  • You must complete all questions and submit your qualifications to complete the training. Failure to complete the submission at the end may require you to take the training again.
  • It is suggested you keep a separate tab with the program website open during the course of the training.
  • Please note: Information covered in this training is subject to change.

Become a Pre-Screened Lighting Service Provider

Complete the Application

Complete the Pre-Screened Lighting Vendor Application.

Please be prepared to include all relevant certifications and documentations of project completion as part of your application.

Compliance Deadlines

Efficiency Requirement Compliance Deadlines

Affected Buildings Energy Assessment Retro-commissioning RCx Measure Implementation Lighting Upgrade
City buildings > 10,000 sf* May 1, 2019 May 1, 2022 May 1, 2024 May 1, 2022
Existing buildings** > 50,000 sf New buildings*** > 10,000 sf June 1, 2019 June 1, 2022 June 1, 2024 June 1, 2022
Existing buildings > 30,000 and < 50,000 sf Dec. 31, 2021 June 1, 2023 June 1, 2025 June 1, 2023
Existing buildings > 20,000 and < 30,000 sf June 1, 2023 June 1, 2025 June 1, 2027 June 1, 2025

*City buildings >5,000 sf must complete lighting upgrades but are not subject to energy assessments or retrocommissioning.

**Existing buildings that meet the definition of a Large Industrial Campus (three or more buildings, at least partially used for manufacturing, served by a central plant or single utility meter) have custom requirements and deadlines due to their unique nature.

***Any commercial or industrial building for which an initial building permit was issued on or after January 31, 2014.