- Requests are NOT monitored on a 24/7 basis and are addressed during business hours.
- To reach police, call 9-1-1 for emergencies and 303-441-3333 for non-emergency dispatch.
Important Note

Your issue is important to us.
Please identify the type of issue you would like to report from the list below, or search more comprehensively on the Inquire Boulder database.
Public Safety
Code & Regulations
Building and Rental Code Concerns
Right-of-Way Code Violations
Police Code Enforcement Unit
Aircraft Noise
Smoking in Public Places
Marijuana Odor Complaints
Wood Burning Restrictions
Sight Obstructions
Weed Control and Tall Vegetation
Composting and Recycling
Illegal Use of a Dumpster
Bear Resistant Container Required
University Hill Outdoor Furniture Restriction
Outdoor Lighting Code
Roads & Transportation
Transportation and Road Maintenance
Traffic Signal Outage
Snow and Ice
Electric Vehicle Charging Station Maintenance
Public Tree Issues
Traffic Signs and Markings
Street Sweeping
Multi-use Path Maintenance
Alley Maintenance
Overgrown Sidewalk Obstructions
Sidewalk Repair and Maintenance
Crosswalks and Flashing Crosswalks
Report an Illegally Parked Vehicle
Aircraft Noise Complaints