This year, the city has a new approach to how it prioritizes snow response based on a recently completed review of its program. The storm-size response framework clearly defines which areas are cleared of snow and ice and the level of service the community can expect based on how much it snows. The framework divides snow and ice response into small (less than three inches), medium (three to eight inches) and large (more than eight inches) amounts of snowfall. Boulder typically receives 25 to 46 snowfalls annually, with the majority of these bringing less than three inches of accumulation. When snowfall exceeds the forecast, the we strive to meet the higher level of service.

This approach allows the city, together with its partners, to respond to snow and ice with the flexibility to scale the program up or down based on available staff, funding and changing infrastructure. Additionally, focusing on the amount of snowfall, or storm-size, helps clarify the level of response to expect based on the weather. This new approach also helps the city focus on priorities we heard from the community during the Snow and Ice Response Review, such as clearing major streets, key pedestrian crossings, multi-use paths and critical bike routes.