City snow crews are monitoring winter conditions.
Storm Size: Medium
Road conditions in Boulder: View conditions on traffic cameras around Boulder
Road conditions around Boulder: Currently dry
Forecast: Cold temperature and snow are forecast over the next several days. Visit the National Weather Service Boulder for the latest forecast information
Our approach to snow clearing: When it snows, our team works 24/7 to keep 425+ miles of roads and 70+ miles of our multi-use paths clear and safe for all types of travel. We prioritize clearing emergency access routes, major arterial streets, access to hospitals, schools, transit and critical infrastructure, as well as neighborhood streets with steep slopes and the city’s multi-use path system for walking and bicycling.
Like other Front Range communities, the city does not typically plow side and residential streets. Community members should take extra care while traveling and give snow crews plenty of room to operate. Snow and ice can make it difficult to get around. We recommend community members plan ahead, as typical travel conditions cannot always be maintained during winter storms.