Report an Issue or Request Transportation Maintenance Services

A well-maintained transportation system ensures the safe and efficient movement of people, goods and services and is essential to the city's economic vitality and environmental sustainability.

City services include pavement maintenance, concrete maintenance, median maintenance, alley maintenance, path maintenance, sidewalk maintenance, snow and ice removal, street cleaning, and traffic signal maintenance.

Request Pothole Maintenance

Submit a request online

Enter pothole location

Enter the location of the pothole.

  • Type the address of the pothole, or
  • Enter the nearest intersection (for example, "Arapahoe & Broadway"), or
  • Drag the red marker on the map to the location of the pothole and the address will be entered automatically.

Add a description

  • Describe the pothole's appearance and/or location (for example, "There's a large pothole near the bus stop" or "Large pothole in southbound left lane").
  • Upload a photo of the pothole (optional).


  • Submit your request

Street Sweeping

The City of Boulder routinely performs street and bike path sweeping. Street sweeping services include sweeping and cleaning streets and gutters to remove dirt, debris, and hazards to increase safety, improve drainage, and reduce dust and air pollution. Most of the work is accomplished using mechanical sweepers and hand cleaning is performed at inaccessible locations.

The city only performs street sweeping on roads maintained by the city. For street sweeping requests on Boulder County roads, please contact the county directly at 303-441-3962.

Check the Street Sweeping Schedule

Go to the Interactive Map

Click on Zone

  • A popup will reveal the sweeping schedule for the specified zone

We sweep residential streets 2 to 3 times per year. Residential sweeping is weather-dependent. If we have a late or early winter, we will not be able to sweep every residential street 3 times. View the street sweeping map for areas that have recently been swept as well as future scheduled dates for street sweeping.

Due to the volume of requests we receive, it is not feasible for staff to make calls prior to sweeping.

We do on occasion post “No Parking” signs along areas with heavy debris and heavy on-street parking. This is a time consuming process to adhere to Boulder Revised Code and usually does not result in every car being removed. When cars remain parked in the no parking area, our staff notifies Parking Services who attempt to locate vehicle owners. If Parking Services is unsuccessful at locating the owners they will notify a towing service to relocate vehicles away from our work zone. Relocations are costly, and funded by the sweeping department. Due to recent budget reductions, relocating is not feasible and it sets a precedent that we will not enforce our no parking areas, further reducing compliance.

Our street sweepers are tall and overhanging tree branches can cause extensive damage to the cab and other components. If our operators encounter a tree branch that they believe will damage the vehicle, they will steer away from the curb to avoid the branch.

Depending on the amount of debris the operator is encountering they might only make one pass on each side of the street. Returning to sweep where one or several cars moved from reduces efficiency and can put the sweeping program behind schedule. Please visit our street sweeping webpage to access our interactive residential sweeping map. This map provides details on scheduled sweeping dates for all residential areas to help inform residents of when to expect their neighborhood sweepings.

During winter months we are focused on meeting our air quality commitment to the Denver Regional Council of Governments by sweeping priority snow routes following storm events. This effort allows us to focus on arterial corridors which inherently have on-street bicycle facilities. We are dedicated to providing safe travel around our multi-modal transportation system to all users, and ice melt material can pose added hazards to bicycle traffic. Additionally, residential areas tend to be shaded and gutter debris is typically frozen during the winter. Our sweepers are unable to break frozen debris loose and residential sweeping is generally ineffective during the winter.

We also sweep industrial, downtown and arterial streets.

Street sweeping occurs weekly on downtown streets and monthly on arterial streets.

During the winter we focus street sweeping efforts on arterials to sweep as part of our snow and ice response.

Pavement Management Program

The City of Boulder’s Pavement Management Program includes inspecting and rating all streets on a three-year interval to maintain awareness of existing conditions and guide where pavement repairs will be made in future years.

File a Notice of Claim for Damages From a Pothole

Notice of Claim

  • If you believe that a pothole on a street maintained by the city has injured you or damaged your property, Colorado law requires you to file a written Notice of Claim with the Boulder City Attorney's Office before you can file a lawsuit against the city.
  • You will not be able to sue the city unless your claim is filed within 182 days of the date of the incident in which you claim to have been injured.
  • Learn more about filing a claim with the city by going to the Notice of Claim page.

More information

  • You may also use the Pothole Request form to contact the city's Risk Management Office if you need more information about filing a claim for damages or to check on a claim's status.
  • Please make sure to indicate in the description field of the potholes form if you are requesting pothole maintenance or want information about a claim for damages related to a pothole.

Request Sidewalk Repair


Accessibility for People with Disabilities

  • Submit an accessibility concern to staff through Inquire Boulder.

  • Include relevant images, files or details on the accessibility issue.

Cone Zones

Snow and Ice

  1. Report to Code Enforcement
    • To report snow and ice on a sidewalk or overgrown or obstructed sidewalk, make a request under Code Enforcement.
    • The city's code enforcement staff will contact the adjacent property owner to address snow, ice and obstruction needs.


  1. Senior Engineering Technician

Sidewalk Repair Information

Broken or damaged sidewalks are an eyesore, inconvenience, and safety hazard. Private property owners are responsible for maintaining the sidewalk(s) adjacent to their property. The City of Boulder has two sidewalk repair programs to help keep Boulder walkable. Licensed and insured contractors complete the repairs at competitive rates. The city may share the cost of sidewalk repairs in the right-of-way when:

  • any vertical displacement exceeds 3/4 inch;
  • there is a crack more than one inch wide;
  • the surface has deteriorated, cracked or settled;
  • the sidewalk does not allow for adequate drainage; and/or
  • the sidewalk is a safety hazard.

Please provide the address or location of the sidewalk and any photos that will help us identify the specific area for repair.

According to the City of Boulder Revised Code 8-2-6, the property owner adjacent to the sidewalk is responsible for keeping their sidewalk in good repair and a safe, unobstructed condition.

For requested repairs, city staff will assess the request and contact the adjacent property owner to notify them of the issue and seek an agreement to share in the cost of repairs.

If practical, temporary measures may be taken to improve the current conditions while the property owners are being contacted and an agreement is sought to complete permanent repairs. These temporary measures could include patching and/or painting to make the hazard more visible. If feasible, the sidewalk may be ground down to eliminate the hazard.

Annual Sidewalk Repair Program

Each year, the Annual Sidewalk Repair Program targets a specific area in Boulder to repair sidewalks and install pedestrian curb access ramps. The city covers the cost of the pedestrian curb access ramp improvement and shares the cost of the sidewalk repairs with the adjacent property owners.

See a map of the prioritized areas for the Annual Sidewalk Repair Program

Public-Private Cost-Sharing for Sidewalk Repairs within the Annual Sidewalk Repair Program

  • Owners pay for up to half of the repair costs for sidewalks adjacent to their property.
  • For single-family residential properties in an area being repaired, the property owner will not be assessed more than $450 per property per year, no matter the total cost of a standard concrete sidewalk repair. Property owners are responsible for additional costs associated with flagstone sidewalk repairs.
  • Repairs can be paid for in monthly installments, with interest over a two-year period.
  • If a property owner chooses to have repairs done by their own city-licensed contractor, the city can reimburse property owners for up to 50 percent of the cost of having the city's contractor make the repairs.
  • If pedestrian access ramps are missing from street corners or do not meet current standards, the city will install or upgrade the ramps at no cost when other repairs are being made.
  • If there are any repairs to existing irrigation systems or restorations of major sections of landscaping impacted by curb ramp work, the city will complete this work.

Miscellaneous Sidewalk Repair Program

The Miscellaneous Sidewalk Repair Program can share in sidewalk repairs anywhere in the city -- including within an area prioritized by the Annual Sidewalk Repair Program if the sidewalk is in need of immediate attention for accessibility or the safety of the travelling public.

  • Property owners pay for half of the repair costs for sidewalks adjacent to their property.
  • Property owners are responsible for the additional costs associated with flagstone sidewalk repairs.
  • If a property owner chooses to have repairs done by their own city-licensed contractor, the city can reimburse property owners for up to 50 percent of the cost of having the city's contractor make the repairs.
  • The $450 maximum charge for single-family homeowners does not apply to the Miscellaneous Sidewalk Repair Program.

Accessibility for People with Disabilities

Missing Sidewalk Links Program

Missing Sidewalk Links identities, prioritizes, and constructs missing sidewalk segments to provide a continuous pedestrian network and ensure a safe walking environment.

Adjacent Property Owners' Duty to Maintain Sidewalks

The Boulder Revised Code requires property owners to:

  • keep sidewalks clear of snow;
  • prevent all vegetation from overgrowing onto or above sidewalks; and
  • prevent tree limbs from obstructing sidewalks by making sure they are at least eight feet above sidewalks.

Report Overgrown Sidewalk


  • Call Code Enforcement at 303-441-1875 to ask questions or report a code violation.


  • Make a request on Inquire Boulder at the Overgrown Sidewalk Obstructions page.
  • Service requests submitted online will receive a response within four business days (7 a.m. to 5 p.m., except holidays).

Report Sight Obstructions


  • Loose or cut branches left on the road are considered a violation of the city's trash ordinance. To report an urgent safety issue between 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Friday, call 303-441-3200
  • To report an urgent safety issue at any other time, call police dispatch at 303-441-3333.


  • If the obstruction is not an urgent public safety hazard, submit a service request on Inquire Boulder through the Sight Obstructions page.

Overgrown Sidewalk Responsibility

Property owners are responsible for removing, trimming, or cutting trees, bushes, and shrubs on their property that overhang sidewalks, streets and paths creating a public safety hazard or obstruction. Maintain landscape so that there are eight feet of overhead clearance above and eighteen inches of side clearance from any sidewalk, and path and so not to obstruct any traffic device or signs at all times of the year.

Branch piles left on the property or in the road are considered a violation of the city's trash ordinance.

For more information, please see Boulder Municipal Code on the subject of Public Right of Way and Public Easement Encroachments Prohibited 8-6-3.

What if my neighbors' trees have branches that are growing over my property line?

This is a civil issue that should be taken up with your neighbors. If the issue cannot be resolved personally, the city's Housing and Human Services Department offers a Mediation Program to assist with resolving disputes. Call 303-441-4364 for assistance with mediation services.

Alley Maintenance

We inspect all public unpaved alleys on an annually scheduled basis. Paved alleys are inspected on request. We then maintain alleys as needed, typically within 1 week of inspection. This may include potholing, reconstruction or grading. Most unpaved alleys are annually graded, which levels the alley to improve vehicle access.

Find Your Alley Schedule

Unpaved alley work takes place on a scheduled basis. Find your alley’s anticipated 2024 schedule for inspections and, if needed, maintenance, on the new map.

Keep alleys clear

Accessing alleys is critical for your neighbors, trash and recycling collectors, maintenance, and emergency response. During maintenance, private property in a public alley is a violation and subject to removal at the owner's expense and enforcement action. By doing your part to clear the alley, work can be done quickly and efficiently. Thank you for your cooperation!

As part of our 2024 program and future work, we will inspect and maintain public alleys regardless of whether private work was completed, including gravel or other materials installed without a right-of-way permit.

Both paved and unpaved public alleys are included in the city's annual inspection schedule.

The city does not pave alleys due to the high cost of installation, repair and repaving. While paved alleys may seem more convenient, the reality is that the cost of paved alleys to taxpayers is high.

Trash, recycling and compost

Trash cans should not be in the path of travel in an alley at any time. Please keep them as close to your house as possible. We will do our best to move cans that are left out in the alley, understanding that sometimes it is the trash pickup company that leaves trash cans in the alley.

Plantings and flower beds

We only do work within the public right of way. If you have vegetation that you have planted in the right of way, it should not be there.


When maintenance equipment is in the alley, cars should be parked on the street so city crews can more efficiently finish their work. Traffic impacts are minimal and city staff will make efforts to ensure access is maintained.

Damaged property

There are rare occasions when the unpredictable happens to private property. If there is damage to private property, please contact our Risk Management Team at

Request Multi-Use Path Maintenance

Public safety hazards

  • To report a multi-use path maintenance issue that is an immediate public safety hazard, call 303-441-3200 between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday to Friday.
  • At any other time, please call Boulder Police dispatch at 303-441-3333.

Boulder Creek Path hazards

  • To request maintenance on the Boulder Creek Path, call 303-441-3858 or make a service request on Inquire Boulder at Park Maintenance Issues.

Other issues

  • For all other multi-use path maintenance issues, including vegetation issues along paths, underpass issues, and path surface issues, call 303-441-3200 or submit a service request on Inquire Boulder at Multi-use Path Maintenance.

Boulder Creek and Broadway path issues

  • The Boulder Creek Path is maintained by the Parks and Recreation Department
  • The Broadway multi-use path section between Regent Drive and University Avenue is maintained by the University of Colorado (303-492-5522).
  • All other multi-use paths are maintained by City of Boulder Transportation Maintenance or the adjacent property owner.

Report a Median Issue

Median sprinklers

  • If you observe an irrigation leak or broken sprinkler, call 303-441-3200 between 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Friday.

Median maintenance

  • For all other maintenance concerns, submit a service request on the Medians page on Inquire Boulder.

Adopt-a-Median Program

  • For more information about the Adopt-a-Median Program, submit a service request on the Medians page on Inquire Boulder.

Median Information

The city's Public Works Department performs routine maintenance for more than 600 hard surface and landscaped surface medians. Regular maintenance activities include weed control, landscaping, tree pruning, mowing, trash removal, and irrigation management.

The city also has an Adopt-a-Median Program where certain medians are eligible for adoption by Boulder residents and organizations. Adopting organizations and residents will be provided with trash bags and safety vests. A safety meeting for program participants will also be provided prior to the first median cleaning.

An adopting resident or organization will be asked to:

  • remove weeds, trash and debris; and
  • prune and perform other basic landscape management tasks on a regular basis during the growing season and on a monthly basis during the non-growing season.

Transportation Maintenance staff will mow the area, repair irrigation systems, and replace trees and shrubs. If you should encounter maintenance crews that are performing these tasks, please be courteous and follow the traffic control in place if applicable.

For more information about the Adopt-a-Median Program, submit a service request on the Medians page on Inquire Boulder.

Report Traffic Signal Issues


  • To report a traffic signal outage or other urgent safety issue, call Boulder Police dispatch at 303-441-3333.


  • To submit a non-maintenance traffic signal request, such as a question about traffic signal timing or locations, visit Inquire Boulder.

Traffic Signal Information

Safe operation of the city’s modern traffic system is an important part of engineering efficient travel for all transportation options. The city identifies the appropriate signal timing for each intersection based on many factors, such as:

  • Traffic levels at different times of day

  • Speed limits

  • The number of travel and turn lanes

  • Street classification

  • Crash data

The city takes travel safety seriously. To provide feedback on traffic signal timing or locations, visit Inquire Boulder.

Report Street Light Issues

City of Boulder streetlights

  • Streetlights that are owned and maintained by the City of Boulder have a city sticker on them.
  • To request new street lighting at a specific location, or to request repair on a streetlight, use the form on the Inquire Boulder Street Lights page.

Xcel Energy streetlights

  • To report an Xcel Energy streetlight outage, call 1-800-895-4999 or use Xcel Energy's Outdoor Lighting Outage or Repair form.
  • Please be prepared to provide the exact address and/or cross streets where the streetlight is located, including, if possible, the grid numbers from the light pole.

Report Debris, Trash and Road Kill

Urgent issues

  • To report a report an urgent, safety-critical, large-sized road debris issue, call 303-441-3200 between 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday.
  • To report an urgent, safety-critical, large-sized road debris issue at any other time, call police dispatch at 303-441-3333.
