The City of Boulder's transportation system supports safe and efficient pedestrian travel. Crosswalks and other types of pedestrian infrastructure can help our community reach our Vision Zero goal of zero severe crashes on our streets.

Upcoming crosswalk installations

CMPI Grant Crosswalks

Status: Ongoing

We received funding from the Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) Community Mobility Planning and Implementation (CMPI) 2019 grant program to construct two new crosswalks and make enhancements to an existing crosswalk in 2023-2024. These three projects include:

  • Aurora Avenue and Evans Drive: new crosswalk; under construction.
  • Colorado Avenue east of 33rd Street: new crosswalk.
  • 15th Street and Iris Avenue: enhancement to existing crossing; under construction.

These three locations were chosen based on their alignment with public input, the Neighborhood GreenStreets Program and findings from the 30th and Colorado Corridors Study.

The designs for the crosswalks were completed in summer 2023. Construction is anticipated to begin in summer-fall 2024.

Explore the tabs below for crossing details and design renderings.

Construction has begun and is anticipated to last through late August, as the weather permits. This will include weekend impacts on the weekends of July 27, Aug. 3 and Aug. 10 to expedite work.

Anticipated travel impacts include:

  • Aurora Avenue will have one lane open to east/west travel at all times with flaggers.
  • Evans Drive will be closed to through traffic north of Milliken Court beginning July 22 through Aug. 6, with a detour route via Gilpin Drive.
  • Sidewalk closures and bike/pedestrian detours and delays in the area.

Significant connection: Boulder Community School of Integrated Studies (BCSIS) and High Peaks Elementary schools.

Elements include:

  • State Law Yield to Pedestrians signs and crosswalk markings
  • Concrete curb extensions
  • ADA-compliant ramps
  • Extending school zone further east to include the crossing at the intersection
  • Drainage improvements
aurora evans cmpi crossing
aurora evans cmpi crossing

Crosswalk construction at Colorado Avenue and 33rd Street has started and is expected to last through late September. Traffic impacts include single-vehicle lane closures and sidewalk closures. One vehicle lane in each direction and a pedestrian/bike crossing will be maintained at all times.

This is a significant connection: CU Boulder’s East Campus. Elements include:

  • State Law Yield to Pedestrians signs and crosswalk and Yield line markings
  • ADA-compliant ramps
  • Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB), also called a flashing crosswalk
  • Connection to multi-use path system and bus stops
33rd and Colorado CMPI crossing
colorado 33rd cmpi crossing
33rd and Colorado CMPI crossing

Construction begin Aug. 19 and is anticipated to last through mid to late September depending on weather and contractor availability.

Construction map:

15th street/Iris avenue crosswalk construction map. View alternative text on Pedestrian Crossings webpage under header Iris and 15th Construction Map Text Alternative. .
View full image of map

Significant connection: Boulder County buildings and ballfields, the end of the 13th Street Neighborhood GreenStreet, and neighborhoods to the north.

Elements include:

  • State Law Yield to Pedestrians signs and crosswalk and Yield line markings (existing).
  • Adding wide curb ramp on the southwest corner of the intersection south of Iris to facilitate bike travel north-south on 15th Street
  • Adding a northbound left turn lane for pedestrians and bicyclists on 15th Street.
  • Adding a flashing crosswalk, also known as an RRFB (Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon).
Iris + 15th CMPI Rendering (looking southwest)
Iris + 15th CMPI Rendering (aerial view)


View the interactive map below for current improvements across Boulder.


Pedestrian Head Start

Formally known as leading pedestrian intervals or LPIs, these signals improve safety and reduce pedestrian-vehicle collisions by as much as 60%.

Since 1995, the city has installed over 80 of these signals at crossings. The signal gives people crossing a 3-7 second head start to enter the crosswalk before the light turns green for vehicles. This increases the visibility of people crossing and establishes their right-of-way.

Report a crosswalk maintenance concern

If urgent and safety-critical

If you would like to report an urgent, safety-critical crosswalk maintenance problem, please call 303-413-7122 between 7 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Monday-Friday. At any other time, please call dispatch at 303-441-3333.

For non-urgent maintenance concerns or other questions

For non-urgent crosswalk maintenance issues or other questions please submit a request on Inquire Boulder.

Request a new crosswalk

Submit your request using Inquire Boulder

Inquire Boulder - Crosswalks

Here's the process after your Inquire Boulder request:

  1. Staff collects traffic data (if the location has not already recently been evaluated). Timing depends on workload and on waiting for the most appropriate conditions (e.g., for school to be in session and good weather).

  2. Staff assesses the location's conditions based on guidance in the Pedestrian Crossing Treatment Installation Guidelines (PCTIG); if a crossing treatment is warranted, staff then uses PCTIG to determine the appropriate treatment and develop the design and cost estimate.

  3. Staff assesses the benefit-cost ratio based on the number of people crossing, the vehicle volumes, and the estimated cost of improvements and then adds the project to an ongoing prioritized list for construction.

  4. Crossing treatments are implemented as resources allow (budgets, staff time), usually one to two per year if civil design and/or additional funding are needed. For crossing treatments where only signing/markings are needed, improvements are typically installed within weeks.

Pedestrian Crossing Treatment Installation Guidelines

The City of Boulder installs pedestrian crossing treatments according to the Pedestrian Crossing Treatment Installation Guidelines. This document helps staff decide where and what type of pedestrian crossings, or crosswalks, to install. The city is updating these guidelines in 2024. Learn more on the Crosswalk Guidelines Update webpage.

This is a text alternative to the Iris Avenue and 15th Street Construction Map. The construction zone from Aug. 19 to late September 2024 extends from 14th Street to just east of 16th Street. In this zone, there is one vehicle lane in each direction, bicyclists merge with traffic, and there are sidewalk closures. At 16th Street there are right turns in and out only with no left turns. At 15th Street and Iris Avenue access is restricted from early to mid September 2024; however, local residents can access 15th Street from Hawthorn Avenue. Work is pending weather and contractor delays. Construction-free routes include 19th Street, Broadway, and Hawthorn and Kalmia avenues.