Walkable Cities Are Livable Cities

Whether you walk from your car or bike to a business, or from a bus stop to home, you walk every day. Walking is fun, gives you exercise and is a great way to get from A to B. That’s why it is an important and essential part of the city’s transportation system.

Boulder has built a nationally recognized pedestrian-friendly community, earning the Gold-level Walk Friendly Community designation for 2020. The pedestrian-only Pearl Street Mall and extensive network of multiuse paths and hiking trails are Boulder icons that attract people from all over the country and world. The City of Boulder also supports a wide range of other initiatives to encourage and support walking throughout the community.


The community developed the Transportation Master Plan (TMP), which is the blueprint for creating safe, convenient, and sustainable transportation options for everyone in the community.

Walking is considered the highest-priority travel mode in the TMP. It is an essential part of the connections between different travel options and a critical element in supporting the transit system.

The Pedestrian Plan gives an overview of the community’s vision for the future of pedestrian facilities and specific policies and action items to achieve that vision. The Low Stress Walk and Bike Network Plan identifies and prioritizes key projects that will create a connected network of low-stress walk and bike facilities with easy connections to transit.

Report a Close Call


If you had an accident where physical contact was made in one form or another, please report that to the Police Department, it's the law to report all transportation accidents and also helps the City identify countermeasures to reduce future collisions and improve transportation safety.

  • For emergencies, Dial 911.
  • For non-emergencies, call 303-441-3333.

Close calls

Pedestrian Crossings

The City of Boulder Transportation and Mobility Department inspects and maintains about 600 crosswalks throughout the city.

These crosswalks come in different shapes and sizes. Some crosswalks have pedestrian-activated flashing yellow signs — technology developed within the city and now installed in cities across the country. Others have a pedestrian traffic signal, white striping markings or a median refuge where a pedestrian can take shelter from approaching traffic.

Pedestrian Safety Reminders

  • At a crosswalk, only cross when the "start crossing" symbol is on. It's illegal to enter a crosswalk when a steady "don't walk" symbol or flashing red hand symbol is on. If you are close to an intersection with a traffic signal, you must cross at the crosswalk.
  • Where a sidewalk ends or where there are no sidewalks, walk on the outside edge of the roadway, facing traffic.
  • At intersections, make sure motorists have seen you before you step off the curb. Don't assume they will see you or stop.
  • Wear light-colored or reflective clothing, especially in stormy weather or at night. Carry a flashlight at night to see and be seen.

Learn more about transportation safety at Vision Zero.

Sidewalks and Multi-use Paths

Multi-use Paths

Multi-use paths (MUPs) are a central part of the community: the heart of walking, biking, scooting, skating and cycling in Boulder. With a diverse group of people using the paths, it’s important to travel safe, be responsible and share the path.

Sidewalk Links

The city is constantly working on constructing new sidewalks, especially on locations where a sidewalk is necessary to provide a continuous pedestrian network. The Missing Sidewalk Links Program identifies, prioritizes and constructs missing sidewalk segments.


A great pedestrian system stays great through ongoing maintenance. This includes snow and ice clearing, vegetation management and maintenance of cracked and uneven sidewalks. Visit the Transportation Maintenance page to learn more about sidewalk repair and maintenance or request sidewalk maintenance.

Boulder Walks

The Boulder Walks Program offers many options to explore the city and connect with the community.

Safe Routes to School Program

Since 2005, biking and walking to school in Boulder has become more safe and convenient, thanks to several projects funded by the Colorado Safe Routes to School program.

The program offers local communities federal funds to improve the physical infrastructure around schools and to launch educational programs that encourage and support bicycling and walking. The City of Boulder partners closely with the Boulder Valley School District to implement the program.