Let's swim!

Choose from lap lanes, open swim, slides and more. Splash around, get a workout and enjoy some pool time.

Activity Schedules + Info

We have transitioned to new web-based detailed pool schedules. Check the schedule on the day you plan to visit for the most up-to-date information.

Operating hours are based upon available resources (both financial and human), utilization trends, and weather. All operations are subject to change due to staffing and health impacts.

New texting notification service

Before your busy summer begins, we encourage you to sign up for our new text notification service. You’ll receive information about unplanned operational changes at different recreation facilities/pools or our parks. We currently use X/Twitter, but this allows you to get notifications pushed to your phone.

Text any of the following keywords to the number 888-777 to receive unplanned operational updates:

  • BPRswim
  • BPRnow (for facility and parks update not related to aquatics)
  • BPRValmont
  • BPRReservoir

Jobs in Aquatics

Interested in working for Boulder as a lifeguard? Maybe you’ve played at one of our pools and you’re thinking “How can I get a job as a lifeguard in Parks and Recreation?” Now is the time! We want you to join our aquatics team as a Lifeguard.

  • We are currently not hiring,but will be reopening positions sometime in January.

Need to earn your lifeguard certification? We regularly offer certification classes, so click here for our next training class. If you take one of our classes and work a season for us, we will reimburse the cost of the certification class.

To enroll in the Lifeguarding course, you must be at least 15 years old before the last scheduled class session. To participate in the course, you must be able to complete an 8-hour online pre-course session as well as pass a prerequisite swimming skills evaluation. The prerequisite evaluation includes two parts and takes place either prior to or during the first in-person session.

Prerequisite 1: Jump in, submerge, resurface and swim 150 yards continuously, tread water for 2 minutes, and then swim 50 more yards. While swimming, you must keep your face in the water and demonstrate good breath control. You may swim using the front crawl, breaststroke or a combination of both. Swimming on the back or side is not permitted. Swim goggles are allowed. When treading, you must use only your legs.

Prerequisite 2: Complete a timed event within 1 minute, 40 seconds. Starting in the water, swim 20 yards. Your face may be in or out of the water. Swim goggles are not allowed. Surface dive (head-first or feet-first) to a depth of 7 to 10 feet to retrieve a 10-pound object. Return to the surface and swim 20 yards on your back to return to the starting point, holding the object at the surface with both hands and keeping your face at or near the surface. Swimming the distance underwater is not permitted. Exit the water without using a ladder or the steps.

We’re also hiring swim instructors., Swim team experience is preferred, and we offer in-house training.


Have a question not on the list below? Contact us

Check out our detailed pool schedules. Make sure you are looking at the correct pool location (tabs at the bottom of the Google spreadsheet.)

  • Indoor lap lanes: 25 yards
  • Scott Carpenter Pool short course: 25 yards (the short course is in place from opening for the season through Memorial Day; Friday, Saturday and Sunday during the summer; and after Labor Day through closing for the season)
  • Scott Carpenter Pool long course: 50 meters (Olympic sized) (the long course is in place Monday - Thursday during the summer)

Generally the following temperatures:

  • Lap pools: 80-82F
  • Leisure pools: 88-90F
  • Hot tubs - 101-105F
  • Saunas - 160-180sF

We have beginner/slow, intermediate/medium, and advanced/fast lane designations. Choose the lane that best fits your comfort level and activity needs during your visit!

No. The lane is off limits for the entire reservation. This is so that when the person or group that made the reservation arrives, they can just enter the water without staff assistance and know that their lane wasn't given away.

The diving blocks are only for the swim teams (Boulder High - NBRC, Fairview – SBRC, Boulder Swim Team - EBCC, Riptide, Elevations and Boulder Aquatics Masters). Private lessons included. To use the diving blocks, you must be with a program and have a program swim coach on the deck.

Yes. Up to eight people can be use the sauna at once. Reservations are no longer required.

We can only open the windows if it's warmer than 65 degrees outside.

No. We only allow one person on the slide at a time, and all riders must be at least 48" tall per manufacturer regulations.

We do not provide a towel service.

Music on deck is for the enjoyment of our guests. The type of music and the volume is intended to be appropriate and not disturb anyone. Please talk with staff on duty if you would like the music turned off, changed, or the volume lowered.

No. Everyone who enters the pool area must pay for entry. Children under the age of 6 require an adult in the water with them (within arm's reach). Children ages 6 to 9 must have an adult on the pool deck or actively supervising the child. Children ages 10 and 11 can be in the pool without an adult on the pool deck, but an adult must be in the facility. Youth ages 12+ can participate without adult supervision. The recreation center lobby is available for those who don't have a paid entry and don't need to attend to children in the pool area.

Water wings, suits with built in floatation and inner tubes are not allowed. Lifejackets and puddle jumpers must be Coast Guard approved. Swim equipment and toys are permissible at the discretion of management.

Rules & Policies

Hot Tub Rules

  • A maximum capacity of 10 people in the spa at South and East and 15 at North at a time.
  • Children under 12 allowed only with direct adult supervision
  • Anyone who is pregnant, diabetic, has heart disease, irregular blood pressure, or other medical conditions should consult a physician before use.
  • Proper swim attire is required in spa.
  • No pool equipment or toys allowed in the spa.
  • No horseplay allowed in the spa.
  • Please keep your head above water, do not submerge.
  • Do not use the spa while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  • Do not stay in the hot tub more than 15 minutes without a break.

Pool Rules

  • Swim only when lifeguard is on duty and follow Lifeguard instructions.
  • Shower required before entering pool or spa. Proper swim attire required in pools and spa.
  • Children under 6 years of age must have an adult in the water within arm’s reach at all times and now require a wristband.
  • Children ages 6 to 8 must have an adult in the pool area at all times.
  • Swim diapers are required for all children under 3 years, are not potty trained or lack control of defecation.
  • No innertubes, rafts or baby floats allowed.
  • Only coast guard approved lifejackets or puddle jumpers permitted- no water wings or suits with built in flotation permitted.
  • Anyone using a lifejacket or puddle jumper MUST be accompanied by an adult who is in the water within arm’s reach at ALL times, regardless of age.
  • Lap lanes are for lap swimming or exercise only. Diving allowed in designated areas only. Starting blocks may be used during supervised practice or competitions only.
  • No food, drink, gum or glass containers are allowed in pool area.
  • No running or horseplay in or around pool (rough play).
  • Intentional hyperventilation or extended breath holding activities are prohibited.
  • Swim breaks may occur when staffing needs determine.
  • Do not swim with open wounds or sores.
  • Do not swim if you have or have had diarrhea in the last 24 hours.

Slide Rules

  • Swim test* required before using the drop slides.
  • Riders must be 48 inches ride any of the slides.
  • Must ride slide feet-first while lying on your back.
  • No stopping on slide.
  • No flotation devices or toys allowed on slide.
  • Only one person allowed on the slide at a time.
  • Exit slide catch area immediately, catching riders is prohibited.

Diving and Springboard Rules

  • Swim test* required before using this attraction.
  • Only forward-facing jumps and dives are allowed.
  • Only one person allowed on the board at a time.
  • Only one bounce is permitted.
  • Must jump straight off the end of the board facing forward.
  • Ensure area is clear before jumping, catching children is not permitted.
  • No toys or flotation devices allowed while using board.

Rock Wall Rules

  • Swim test* required before using the attraction.
  • A lifeguard will manage the Rock Wall to ensure guest safety.
  • Two climbers at a time.
  • Do not swim under other climbers under any circumstances.
  • Upon finishing, swimmers must exit at the ladder south of the wall.

Platform Rules

  • Swim test* required before using the attraction.
  • A lifeguard will dispatch guests when the area beneath the platform is clear.
  • No flips, back flips, back dives, inward dives, or gainers (reverse dive).
  • Upon finishing, swimmers must exit the pool immediately at the ladder south of the platform.

Lazy River Rules

  • All guests in the lazy river must be 48” tall, pass a swim test*, or be accompanied by an adult. We reserve the right to administer a swim test to any individual.

Sauna Rules

  • Shower recommended before use.
  • Proper swim attire is required.
  • Do not use the sauna under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • Maximum of 8 people in the sauna at a time.
  • Children under 12 allowed only with direct adult supervision.
  • Anyone who is pregnant, diabetic, has heart disease, irregular blood pressure, or other medical conditions should consult a physician before use.
  • No shaving, use of essential oils or cellphones in sauna. No food, drink, gum or glass containers are allowed in the sauna.
  • Shower required after exiting the sauna before entering a pool or spa. Do not pour water on sauna equipment or benches.
  • Do not stay more than 15 minutes in sauna without a break.

*Swim Tests

Anyone under the age of 12* must complete a swim test to use the following attractions:

  • Deep End (3ft 6in plus of water)
  • Diving Board
  • Platform
  • Drop Slide
  • Climbing Wall
  • Lazy River

Once completed, patron will be provided with a wristband indicating passed test. Goggles are not allowed for swim tests so that if they fall off while using an attraction, we know that they can swim without them. Swimmer must be able to jump into the pool feet first, resurface and then begin swimming on their front in a mostly horizontal position so that they are making good forward progress. Swimmer must swim to the wall (Scotty) or lane rope (NBRC) and then turn around and swim back to the start. Swimmer may swim next to the wall if needed, but if they grab on to the wall or roll onto their back at any time, they do not pass and must retest at next opportunity.

Swim tests will be offered throughout the day and during safety breaks. Meet by the ladder nearest the diving board.

We reserve the right to swim test anyone in the facility at any time should we feel it necessary, even if already passed the test. All groups will be swim tested. Internal groups may swim test at start of summer and keep records of their own campers and just get wristbands on next visit.

East Group Policy:

Under 48 inches gets red wristband and cannot go down slide. They may swim test and receive green wristband to go in deep end/lazy river. Swim test consists of jumping in by basketball hoop, return to surface and swim on front to patio wall, turn around and swim back. They will be issued a green wristband upon completion.

North group policy:

Red wristband if not tall enough for slide. Swim test for diving board and drop slide apply-see note above.

Our goal is to make sure every community member has a safe and rewarding aquatic experience.

The City of Boulder is focused on the safety of community members when swimming at Scott Carpenter and Spruce Pools. If there is inclement weather, staff members will use the following procedures to determine if a pool should have a late opening, temporarily close, have reduced amenities, or be closed for the day. Staff may shift outdoor pool operations to indoor pools to keep our pools open as much as possible.

Thunder and/or Lightning

The city uses the WeatherBug app, to track nearby lightning strikes. When thunder or lightning is first detected by a supervisor, all pool activities will be suspended. The pool must remain cleared for 30 minutes after the most recent lightning strike within 10 miles of the pool. Patrons must leave the facilities until given the all clear. Patrons will not be allowed near water pipes (showers), gas lines, electric wiring and telephone wiring. (Swimming pools are connected to a much larger surface area via underground). Lightning strikes on the ground anywhere on this metallic network may include shocks elsewhere. If weather conditions continue to decline, the aquatic facility may be evacuated, and daily operations will be canceled.

Rain and Wind

Heavy rain can make it difficult to see the bottom of a pool or beneath the surface. If heavy rain causes bottom obstruction, pools will be cleared and closed until the rain stops. Wind can also cause safety hazards. If wind is observably strong or gusty and causes bottom obstruction due to water rippling, pools will be cleared and closed until conditions allow.

Pool Temperature

Pools will close if the water temperature drops below the state code limit of 77°.

Air Temperature

Scott Carpenter Pool will open for lap swim when the air temperature is forecasted to reach 50° by opening. If air temperature is not 50° at opening, we will reevaluate the forecast to determine if a late opening is possible. If the air temperature is expected to fall and remain below 50°, the pool may close early at the discretion of the Aquatics Supervisor. Spruce Pool and the Leisure Pool at Scott Carpenter Park will open for open swim if the air temperature reaches 65° by opening, but we may alter the pools’ opening factoring in other weather conditions. We will reevaluate opening based on the forecast to determine if a late opening is possible. The head lifeguard will determine when the pool will re-open. Closures are at the Aquatic Supervisor’s discretion. They take all weather factors into consideration when making the decision to close.

Spruce Pool Swim Lesson Cancellations

Spruce Pool swim lessons will be canceled if the temperature is not forecasted to reach 65° by the start of the class. We will evaluate the forecast, but we may alter which lessons are possible factoring in other weather conditions. Lessons that are scheduled to start after hourly temperature predictions reach 65° will start as scheduled. Cancellations will be handled by the Aquatics Specialist and Customer Service Representatives.

Rain Checks

We will issue rain checks (valid for another visit within 90 days) if the pool closes due to weather for more than two hours, and it is before 5 p.m. Rain checks will not be issued after 5 p.m. When outdoor facilities close due to inclement weather, we will offer reentry slips (valid same day only) to our visitors to take advantage of one of our indoor aquatic facilities.