The Child Care Subsidy (CCS) program provides financial assistance to qualifying low- and lower-middle income families in Boulder, who are not eligible for Boulder County Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP). Subsidies are contingent on available funds.

CCS is a program of Housing & Human Services/Youth & Family Services

Program Requirements and Benefits

Applicants must meet all the following criteria:

  • Ineligible for Boulder County Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) or other public child care benefit
  • Child(ren) aged 0-12 years with no limit to number of children per family
    • Discounts available for additional children
  • Live within the city of Boulder limits
  • Using a licensed child care provider within the city of Boulder limits
  • Application and enrollment must be complete prior to receiving subsidy
    • Subsidy may be applied retroactive to the start of the month of enrollment
  • Ability to pay a portion of care or parent fee (based on annual household income)
  • Monthly child care costs paid directly to the child care provider by CCS
  • Complete a redetermination process every 12 months
  • Before and after school and summer child care assistance (for ages 5 to 12)

Program Eligibility

Applicants must be a parent(s)/guardian(s)/caretaker(s) completing at least one eligible activity (per adult):

  • Employed or self-employed
  • Job seeking up to a total of 90 days
  • Earning a high school diploma in a school setting, GED, or ESL program
  • Completing adult basic education or vocational training
  • Attending college or university seeking a first bachelor’s degree
  • Employed in a work study program while completing a first bachelor’s degree
  • Receiving Colorado Works/TANF benefits
  • Income up to 400% of the Federal Poverty Limit (FPL) per the annual or monthly guidelines. (see table below)

Eligible income is equal or below the annual or monthly income that matches the number of people in your household.

To calculate annual income for household size above 8 add $22,000 for each additional family member.
Household Size2345678
Annual Income$84,600$106,600$128,600$150,600$172,600$194,600$216,600
Monthly Income$7,050$8,883$10,717$12,550$14,383$16,216$18,050

Apply for the Child Care Subsidy Program

What you need to apply

  • Proof of residency in the City of Boulder: a copy of recent utility bill, rental agreement or lease
  • Completed application (application in English) (solicitud en español)
  • 30 days of income verification for all that contribute to the household (for the month prior to application) and/or proof of participation in an eligible school/training activity.

Where to send your application

Send the required documentation via email to:

For further information, please contact Gabriela López Ortega at or 303-503-6012. Se habla español.

Upon approval

A Daily Family Fee is assessed based upon the applicant's income information and family size. This fee will be paid directly to the child care provider by the family per the provider's payment schedule. The provider will be reimbursed directly by CCS for the child care rate less the family fee. The child care rate is determined by the child’s age, the provider’s state quality rating and the child’s full-time or part-time care needs.

  • Authorization for subsidy recipients is for one year or less determined by the program and the need of the family.
  • You are responsible for notifying the CCS program within 30 days of any changes to your circumstances such as: new address, new telephone number, new child care provider, new income information, or a different child care schedule. Failure to inform the program of these changes can result in disenrollment from the program and payment of any fees accrued once unenrolled.