FRS is dedicated to supporting families' capacity to raise healthy, well-functioning, and successful children through a broad array of prevention and early intervention services paired with case management. These services are developed and delivered according to the unique needs of families in each school community. The program especially emphasizes outreach to traditionally underserved populations to increase access to basic services and engagement in school with the goals of academic achievement and family stability.
Family Resource Schools (FRS) is a partnership between the City of Boulder and the Boulder Valley School District serving children and families at five elementary schools in Boulder: Columbine, Creekside, Crest View, University Hill and Whittier International.
FRS is a program of Housing & Human Services/Youth & Family Services.
BVSD Free and Reduced Lunch Program
As you may already be aware, breakfast and lunch are now FREE for BVSD students. Students will receive a full breakfast, along with one entree (with unlimited salad/fruit to accompany the entree) for free each day next year. Even though lunch is now free, it is still very important that families complete the free and reduced meal application, as it waives and reduces fees (including athletics/activities and school technology fees) district-wide for families, can impact transportation for some families, and impacts important funding for individual schools. It also qualifies families for a 50% reduction in Lifelong Learning tuition, and waived tuition for BVSD Online classes (excluding the $50 registration fee).
The Essential Framework of FRS
- Promote family self-sufficiency
- Remove barriers to academic achievement
- Build on family strengths
- Enhance academic opportunities at the school
- Serve as an advocate for families
Services Available Through FRS
Case management and follow-up services
Counseling: individual and group
Referrals to service providers
Workshops, classes and school engagement for parents
Neighborhood outreach
Coordination of special events
Afterschool enrichment programs
Other Services
Other services vary among the FRS Schools and can include, or support obtaining, the following:
- Academic training
- Child care and child care subsidies
- Basic needs and transportation assistance
- Dental, medical and vision care
Get Involved with the Family Resource Schools Program
Further information
- Contact Wanda Pelegrina Caldas at 303-218-8562 or email
- Contact Wanda Pelegrina Caldas at 303-218-8562 or email
Family Resource Schools Site Directory
Columbine Elementary School
Provides all core services of FRS including individual and group counseling and a health and wellness program. FRS at Columbine offers a variety of after school academic enrichment programs, academic assistance, and a morning Homework Club.
- Contact Sharone Calles, Family Outreach Coordinator, at 720-512-9147 or email
Creekside Elementary School
Provides all core services of FRS including individual and group counseling and a health and wellness program. FRS at Creekside offers a variety of after school enrichment programs including art, athletic and STEM classes. FRS also hosts several parent workshops and family events throughout the year.
- Contact Stephanie MacArthur, Family Outreach Coordinator, at 720-498-8819 or email
Crest View Elementary School
Provides all core services of FRS including individual and group counseling and a health and wellness program. FRS at Crest View offers a variety of after school enrichment programs including art, athletics, leadership programs and language classes with new classes offered throughout the year. FRS hosts several parent engagement trainings and family events throughout the year.
- Contact Alejandra Robles Cortes, Family Outreach Coordinator, at 720-483-0940 or email
University Hill Elementary School
Provides all core services of FRS including individual and group counseling and a health and wellness program. The FRS after school program at University Hill offers a variety of enrichment classes that focus on the emotional, social and academic growth of students. Classes include chess, music, soccer, STEM based classes and more. Another area of focus is parent engagement through various skill level classes such as: parenting, computers, language classes, technology and parent-led events to foster the building a stronger community.
- Contact Claudia Urrutia, Family Outreach Coordinator at 720-467-0421 or
Whittier International Elementary School
Provides all core services of FRS including group and individual counseling and a health and wellness program. The FRS after school program at Whittier offers a variety of enrichment classes for all children including robotics, magic, soccer and one-on-one tutoring during Homework Club. FRS also offers parenting classes, computer classes, an International Connections workshop and nutrition classes.
- Contact Alexis Batko, Family Outreach Coordinator at 720-460-7176 or email