The Junior Ranger Program is a summer job for teens 14 to 17 years old with the City of Boulder’s Open Space and Mountain Parks (OSMP) department working on natural resource projects such as trail maintenance, forestry, and invasive plant management.

Apply here to be a Junior Ranger!

Anyone aged 14-17 with a positive attitude and good teamwork skills is encouraged to apply.

Apply by: March 28

Interview by: April 6

Accept/Decline by: April 18

Start work: June 3 or July 8

Trail Crews

Session I: June 3 - June 27 (4 weeks) or

Session II: July 8 – August 8 (5 weeks)

Work Hours: Tuesday-Friday, 8 am - 3:30 pm, with 30 min. unpaid lunch (28 hours paid time per week)

Meet-up location: Wonderland Lake Trailhead, 4201 Broadway, Boulder CO 80301

All former Junior Rangers and staff should now have access to their 2024 W2s via the “post-employment” WorkDay portal. Instructions for how to access your tax documents through WorkDay were sent to your personal email within a month of your last day of work of 2024.

If you requested a physical copy of your W2, those were recently mailed – so keep an eye on your mailbox for the next week or two.

If you have checked your inbox and spam folders, and still cannot find this email, please reach out to us at:

The Junior Ranger program is currently hiring Crew Leads. Check out the "Staff Jobs" section of our page for more details and contact with any questions.

What do Junior Rangers do?

Work outside

We spend every day outside on trails in Boulder

Earn a paycheck

Junior Ranger pay starts at $15.25 per hour

Develop important work skills

Junior Rangers build work skills like teamwork, leadership, patience, punctuality, and more

Learn about the environment

Our crews learn about topics like climate change, ecosystems, history of Boulder, and more every week

Work on teams & make lifelong friendships

Each Junior Ranger works with 9 other team members and 2 leaders - developing close connections that keep us coming back to the program year after year

Give back to the land & our community

We work on projects that take care of the land and create opportunities for people in our community

Group of teenagers on a trail in a meadow filled with flowers posing for a picture with the mountains in the background.
Natasha Steinmann

2023 Junior Ranger Crew resurfacing the High Plains Trail

There are different types of crew. Which one is right for you?

Trail Crews

Work on Hiking Trails. On Junior Ranger Trail Crews, we work outside to build and maintain trails, manage vegetation, and more! Each crew has 10 Junior Rangers and 2 Crew Leaders.

As a part of this crew, you'll:

  • Learn about the natural world
  • Gain valuable work and life skills
  • Explore careers in natural resources
  • Become more confident in yourself
  • Be a steward of our public lands
  • Lead in your community

There are 100 spots available on the Trail crews this year.

Youth Ranger Crew

Learn to be a Park Ranger. On our Youth Ranger crew, you’ll work alongside law enforcement Ranger Naturalists from OSMP and explore a variety of career paths in conservation. Youth Rangers learn skills like bird banding, CPR and First Aid, and build positive connections with law enforcement. There are 10 spots available on the Youth Ranger crew this year.

After you've submitted your application, you will be emailed a follow up questionnaire to select your crew and session preferences.

Summer Youth Jobs

Thinking about working with us? Here's what you need to know:

While past experience isn't necessary, there are a few things we look for in candidates:

  1. Must be at least 14 and not more than 17 years old by June 3, 2025.
  2. A positive attitude is essential!
  3. Strong interest in being a team player and working hard.
  4. Demonstrates excitement and commitment to learn.
  5. Able to learn safe practices and make good judgments related to safety.
  6. Able to follow through on commitments. Especially the full work schedule, without missing any days.
  7. Successfully complete the application and interview process.
  8. Have a genuine desire to participate as a Junior Ranger.
  9. A personal email address, not a school or parent's email, is required for this job and application. Create one now if you'd like to work with the Junior Rangers

Junior Rangers serve for one of two sessions during the summer. They make a commitment to work all days of their assigned session. Junior Rangers must get any absences preapproved. Please plan your summer accordingly.

Trail Crews

Session I: June 3 - June 27 (4 weeks) or

Session II: July 8 – August 8 (5 weeks)

Work Hours: Tuesday-Friday, 8 am - 3:30 pm, with 30 min. unpaid lunch (28 hours paid time per week)

Meet-up location: Wonderland Lake Trailhead, 4201 Broadway, Boulder CO 80301

Youth Ranger Crew

Session II: July 8 - August 8 (5 weeks)

Work Hours: Tuesday - Friday, 8 am - 3:30 pm, with 30 min. unpaid lunch (28 hours paid time per week)

Meet-up location: Wonderland Lake Trailhead, 4201 Broadway, Boulder CO 80301

Junior Rangers are paid an hourly wage. The 2025 wage scale is:

First Year $15.60

Second Year $15.85

Third Year $16.35

Fourth Year $17.10

Check out our specialized crew types for 2025:

The Weather & Climate – Data Science crew primarily works on trail projects, with a special focus on research projects related to the climate in Boulder. In Session 1, they will collect data, learn about the process of research, and teach other crews about their project. In Session 2, the crew will continue the project and during the 5th week of work, the crew will complete a “data science sprint” with OSMP experts to analyze data, organize their findings, and present their conclusions.

If you're interested in exploring this crew type, select it when you complete the questionnaire that is sent to you after you complete your application.

Three Junior Rangers proudly point towards a buried rock in the trail

2023 Junior Rangers setting rocks and log steps on Crown Rock Trail

Ready to Apply?

Apply on WorkDay!

Applications will open in late February, 2025 and CLOSE March 28, 2025. Apply for a Junior Ranger Crew Member position.

Here are some important reminders for your application:

  1. Make sure you apply using a personal email address.

    All communication regarding your application, employment, pay and taxes will be sent to you via this email. Please make sure to use a personal email, and not your school or parent's email to apply.

  2. Confirm or get your Social Security Number, green card, or DACA documentation
    • All City of Boulder employees must have a social security number, green card, or DACA documentation before they begin work.
    • Cards may be obtained from the Social Security administration office (1-800-772-1213 FREE).
  3. Set up or confirm your own Bank Account
    • Paychecks are issued by direct deposit. Employees must have an account at a financial institution to receive their paychecks.
    • To avoid any issues, we strongly encourage youth to set up their own bank accounts for direct deposit rather than depositing into a parent/guardian’s account.
  4. Complete all steps in the application
    • There are multiple steps to the application. You'll know that your application is complete once you reach the confirmation page that says your application is submitted.
    • You will only be interviewed and considered for the position if your application has been successfully submitted.
  5. Ask for help!

    Please reach out to Junior Ranger staff if you have ANY questions about the job or the application.

    The program gets a lot of applications. If you aren’t offered a position this year, please apply again! We keep track of motivated individuals who apply multiple years in a row.

Check your Email

Once you Submit your application and arrive at the "confirmation page", check your email every day for information on next steps:

  1. Completing the required questionnaire to tell us your crew and session preferences (complete as soon as you receive it)
  2. Scheduling your interview. To be considered for the job, you must interview for the position.
  3. Attending a hiring paperwork session, to start the onboarding process.


  • Add bouldercolorado @ myworkday .com and juniorrangers @ bouldercolorado .gov to your contact list, to prevent the email going to your spam folder.
  • Please reach out to the Junior Ranger staff email if you need help.

Practice and Prepare for your Interview!

Once you've scheduled your interview, take some time to practice! You can use the interview questions below to prepare.

If you want to add to the answers you gave in your interview, you can submit written answers to the interview questions by email to

  1. Why do you want to be a Junior Ranger?
  2. In your experience, what are the key components of a strong team? How can you help a team be successful?
  3. Tell me about a time when you worked with people who are different from you. What did you do to understand their perspective?
  4. We believe mistakes are important for growth and we love to celebrate them to move forward. Tell me about a time when you made a mistake or a teacher/coach/parent gave you constructive criticism. How did you feel and what did you do
  5. Describe your experience being responsible or accountable for something or someone.
  6. What things have you done at school or at home that would prepare you for an outdoor job?
  7. What do you think you'll need to bring to work each day to be prepared for working outside for 7 hours?
  8. How would you respond to a coworker who is complaining about the job? What would you do or say?

Go to your interview!

  • Showing up to your interview is very important!
  • Be at least 5 minutes early for your interview - this shows us motivation and interest for the job.
  • If necessary, reschedule your interview in advance.

Accept or decline your job offer!

  • We will send offers out by email.
  • Let us know WITHIN 5 DAYS if you would like to accept or decline. After the 5th day, if we haven't heard from you, we'll assume you are declining and will offer to someone else.
  • You can always follow up with more questions if you are unsure.
  • All applicants will have received an email by late April if they have been offered a position or are on the waitlist.

Complete City of Boulder paperwork!

  • If you accept your Junior Ranger job offer, you’ll need to complete hiring paperwork for the City of Boulder.
  • You will need to attend a paid session in early May to complete your onboarding.

Show up to your first day of work!

Congrats! You made it through your first government job application process!

Now the REAL fun begins... get more information about what you'll need to know for your first day.

Junior Ranger Program


The application for Junior Ranger youth positions typically opens mid-February and closes on March 28. No exceptions.

Applications for Crew Lead and Program Coordinator positions typically open in late December and close when positions are filled.

No, we do not have a residency requirement. Anyone and everyone, regardless of where they live, is welcome to apply.

No, a personal email is required so that we can communicate directly with the applicant during the hiring process. Please create a new one if you do not have one.

Before emailing us to see if we received your application, please check your Junk and Spam folders for a confirmation email. Additionally, you can add “” and "" to your contacts to ensure you get any communication from us about your application.

  • When you submit your application, you will be redirected to a page that confirms that your application has been successfully submitted.
  • All applications are reviewed and processed after the application period has closed (March 28).
  • All applicants who submit a complete application will be invited via email to an interview in early April.
  • All applicants who interviewed will hear back from us by late April if they have been offered a position or are waitlisted.

Eligibility for benefits is determined on a case by case basis and will be established when a job offer is made. Questions about benefits should be directed to Human Resources (303-441-3388).

Staff Jobs

Crew Leads

Job Description

Each year the program seeks crew leaders (age 19+) to build functional teams, complete trail maintenance and other natural resource projects, and support youth stewardship and job skills development. Crew Leads come from a variety of backgrounds in leadership, education, and conservation. They supervise Trail Crews, integrate learning opportunities into their project timelines, facilitate environmental education lessons, support program and department goals, and receive career and leadership development themselves as they work beside project sponsors and attend organized talks and trainings from OSMP department staff.


In 2025, crews will consist of 2 Crew Leads and 10 Junior Rangers. There are 13 full-time seasonal Crew Lead (age 19+) positions available.

2025 Position Dates

Position runs May 12 - August 14, 2025

Unpaid holiday break: July 1 - July 4

Crew Lead (ages 19+)

Applications for Crew Lead positions are open! Apply for Crew Lead now!

Senior Program Coordinators

Senior Program Coordinators work as part of a leadership team that oversees field and project management, program operations, leadership, administrative and logistical support.


There are three full-time temporary Sr Program Coordinator positions available, each with a different focus. All positions provide support and leadership in all aspects of running the Junior Ranger program and associated events. Applications for Senior Coordinator positions are closed!

  • Sr Coordinator (Youth Ranger Focus)

This position will primarily focus on assisting with scheduling, supporting, and Crew Leading the Youth Ranger crew in Session 2. Their priorities are team safety, spending time with crews in the field, and providing education to crews. They will oversee field and project management, skills development, and program operations and managing developing and continuing multiple partnerships with internal and external stakeholders; as well as provide public communications, administrative and logistical support to Program Manager and Ranger Specialist. This position requires the ability and composure to work directly with first responders, law enforcement, and a diverse array of partners in natural resource protection and emergency services. This role assists with hiring, training, and supervising staff. Occasional weekend work may be asked of them.

This is a 40 hr/wk (with occasional overtime), approximately 5-month role that can reapply & return annually (mid April – late August).

Unpaid holiday break: July 1 - July 4

Applications for Sr Coordinator positions are closed. Check back next year.

  • Sr Coordinator (Technical Focus)

This position will primarily focus on team safety, visiting crews in the field, supporting technical trail work projects, substituting as a Crew Lead when someone is absent, and providing education to crews. They will oversee field and project management, skills development, and program operations; as well as provide public communications, administrative and logistical support to Program Manager. They will also manage media & photos, schedule work projects with project sponsors, and coordinate formal educational opportunities with the Education & Outreach team. Occasional weekend work may be asked of them.

This is a 40 hr/wk (with occasional overtime), approximately 5-month role that can reapply & return annually (mid April – late August).

Unpaid holiday break: July 1 - July 4

Applications for Sr Coordinator positions are closed. Check back next year.

  • Bilingual Sr Coordinator (7-month)

The Bilingual Sr Coordinator role is for someone who is organized, team-oriented, passionate about teaching young people, proactive with communication, and fluent in English and Spanish. In this position, you will learn valuable career skills such as leadership, communication, self-confidence, teaching others, hands-on skills to care for our public lands including trail maintenance, and how to manage a large summer program like the Junior Rangers.

This is a 40 hr/wk (with occasional opportunity for overtime), approximately 7-month role with an opportunity to return annually/reapply (approximately late February – August). Occasional weekend work may be asked of you.

Unpaid holiday break: July 1 - July 4

Applications for the Bilingual Sr Coordinator position is closed. Check back next year.