To pay your parking citation, please visit and enter your citation number or license plate number into the “Pay my Parking Ticket” prompt. Once the violation number or license plate number have been entered, the violation associated will generate on the next page. The violation will allow for a view of the violation details, location and images of the vehicle. In order to pay the violation, please enter your credit card information into the “Payment Method” prompt and then click “pay violation.”
If this is your first Metropolis citation in a City of Boulder garage, the violation fee can be waived. To waive your first-time violation, visit and enter your violation number or license plate number into the “Pay my Parking Ticket” prompt. Once your violation has populated, refer to the prompt at the bottom of the page “How to file a dispute.” Click the link provided and on the following page, complete the required fields to dispute the violation. Once finished, please click submit and the dispute will be generated and sent to our customer support team. Please note that you will still be required to pay a $5.25 processing fee plus the cost of your parking session.
If additional support is needed, please contact