All exterior changes to a property designated as an individual landmark or located within a historic district require review and approval through a Landmark Alteration Certificate (LAC).

How To Submit Your Application

All exterior changes to landmarked properties and those located in a historic district require review and approval through a Landmark Alteration Certificate, so we need you to complete the application form (see below).

The following is an outline of the process for the application:

Landmark Alteration Certificate (LAC) applications for exterior work on a property in a historic district or locally landmarked

  1. Send a completed LAC application to Save the files as a PDF. Put HISTORIC PRESERVATION in the subject line.
  2. We will create a case and email you (this takes 5 – 7 days).
  3. You will log in through the Customer Self-Service (CSS) Portal to upload any additional files we need for review in PDF format. The files must be PDF and not rotated (meaning the top of the page is at the top of the screen).
  4. If you need help uploading materials, naming them, or saving as PDF, please email for assistance.
  5. Your application will then be reviewed by staff and scheduled for a Landmarks Design Review Committee Meeting or Landmarks Board Meeting if required.

The work will need to follow the General Design Guidelines for Historic Districts and Individual Landmarks and the Historic District Guidelines.

There are three levels of review depending on the scope – staff, the Landmarks Design Review Committee (LDRC) and the Landmarks Board. The initial review (staff or LDRC) usually occurs within 14 days after a complete application is received. Most cases are reviewed by the LDRC, which is currently meeting via Zoom each Wednesday morning. Please note that the deadline for the LDRC is the previous Wednesday (end of business), however this does not guarantee that your application will be seen by the LDRC the following week.

Si necesita ayuda para traducir esta información al español, llame al 303-441-1905.

When Is Review Required?

All exterior changes to a property designated as an individual landmark or located within a historic district require review and approval through a Landmark Alteration Certificate (LAC). The intent of the design review process is to ensure that proposed changes will not adversely affect the historic character or integrity of the property or historic district. All changes must be consistent with the spirit and purpose of the Landmark Preservation Ordinance.

Refer to the Map of Historic Districts & Landmarks to find out if your property is a landmark or in a historic district.

If your property is older than 50 years old but NOT designated as an individual landmark or in a historic district, your project may need to be reviewed under Historic Preservation Demolition Review criteria. Refer to Historic Preservation Demolition Review for details.

How Do I Get Started?

Is There a Fee?

There is no fee for the Landmark Alteration Certificate (LAC) Application or review.

How Long Does It Take To Review My Application?

  • Minor alterations, including roofing, paint and rear fences, are reviewed by Historic Preservation staff. These take about 14 days from the time the application is complete.

  • Applications for more significant changes, including front and side yard fences, decks, skylights, solar panels, window rehabilitation and replacement, additions and new accessory buildings smaller than 340 sq. ft. are initially reviewed by the Landmarks Design Review Committee (LDRC). The LDRC meets weekly on Wednesday mornings. The deadline for these reviews is end of business the Wednesday prior, however this does not guarantee a spot on the agenda as the meetings often fill up fast. Visit the Landmarks Design Review Committee page for the most recent agenda and more information.

  • The Landmarks Board meets monthly and reviews applications for new construction over 340 sq. ft., proposed demolition on a landmarked site or within a historic district, or any application referred to the full board by the LDRC. The deadline for the Landmarks Board is 28 days before the meeting, however this does not guarantee a spot on the agenda as the meetings fill fast. Visit the Next Landmarks Board Meeting Page for the most recent agenda and more information.

What Are The Review Criteria?

The work must meet the General Design Guidelines and any district-specific design guidelines:

The design guidelines were developed to provide additional guidance to the criteria found in Section 9-11-18(b) B.R.C. 1981:

  • The proposed work preserves, enhances, or restores, and does not damage or destroy the exterior architectural features of, the landmark or the subject property within a historic district.
  • The proposed work does not adversely affect the special character or special historic, architectural, or aesthetic interest or value of the landmark and its site, or the district.
  • The architectural style, arrangement, texture, color, arrangement of color, and materials used for existing and proposed structures are compatible with the character of the existing landmark and its site or the historic district.
  • For proposals to demolish a building in a historic district, the proposed new construction to replace the building must meet the requirements of the Historic Preservation Ordinance.

I Have The LAC ... Now What?

Once the Landmark Alteration Certificate (LAC) is issued, you submit it to Planning and Development Services (P&DS) with your building permit application.

Landmark Alteration Certificates are valid for 180 days and can be extended for an additional 180 days if requested in writing prior to the original expiration date.

Apply for a Landmark Alteration Certificate

Find if your property is designated

Submit your application

For additional assistance

  • If you have questions or need help uploading materials, naming them, or saving as PDF, please email
  • Si necesita ayuda para traducir esta información al español, llame al 303-441-1905