Portal Allows You to Interact With Boulder's Land Management System Online

These public-facing tools are designed to make participating in the community development process more engaging and convenient. The EnerGov CSS ePortal is designed with the latest software standards, modern aesthetics, and is fully compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

CSS Update

The city has upgraded the EnerGov Customer Self Service (CSS) ePortal to increase security and include account authentication.

Beginning Friday, June 28, you must re-register your CSS account using your existing CSS email address (the address on this email) the next time you log in to CSS. To ensure your successful account transition, view the registration guide.

Create an Account in EnerGov CSS

Things to know

  • When creating a CSS account, please use the email address you used when previously working with the city.
  • For questions on how to set up an account, make an inspection request or submit a permit application, please review the user guide.

Connecting Active and Inactive Cases to Your EnerGov CSS Account

Make a request

If you need to access a certain case in CSS or need to have your contact records cleaned up, please contact the CSS Help Desk.

CSS Contact best practices FAQ

CSS Contact Best Practices and Frequently Asked Questions

Contact records are the way that EnerGov identifies individuals and companies and connects them to a CSS account. EnerGov has contact records that are used for all services types in EnerGov and the Customer Self-Service (CSS) Portal. A contact can be connected to all types of cases.

The company should have a single (primary) contact and email address for their business. The contact may or may not have a person’s name on the contact. This primary company contact record will be the license holder for contractor licenses (if applicable). When you register your company through Customer Self-Service (CSS) you should use the company email address on file with the City of Boulder P&DS or notify city staff through Inquire Boulder which email address you’d like to designate as your primary contact record, prior to creating an account. This should automatically connect your registered CSS user account with your case records. This will ensure that all cases associated with the company are viewable at your first log-in.

While one primary or shared CSS account per company is recommended, it is not required. One account will help ensure that the company never loses access to permits even if an employee leaves the company. If you desire to have individual contacts for your company, then you can create individual contacts for your company in addition to the primary company contact. When individuals create a CSS account, they should use an email address that is on file with City for them as an individual (not the same email address that was used for the company record). Through the company’s CSS account, you can associate individuals with applicable cases, permits, or licenses. By associating an individual with cases, they will be able to view case information using their individual CSS account. Please reference the How can I add additional contacts to an active case through CSS? section below. When you submit for new applications, add the company

Any permits or cases that were submitted or issued prior to April 9, 2018 and are still active may need to be manually connected to your new CSS account registration by city staff before you are able to view or interact with them in CSS. This may happen if you used a different email address when creating your CSS account than one that was previously on file with P&DS. If you are unable to view your records through CSS, submit an inquiry to Inquire Boulder, so we can assist you with making the connections.

We appreciate your patience as we work through a high volume of these types of requests. In the meantime, if you need assistance requesting inspections on records you are unable to view, please call 303-441-4088 and leave a message with your request. You may request inspections on this line until your accounts/records have been linked.

Once you are registered and have been linked to your existing active permit, you have the ability to add additional contacts to your permits in CSS. As long as your additional contacts have already created a new CSS account, you have the ability to connect them to the permit yourself. Some examples of additional contacts could be a homeowner, subcontractors, general contractors, project managers, etc. The steps in CSS are as follows:

  • Open permit in CSS portal
  • Under “Active” permits
  • Open permit
  • Click the permit number
    • This will open the permit with a row of tabs
    • Click on “contacts”
    • Add contact
      • Select contact type in the drop down labeled “Add Contact As” (See “How do I know which “contact type” to use when adding contacts to a record?” for more questions.
        • Search by “Last name” or “Company name” or “Email” (you can also add frequent contacts to “My Favorites” by clicking the blue star, then you will see that contact in “My Favorites” without needing to search.)
        • Click Add
        • Save
        • Refresh

The instructions are the same for a development review (PLAN) case, except there is a "plan number" instead of a "permit number" and the selection of contact types that you can add will vary.

When adding a contact to a record, especially for contractors, it is important to select the correct contact type to help in processing your application. When adding an individual who should have viewing rights or billing capabilities, you can select the “Contact” or “Applicant” type. When adding a contractor, select the contractor type appropriate for that permit type. For example, on a mechanical permit, you will want to add a licensed mechanical contractor and select the contact type “Contractor: Mechanical.”