The airport has 80 t-hangars grouped into three categories based on their amenities. The current wait for a t-hangar is seven to eight years.

T-Hangar Lease Rates

Monthly lease rates on T-hangars for new leases or lease renewals are:

TypeRegular HangarLarger End-Hangar
Type 1$284.11$329.56
Type 2$340.93N/A
Type 3$397.75$454.57

NOTE: New lease rates effective June 1, 2024 for all tenants.

T-Hangar Types

Information TYPE 1 TYPE 2 TYPE 3
Years built 1963-65 1972-80 1994
Hangar Address 3316, 3317 3351, 3353, 3354, 3355 3352, 3356
Door width 40 ft. 6 in. 40 ft. 3 in. 40 ft. 3 in.
Electricity Yes Yes No
Floor type Concrete/gravel Asphalt Asphalt
Door type Sliding Bi-fold Sliding
Doors face North/South East/West East/West

NOTE: Use of hangars is limited to aviation use only in accordance with federal regulations. Hangars will not be rented for vehicle maintenance, storage of household goods, etc.

Airport Hangar Waitlist

Waitlist Application Form

Airport hangars are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.

Questions and Further Information

  • Any questions you may have regarding hangars, the waitlist, or the leasing process please send an email to This includes inquiring about your current place in line on the waitlist.

Lease a Tie-Down

Eastern ramp

  • Contact Journeys Aviation at 303-449-4210 for a spot on the Eastern half of the parking ramp.
  • The price is $40 per month.
  • Overnight tie-down charges range from $5-8, but be sure to ask about specials and discounts.

Western ramp

  • Contact Specialty Flight Training at 303-530-0550 for a spot on the Western half of the ramp.
  • The price is $40 per month.
  • Overnight tie-down charges range from $5-8, but be sure to ask about specials and discounts.

Glider tie-downs

  • Contact Mile High Gliding at 303-527-1122 for information on leasing a tie-down spot for your unpacked glider or glider trailer.
  • The packed (trailer) price is $45 per month.
  • The price for an unpacked parking spot varies based on the size of parcel.