Information about City of Boulder Mobile Food Vehicles Licenses

Learn how to apply for a Mobile Food Vehicles license and process checklist.

Information about Mobile Vending Carts, as distinct from Mobile Food Vehicles, is available on the Mobile Vending Carts page.

Mobile Food Vehicles (MFV) Overview

  • On April 26, 2011, Boulder City Council passed an ordinance allowing mobile food vehicles, under certain conditions, in some areas of the City of Boulder. As of June 1, 2011, in order to legally operate a mobile food vehicle, you must obtain a mobile food vehicle license from the City of Boulder.
  • Please see the main BRC section on MFVs (and any other related sections) to understand how it affects MFV businesses: BRC 9-6-5(d).
  • The licensing process takes approximately 4 weeks, from application submission to license issuance. MFV licenses are valid until March 1st of the applicable year.
  • The MFV process for parks is currently under review. For information about MFVs in city parks, please contact Rosa Wright at
  • Current Licensed Mobile Food Vehicles

License Term and Applicable Fees

  • Mobile Food Vehicle licenses are valid for a two-year period and expiring on March 1 of the second year of the license term. Licenses applied for and approved after March 1 of a given year will be valid for less than 2 years.
  • Please refer to the Boulder Municipal code for the current fees for obtaining a Mobile Food Vehicle License. Please note that there is an application fee and the annual license fee will be applied twice, one fee for each year.

How to Apply for a Mobile Food Vehicle License

Register for a City of Boulder Customer Self Service Portal Account

Mobile Food Vehicle License Application

Obtain or Renew a Colorado Retail Food Establishment License for your Mobile Food Vehicle - this is separate from the City of Boulder issued license and is provided by Boulder County

For New Licenses: Fill out applications for City Business License for Sales and Use Tax, for Renewal Licenses inquire with Sales Tax Staff as to the status of your City Business License at 303-441-3050 or by email at

Please note: you must have applied for your sales tax license prior to submitting your MFV application to the Licensing Division.

Mobile Food Vehicle Application

Please allow a minimum of four weeks processing time. The Licensing Division will make every effort to process the applications quickly. If approved, the license will be emailed to you at the email address provided in CSS.

Incomplete applications will be returned. If an application is denied, licensing will send a denial notice via email through the CSS portal.

City of Boulder will now accept truck inspections from participating Fire Marshals as long as you include a certificate of inspection. If you are still in need of an inspection, please contact Kim Harris at or call 720-564-2118 for the application and questions. More information can be found on the Fire Department's Community Outreach, Education and Permits page.

Apply & Pay Online

Submit completed application and payment online through the City of Boulder Customer Self-Service Portal.

Video: Pay an Invoice

*NOTE* During the application process the system will ask for a premise address. If your address is not in the City of Boulder, please use the following address: 1136 Alpine

Have Questions?

The Regulatory Licensing Division holds virtual application clinics every Wednesday morning from 10:30 a.m. to 11 a.m., which you may attend virtually to ask miscellaneous license application questions:

Private Property: Allowed in the following commercially zoned districts with owner’s permission: Within use modules M1, M2, M3, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, D1, D2, D3, I2, I3, I43 and at least 150 feet from any residential zone and 150 feet from any existing restaurant.

Public Right of Way, such as public streets: Allowed only in Industrial Zones5 or in connection with an approved organized event permit, or in the parking lot or the public right of way adjacent to North Boulder Park with prior approval by the Director of Parks &Recreation.

Public Property: Allowed at the Boulder Municipal Airport in such areas and manner within the Airport as approved by the Airport Manager, as part of an organized event permit, or in a public park with prior approval by the Director of Parks & Recreation.

Podding: Podding is when two or more Mobile Food Vehicles operate in close proximity to each other. There is no limit as to the number of Mobile Food Vehicles podding per private property with owner’s permission in the industrial zone district. There can be no more than four mobile food vehicles podding per private property in the following use modules as indicated in the chart found in Section 9-6-1(d), BRC 1981]: M1, M2, M3, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, D1, D2, and D3. Mobile Food Vehicles must be at least 200 feet from another mobile food vehicle when operating in any public right of way.

Please see the maps provided for more information.