- Not-for-Profit Permanently Affordable Cooperative - A rental cooperative owned by a 501(c)(3) corporation with a housing focus. All rents must be affordable to households earning 60 percent of the Area Median Income.
Permanent Affordability (Cooperative Housing) means rents will be restricted to 60 percent of the area median income. Unless otherwise required, such as if affordable housing funds are awarded, household income will not be verified or documented. Rents on individual bedrooms will be determined based on the “0 bedroom equal or greater than 475 sq. ft.” rent category of the city of Boulder rent table. If households with more than one person, such as a parent-child household or a couple household, rent one room, monthly rent for that household would be based on the number of rooms rented (i.e., one bedroom) not the number of individuals in the households. If a household rents more than one room, monthly rent cannot exceed 60 percent of the area median income for 0-bedroom units for each room that household rents.
- Private Equity Cooperative - A cooperative in which two-thirds of the owners are residents and two-thirds of the residents are owners.
- Rental Cooperative - A cooperative in which more than one-third of the residents are renters.
P&DS Services
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