Collective Work for Future Generations

Nature and Boulder’s remarkable open spaces inspire and ground us, creating a timeless connection that enriches our lives. In 2024, City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks (OSMP) staff, volunteers, Tribal Representatives, contractors, partners and the Boulder Open Space Conservancy collaborated to help people enjoy and protect these lands while safeguarding and restoring sensitive wildlife and plant habitats. Together, these efforts created opportunities for connection and healing, ensuring the deep bond we share with nature is preserved for future generations.

Snow blankets the Flatirons

Stewardship in Action: 2024 Highlights

What does a year of stewarding Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks look like? In 2024, we conducted hundreds of projects focused on helping our community and future generations enjoy and protect Boulder’s open space.

Thanks to support from our community, our work in 2024 encompassed conserving and restoring important wildlife habitats and plant communities while designing, building and maintaining visitor infrastructure, such as trails, trailheads and facilities. It also involved partnering with Tribal Representatives to foster healing from the past, providing programs to help the community connect with the land, supporting the agricultural community and conserving local native ecosystems.

We do so much work to help people enjoy and protect the land. Read on to discover just some of the key highlights we accomplished together with volunteers, Tribal Representatives, community partners and the Boulder Open Space Conservancy in 2024!

A Legacy of Stewardship and Conservation

The land around Boulder has been stewarded by Indigenous Nations and Peoples since time immemorial. We thank Tribal Representatives from the American Indian Tribal Nations exiled from the Boulder Valley for the opportunity to listen to and learn from them. We appreciate their generosity in sharing their knowledge with us and the relationships we’ve developed with Tribal Nations, which will help us better tell inclusive histories and steward shared public land in the future.

The legacy of the city’s open space preservation dates back to 1898 when Boulder community members voted to approve a bond issue to purchase 75 acres near the base of the Flatirons for the Colorado Chautauqua. Over the following 126 years, Boulder community members continued to support land conservation by developing a Mountain Parks system, protecting land along the city’s mountain backdrop, and voting to approve the nation’s first tax specifically dedicated to protecting and maintaining open space.

We appreciate our community’s continued support for open space through their tax dollars. Today, our work is guided by specific open space purposes in the city charter (Section 176) and long-term management plans, such as the 2019 Open Space and Mountain Parks Master Plan, developed in collaboration with the community. We invite the community to learn more about our collective work to pass our shared legacy of land conservation on to future generations by clicking one of our open space focus areas below.

Responsible Recreation, Stewardship and Enjoyment

Focus Area Overview

We are united by our connection to and enjoyment of nature and our obligation to protect it.

Our community’s long-term investment in open space has paid dividends for each generation of community members, providing stunning landscapes and inspiring natural areas with trails and trailheads for allto enjoy long into the future. From hiking, biking, and climbing to birdwatching, photography, and quiet contemplation, OSMP lands offer accessible and challenging terrain for all abilities.

Key Facts

  • Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks (OSMP) trails help connect visitors to some of the most biologically diverse natural areas in the western United States.
  • Boulder's OSMP system receives about 6.17 million visits annually, with peak months between April and October.
  • Trail and trailhead projects require extensive design work and environmental permitting, necessitating collaboration among OSMP trail and trailhead specialists, ecologists, and landscape architects to coordinate project plans that protect wildlife, plants, and water resources.

Priority Stewardship Strategies

We have prioritized three "Responsible Recreation, Stewardship and Enjoyment" strategies in the city's Open Space and Mountain Parks' long-term strategic plan:

  • Assess and manage increasing visitation.
  • Reduce trail maintenance backlog.

Stay Informed

Open Space Trail

Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks maintains 162 miles of trails, 37 trailheads and 77 access points.

2024 Highlights

  • North Sky Trail. The City of Boulder opened the North Sky Trail, a new 3.5-mile trail north of Boulder and west of U.S. Highway 36. It provides an important trail connection beyond Boulder, linking the city's Foothills North Trail in north Boulder to the Joder Ranch Trail near U.S. Highway 36 and Neva Road. The North Sky Trail provides visitors an up-close view of one of the city’s Habitat Conservation Areas (HCA), where we protect habitats home to some of Boulder’s rare plants and animals. The North Foothills HCA has shale rock outcroppings that support rare plants, foothill areas with shrubs that support diverse bird communities, and native Tallgrass prairie grass embedded in dramatic rock outcroppings and steep slopes. Learn more about Habitat Conservation Areas.
  • Vesper Trail. OSMP opened the new Vesper Trail near 75th Street and Lookout Road. The department built the new Vesper Trail because of an OSMP community engagement effort to improve visitor experiences and trail sustainability on Gunbarrel Hill while improving habitat for nesting grassland birds in the area.
  • Public Opinion and Visitor Experience Survey. OSMP completed its multi-year “Public Opinion and Visitor Experience Survey” project to help us understand who visits Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks, how people visit, what type of experiences people have on shared public lands, and to hear their feedback and preferences. The 2021-2023 Public Opinion and Visitor Experience Survey (POVES) is the fourth in a series of system-wide surveys to help us understand Open Space and Mountain Parks’ visitor population better. Read more about the survey. Visit an interactive report that shows data collected as part of the survey.
  • Mount Sanitas Grant. The city received a $1.1 million grant from the federal Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) to conduct significant trail repairs on Mount Sanitas and construct two new trails to help the community enjoy the area. The department will also leverage the grant to improve climbing experiences in the area and sustain natural habitats on the mountain by closing and restoring undesignated trails that can harm vegetation and wildlife. This is a three-year project that will be implemented with staff, youth corps and volunteers.
  • Junior Rangers. OSMP Junior Rangers worked on 20 trails, helping reduce social trails while learning about land stewardship. The Junior Ranger Program is a summer job program for teenagers between 14 and 17 years old that has helped the city sustain and maintain open space over the last five decades. Junior Ranger applications will open in late February 2025!
  • Visitation Study. OSMP staff have completed a comprehensive study PDF of visitor patterns across the City of Boulder's Open Space and Mountain Parks, using data from 196 monitoring locations. The study revealed an overall visitation of 6.17 million visits, with peak months between April and October, and highlighted variations in usage across different areas and times. These findings will help guide our management strategies to balance visitor experience with conservation efforts in these valuable natural spaces.
  • Designated Trail Condition Monitoring. OSMP completed the Trail Condition Monitoring Report 2019 - 2023 Survey, which presents findings about the condition of OSMP’s trails and is the fourth in a series of systemwide surveys. The overall condition of OSMP trails has improved since the previous survey. Deferred maintenance estimates and total replacement costs decreased slightly, despite an additional four miles of trail being built between surveys.
  • Undesignated Trail Monitoring. OSMP finished its Undesignated Trail Monitoring Report 2019 - 2023. This report presents the results of the 2019-2023 survey effort and evaluates trends from past surveys. Undesignated trails are pathways created by repeated visitor use and can cause resource impacts and confusion for visitors. The recent survey recorded 118 total miles on city-managed open space, which is a decrease of 60 miles since 2012 and 46 miles since 2018, respectively. For the first time, the total undesignated trail mileage is less than total designated mileage, highlighting extensive OSMP management and restoration efforts.
  • Marshall Mesa Coal Mine Mitigation and Trailhead Improvements. OSMP collaborated with the Colorado Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety to support coal mine fire mitigation work in the Marshall Mesa Trailhead area, which is closed to support that important work. Once the state completes its coal mine project, OSMP will begin extensive Marshall Mesa Trailhead improvements. Most trails in the area remain open. A newly constructed interim trail – built with Boulder Mountainbike Alliance volunteers – has been installed to provide access for visitors arriving by bike and from the Colorado Department of Transportation parking lot at Highway 93 and Marshall Road.
  • Flagstaff Gateway Sign. OSMP installed a new “gateway” sign in the Chautauqua Meadow to welcome visitors to enjoy and protect Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks. The department carefully dismantled the old sign, which Rangers installed in the 1970s, and will continue to use it to honor OSMP Rangers who help preserve Boulder’s open space system.
  • Historic and Cultural Resources. OSMP staff completed the rehabilitation of the Lewis house, including conducting foundation repairs, an interior remodel, and energy upgrades. Previously, the house had been vacant for more than 30 years, with the city conducting minor repairs to maintain the home's exterior in 2012. Staff also restored repaired the iconic, historic Wright barn on Foothills Highway north of Boulder. The work included replacing rotted support beams and posts and installing a new, fire-resistant roof. When OSMP purchased the land the barn is on, it was in danger of collapsing. 
  • Thank you, volunteers! OSMP extends its gratitude to all volunteers who helped the department maintain and improve trails in 2025! Thank you, Trail Guides, Mountain Bike Patrol volunteers and Dog Ambassadors! They assist visitors while enjoying our world-class trail system. OSMP also recognizes the hard work of the Boulder Mountainbike Alliance, which helped the department build the new North Sky Trail, work to re-route trails in Boulder Valley Ranch, and develop an interim trail to help people access the Marshall Mesa Trailhead during coal mine mitigation and trailhead improvement work.
  • Boulder to Erie Regional Trail. OSMP staff and the Open Space Board of Trustees assisted Boulder County as part of its ongoing work to evaluate options for the creation of a new soft-surface regional trail connection linking Boulder and Erie. This connection was identified in the OSMP Visitor Master Plan as an important connection to explore and the county’s regional trails prioritization process in 2003. It is eligible for funding through the Countywide Sales Tax. Learn more about the BERT, read a memo staff prepared for the Open Space Board of Trustees and watch trustees’ discussion of the proposed trail.
An adaptive bike rider enjoys open space trails

In 2024, OSMP conducted trail improvements in the Boulder Valley Ranch area, including a re-route of the Cobalt Trail, which now welcomes bicyclists. The department also opened a key segment of an Eagle Trail re-route. As part of trail improvements in the Boulder Valley Ranch area, the department focused on improvements to welcome visitors experiencing disabilities and enhance adaptive mountain bike experiences.

Ecosystem Health and Resilience

Focus Area Overview

Using the best available science, we protect healthy ecosystems and mend those we have impaired.

The Great Plains and Southern Rocky Mountains merge dramatically in Boulder, creating iconic rock formations, unmatched scenic beauty and high biodiversity. This natural heritage is a powerful and enduring reflection of Boulder’s values. Together with the community, the City of Boulder works to protect, sustain and restore plant and wildlife habitats, fragile ecosystems and water resources.

Key Facts

  • Two of the major ecosystems OSMP conserves are grasslands and forests. Boulder foothills and forests also support a wide range of wildlife and plant species while our grassland ecosystems help to support rare and globally imperiled grassland communities.
  • OSMP lands support 741 native plant species, 303 native bird species, 138 native butterfly species, 61 native mammal species, 21 native reptile and amphibian species and 18 native fish species.

Priority Stewardship Strategies

We have prioritized three "Ecosystem Health and Resilience" strategies in the city's Open Space and Mountain Parks' long-term strategic plan:

  • Preserve and restore essential habitat blocks and corridors.
  • Update and continue implementing system plans guiding ecosystem management.
  • Address the global climate crisis here and now.

Stay Informed

Learn more about OSMP's seasonal wildlife closures and view a map of current closures by visiting OSMP's main closure webpage. View a map of seasonal wildlife closures. Receive our Field Notes e-newsletter.

Boulder Flatirons and hills along the city's mountain backdrop

Two continental-scale ecoregions the Central Great Plains and the Southern Rocky Mountains merge within Boulder's open space system. The collision of these two ecoregions has helped create some of the most diverse natural areas in the western United States. Photo by Ann G. Duncan.

2024 Highlights

  • Wildfire Resilience Work. OSMP continued long-term wildfire risk reduction efforts that mimic fire’s beneficial natural processes, which help to sustain healthy ecosystems and reduce the likelihood of extreme fires. That work includes forest thinning, prescribed burning and invasive weed removal. The department is also enhancing targeted, prescriptive grazing, which is important in reducing vegetation that can fuel wildfires, and is beginning new approaches to reduce wildfire risk, such as a new mowing program in open space areas adjacent to select residential areas. Learn more about open space wildfire risk reduction efforts below and through our Wildfire Resilience webpage. Take personal actions to help our community reduce shared risks and Be Wildfire Ready.
  • Burrowing Owl Protection. OSMP instituted a temporary trail closure that helped the city protect an important habitat on Gunbarrel Hill, where two burrowing owl pairs raised eight owlets successfully. Burrowing owls are a threatened species at the state level, and the temporary closure of the Vesper Trail helped protect the only burrowing owl nests in city-managed open spaces in 2024.
  • Stream and Creak Health. The city contracted to design a project on Coal Creek that uses structures that mimic beaver dams to help improve stream habitat and sustain creek health in an era of a changing climate. This work aims to restore stream structure and hydrology and create conditions where OSMP could welcome beavers back to the creek with a vision to sustain long-term creek health.
  • Pond Restoration. OSMP continued long-term efforts to restore a formal gravel mining site along Goose Creek, where it joins Boulder Creek, to create more natural wetland habitat in the city. Beavers moved into the improved area in 2024, and the city is now working to balance beaver occupation with long-term restoration goals by implementing co-existence strategies.
  • Wetland Monitoring. With the support of an EPA wetland development grant, the city partnered with the Colorado Natural Heritage program to map and characterize wetland and creek/stream areas on city-managed open space. OSMP will use mapping to develop a wetland monitoring assessment program, with a pilot project in the summer of 2025 when OSMP will monitor 50 wetlands.
  • Pilot Perimeter Mowing Program. The city launched a pilot mowing effort, an initiative identified in the Community Wildfire Protection Plan, to reduce wildfire risks in city-managed open space near residential areas. The mowing pilot will complement other open space risk reduction strategies – which include tree thinning, prescribed burning, livestock grazing and invasive weed removal – and city wildfire preparedness work.
  • Forest Thinning. OSMP staff conducted multiple tree-thinning projects across the OSMP system to sustain healthy forest ecosystems and reduce the risk of wildfires. In 2024, department forest crews thinned over 160 acres and dedicated more than 12,000 staff hours to forest management projects. Projects included extensive thinning efforts in the Shanahan Ridge area, southwest of town, to reduce fire risk to the city and improve forest habitat for native plant and wildlife species. We partnered with City of Boulder Utilities on several projects to protect vital infrastructure that provides power and drinking water to Boulder. We collaborated across boundaries with Four Mile and Boulder Rural Fire Protection Districts and the Colorado State Forest Service to create strategic landscape-level fuel breaks that could be used for suppression in the event of a wildfire while improving overall forest health.
  • Cattle Grazing on Shanahan Ridge. Last year, marked the 10th year the city has worked with local ranchers who lease open space agricultural land to conduct prescriptive cattle grazing south of Boulder. Cattle grazing is the most cost-effective tool for managing vegetation in the rocky open space areas in south Boulder. It is an effective way to reduce invasive weeds, especially tall oatgrass, which can fuel wildfires. In 2024, OSMP expanded cattle grazing to areas near the National Center for Atmospheric Research.
  • Vegetation Management. Native plant communities in Boulder’s open space are naturally resilient to fire, but invasive weeds and plant species threaten them. In 2024, the city treated over 6,000 acres for invasive weed species in city-managed open space, contributing to healthier and more fire-resistant landscapes. Vegetation Stewardship staff also removed 30,000 pounds of Russian olives, a non-native tree common across the eastern portion of the city’s Open Space and Mountain Parks system.
  • OSMP Research Program. OSMP’s Funded Research Program provided five grants to fund research on OSMP land to “support a learning laboratory approach to conservation.” The department also issued 20 permits for researchers to conduct additional scientific studies on open space lands. Learn more about OSMP’s Funded Research program.
  • Climate Plan. OSMP completed an effort to fulfill a key climate strategy by completing a long-term strategic climate action plan. The plan focuses on helping reduce OSMP contributions to climate change, and supporting nature and people to thrive in a changing climate future. Key objectives of the plan are: 1) Increase the resilience of natural and working lands; 2) reduce emissions; and 3) foster climate awareness, participation and equity.
  • Native Seed Program. OSMP staff and volunteers collected native seeds from open space to help support department ecological restoration and trail work. Seeds collected from native grasses, forbs (broad-leaved plants), shrubs, wetland plants, and trees are critical in helping OSMP conduct ecological restoration projects, such as revegetating areas affected by natural disturbance events such as fire or floods, and planting native plants where OSMP removed invasive weeds.
  • Seasonal Wildlife Closures. OSMP and Parks and Recreation continued seasonal wildlife closures in 2024 to help protect sensitive wildlife species across the city’s open space systems. Wildlife closures have played an important role in helping many wildlife species – such as peregrine falcons and Golden Eagles– reproduce and raise their young. Learn moreabout 2025 wildlife closures.
  • Wildlife Fencing. OSMP continued ongoing work to ensure safe wildlife movement across fencing to access important habitats. This year, OSMP converted over 3,500 feet of fencing into wildlife-friendly designs.
  • Prairie Dog Barrier Program. The city launched a pilot program to provide financial assistance to open space neighbors interested in installing prairie dog barriers on their land. This pilot program aims to help neighboring landowners minimize prairie dog encroachment on their properties.
Burrowing owl peers at a photographer

A temporary trail and wildlife area closure OSMP instituted helped the city protect important Gunbarrel Hill habitat, where two burrowing owl pairs raised eight owlets successfully in 2024. Burrowing owls are a state-threatened species, and the temporary closure of the Vesper Trail helped protect the only burrowing owl nests in city-managed open space in 2024.

Agriculture Today and Tomorrow

Focus Area Overview

Our legacy and future are based on working landscapes that are in harmony with nature.

Open Space and Mountain Parks preserves agricultural uses on open space lands to support agricultural viability and the native plants and animals who rely on agricultural lands as habitat. We deeply value our relationships with ranchers, farmers and the many community members who enjoy and appreciate these lands.

Agricultural Facts

  • OSMP leases about 16,000 acres of working lands to dozens of farmers and ranchers, many of whom have cared for these lands for more than 30 years.
  • Thirty OSMP-managed ditches help provide water to help preserve agricultural operations on city-managed open space.
  • Twenty-nine farmers and ranchers lease OSMP agricultural land, helping OSMP to manage land and fulfill open space agricultural purposes in the city charter. Learn more about OSMP’s leasing practices.

Priority Stewardship Strategies

We have prioritized three "Agriculture Today and Tomorrow" strategies in the city's Open Space and Mountain Parks' long-term strategic plan:

  • Reduce maintenance backlog for agriculture and water infrastructure.
  • Increase soil health and resilience.
  • Address conflicts between agriculture and prairie dogs. Learn more about city efforts to conserve and manage prairie dogs.
Agriculture operations occurring on open space land

The City of Boulder’s charter (Section 176) identifies preserving agricultural uses and lands suitable for agricultural production as a specific purpose for open space. 

2024 Highlights

  • Agricultural Leasing. Department staff leased more than 16,000 acres to 29 local agricultural producers to help support agricultural uses on open space. Learn more about OSMP's agriculture program and its agricultural leasing practices.
  • Addressing Conflicts Between Agriculture and Prairie Dogs. OSMP staff removed prairie dogs and implemented agricultural land restoration techniques on over 300 acres of irrigated land on 11 individual agricultural properties in 2024. Restoration practices included burrow flattening, keyline plowing, seeding of cover crops and/or perennial crop and compost application. The department also improved agricultural infrastructure, including fencing and irrigation facilities.
  • Non-Leased Agricultural Land Restoration. Staff is rehabilitating soil and plant resources – as well as maintaining and improving fencing, access, and irrigation infrastructure – on unleased, irrigated agricultural land in the presence of prairie dogs. OSMP work in 2024 included: Burrow leveling, keyline plowing, composting, cattle bale grazing and prescribed grazing for noxious weed suppression, seeding, vegetated visual barrier installation, noxious and invasive plant management, fence and gate repairs, and re-constructing or fixing flood irrigation systems.
  • Increased Prairie Dog Management Staffing. The department increased internal staff capacity to remove prairie dogs from irrigated lands. This staff increase is part of a long-term effort to conserve and manage prairie dog habitats while reducing their presence in irrigated agricultural areas. Learn more about OSMP’s prairie dog management efforts. Watch the department’s recent annual prairie dog meeting.
  • Agricultural Ditch Maintenance. OSMP removed 80 tons of material from ditches this year as part of ongoing efforts to maintain vital irrigation infrastructure on open space lands. This work helped ensure efficient water delivery to agricultural operations, reduce vegetation that can fuel wildfires, and support native vegetation in nearby ecosystems. Department staff conducted other maintenance and inspection work over 17 miles of irrigation ditches.
  • Diverse Native Plant Communities Rehabilitation. OSMP staff continued examining the best ways to restore native plant communities in the presence of prairie dogs on approximately 20 acres of formally converted and now degraded, non-irrigated agricultural fields. Last year, staff used different plant species combinations and seeding methods using native plant species naturally found in prairie dog colonies.
  • Fencing Work. OSMP continued efforts to remove unnecessary fencing in areas where it is no longer needed, such as in agricultural areas and places where it may affect wildlife. When fencing was necessary, the department installed 1.5 miles of new fencing.
A firefighter monitors a prescribed burn east of Boulder

In 2024, the City of Boulder conducted prescribed burns to reduce fire danger for the community, improve the health of open space ecosystems and maintain agricultural water infrastructure. Learn more about why the City of Boulder conducts prescribed burning.

Community Connection, Education and Inclusion

Focus Area Overview

Together, we build an inclusive community of stewards and seek to find our place in open space.

Over the next decade, Open Space and Mountain Parks seeks to:

  • Continue to support city-wide efforts to sustain, strengthen and honor relationships with American Indian Tribal Nations.
  • Inspire environmental education.
  • Sustain community volunteerism, partnerships and neighborhood involvement.
  • Promote equity and inclusion where all people feel welcome, safe and able to enjoy the benefits of open space.
  • Create long-term connections with OSMP lands that are strengthened and deepened throughout our lives and across generations.
  • Increase awareness of the benefits of nature and the ways visiting OSMP lands can reduce stress and increase physical and mental well-being.
  • Encourage youth to spend time outdoors and to care for their open space system.

Engage with OSMP!

Boulder Open Space Conservancy

Learn more about the nonprofit organization – Open Space and Mountain Park's official philanthropic partner – which was founded in 2017 and is focused leveraging public resources with private philanthropy to help the department fulfill its mission.

Priority Stewardship Strategies

We have prioritized two "Community Connection, Education and Inclusion" strategies in Open Space and Mountain Parks' long-term strategic plan:

  • Welcome visitors of diverse backgrounds and abilities.
  • Enhance communication with visitors.
OSMP staff members pose for a picture

The City of Boulder welcomes visitors of all abilities to enjoy open space trails. Read our trail accessibility guide! We offer numerous experiential wheelchair and adaptative bike hikes and provide "Roll and Stroll Hikes" to accommodate people in wheelchairs or experiencing some disability. In 2024, the department also improved trails in the Boulder Valley Ranch area to welcome adaptive mountain bikes.

2024 Highlights

  • Fort Chambers - Poor Farm Concept Plan. The city completed a long-term planning process with Tribal Representatives to develop a concept plan to guide the future stewardship of land with a community connection to the Sand Creek Massacre. The concept plan is guided by a shared city-Tribal vision of “Heal the Land; Heal the People” and includes recommendations to heal the land from past ecological disturbances and create a healing trail for education, reflection and gathering. We thank Tribal Representatives for their collaboration and guidance for this important planning effort.
  • OSMP Rangers. Rangers patrolled thousands of miles of open space trails in 2024, helping community members and visitors enjoy and protect the land. They responded to at least 398 calls, including 173 law enforcement calls, 29 fire calls, 108 medical calls and 88 search-and-rescue calls. In addition, Rangers made over 12,600 contacts with open space visitors.
  • "Out in Nature" Award. The city received a Blue Grama Award from the Colorado Open Space Alliance (COSA) for its “Out in Nature” program. OSMP staff developed the program to reduce barriers between LGBTQIA2S+ people and the outdoors to build a greater sense of community, improve participants' mental health and make it easier for community members to see themselves in nature.
  • Boulder Open Space Conservancy (BOSC). OSMP leveraged the $55,000 it received from BOSC, its official philanthropic partner, to support ongoing work across the open space system to help improve trails and restore sensitive areas on Mount Sanitas. The nonprofit also helped us design ecological restoration work on Coal Creek. Learn more about BOSC and donate today.

  • Boulder Open Space Conservancy logo
  • Accessibility Programs. The department served 1,536 people experiencing disabilities and people wanting to understand outdoor accessibility. Staff led 44 adaptive equipment/accessibility training programs, rides and presentations. OSMP staff also led nine disability hikes and seven accessibility events.
  • Meadow Music 25th Anniversary. In 2024, the Meadow Music program celebrated its 25th anniversary! We extend our gratitude to Jeff & Paige for partnering with the city and helping us to inspire environmental education among thousands of Boulder-area youth. Since its inception in 2005, Jeff & Paige’s “Meadow Music” summer concert series has been one of Open Space and Mountain Parks’ most popular nature and environmental educational programs. It has helped kids develop a deep connection with nature, inspiring future generations of environmental stewards.
  • Staff Social Media Outreach. OSMP Rangers and Education and Outreach staff leveraged their creativity and their on-the-ground experience on the land to develop engaging social media content on Instagram. One social media post went viral, generating more than 150,000 likes! Join us on Instagram!
  • GivePulse. OSMP supported the city in launching its new volunteer management platform, GivePulse, which replaced the "Count Me In Boulder" site. The change will enable a wider reach among community members by including our volunteer opportunities in statewide search results. 
  • Volunteer Accreditation. The city renewed its national Service Enterprise accreditation in strategic volunteer engagement from the Association of Leaders in Volunteer Engagement (AL!VE). This recognition highlights the city’s exceptional capability to effectively engage community members and volunteers to meet the community’s needs. Thank you to all OSMP volunteers who helped us steward Boulder’s remarkable open space in 2024!
  • Raptor and Bat Monitor Volunteers.  Fifty-nine volunteers provided more than 2,000 hours of data collection and observations to support and help OSMP wildlife management decisions.
  • Volunteers who communicate with visitors. These volunteers are critical in increasing Open Space and Mountain Parks' "Presence on the Land" and helping us communicate responsible recreation reminders to our visitors.

    • Bike Patrol: Fifty-two volunteers made more than 1,000 contacts and supported additional monthly outreach/bike tables at popular trailheads from May through November. They also rode over 6,000 miles on city trails!

    • Trail Ambassadors: Sixty-four volunteers made about 45,000 contacts to assist open space visitors!

    • Flagstaff Nature Center: Eighteen volunteers made over 6,000 contacts.

    • Volunteer Ambassadors at Chautauqua: Fifteen volunteers made approximately 30,000 visitor contacts.

    • Dog Ambassadors: This new program had eight volunteers who made over 6,500 public contacts.

  • Community Nature Programs. The department offered 143 community programs that helped more than 5,800 people connect with nature! These programs provide participants with knowledge about local ecosystems, foster connections with the land and each other, and cultivate a sense of place. Program topics include wildlife, insects, raptors, plants, biodiversity and ecosystem health.

  • Nature Discovery. We provided 33 programs that helped more than 4,000 people, including youth and their parents, to experience the outdoors together. Through Storytime hikes, Nature Play Dates, Fishing Fun and guided nature hikes, we offer many ways for youth and families to explore and connect to Boulder’s wild open space lands.

  • School Programs. OSMP continued to offer school programs to help youth connect with nature and learn about Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks. These programs included field trips, school assemblies and classroom activities. In 2024, OSMP reached over 5,000 students through 131 programs conducted on open space and at schools. We thank our partners at the Boulder Valley School District and local independent school staff, faculty, and students, who help us co-create engaging learning experiences. These programs cover ecosystems, wildlife, insects, seasonal change, geology, Leave No Trace, outdoor ethics and outdoor safety.

  • Lil’ Explorers. OSMP continued its “Lil' Explorers” collaboration with Thorne Nature Experience and Boulder Housing Partners, focusing on engaging young children and their families in nature-connection experiences on open space. In the fall of 2024 –the third year of the collaboration – 45 participants from nine families participated in this six-week series. Each session provided a safe and supportive environment for hands-on learning and exploration, allowing families to create lasting memories while deepening their connection to the natural world.

  • 2024 Virtual Open House and Project Webmap. OSMP welcomed community members to learn about significant projects the department planned for 2024 through its “virtual open house” webpage. The department also developed an interactive project map showing significant projects occurring across the city’s open space.
  • "The Peoples' Crossing: Honoring Relationships with Tribal Nations." The city worked with Tribal Representatives to host a community event to honor and strengthen relationships with Tribal Nations. Unfortunately, heavy snow conditions and area closures forced the city to cancel “The Peoples’ Crossing: Honoring Relationships with Tribal Nations." While the snow canceled the event, Tribal Nation Representatives and singers and dancers who were in Boulder before the snow came still celebrated their traditions, cultures and histories with songs and dancing.
  • Memorandum of Understanding with Tribal Nations. The city signed an updated partnership agreement with Tribal Nations, focusing on city-managed open space. This agreement consolidates past City-Tribal Memorandums of Understanding and establishes a foundation for future City-Tribal Nation collaboration and ongoing consultation.
  • Planned Ethnographic Report with Tribal Nations. City and OSMP staff continued working with Tribal Representatives to develop a forthcoming ethnographic report. Interviews with Tribal Representatives on city-managed open space will inform the report to help the Boulder community learn about Tribal Nations' enduring traditional, cultural and historical connections to the Boulder Valley.
Tribal Representatives, staff and Council members stand in The Peoples' Crossing during a tribal consultation

The city won an award from the American Cultural Resources Association (ACRA) for tribal consultation and engagement work with American Indian Tribal Nations. We were honored that the idea for this award came from Tribal Representatives and that many even wrote letters of support to help us win it. The award nomination, supported by Tribal Representatives, recognized Boulder as "a model to other cities in their Tribal Consultation efforts." Learn more about city Tribal Consultation and Engagement efforts with Tribal Nations.

Financial Sustainability

Focus Area Overview

We steward public funding to fulfill the City Charter purposes for open space.

As of 2024, three citizen-approved sales tax increments accounted for about 90 percent of OSMP's annual revenues, evidence that Boulder community members continue to recognize the value of open space. Boulder residents have created a remarkable open space legacy for themselves and future generations by approving tax increases.

Key Facts

In 2024, the Open Space Fund is made up of the following three sales tax increments:

  • 0.40 percent sales tax, which has no sunset.
  • 0.33 percent sales tax, which was reduced to 0.22 percent on Jan. 1, 2019, to be reduced to .10 percent on Jan. 1, 2035, then exists in perpetuity.
  • 0.15 percent sales tax, which expires Dec. 31, 2039.

Priority Stewardship Strategies

We have prioritized two "Financial Sustainability" strategies in the city's Open Space and Mountain Parks' long-term strategic plan:

  • Steadily generate funds through sales and use tax collections while strategically leveraging other revenue streams and local dollars to support OSMP’s capacity to deliver open space services.
  • Create, optimize, and manage budgets that anticipate major change drivers, such as extreme weather events and fluctuations in revenue and spending.

2024 Highlights

  • 2025 Budget. OSMP staff developed a 2025 budget with guidance from the Open Space Board of Trustees. In 2025, OSMP will have 147 full-time employees and a $41-million budget to help the community enjoy and protect Boulder's open space. Learn more about the city’s 2025 budget.
  • Expanded business at OSMP Hub. The department increased staff presence at the OSMP Hub to help answer community questions about open space and to help community members with department services, such as Voice and Sight Tag Program permits.
  • Grant Funding. The department made progress on several grant-funded projects this year. In 2024, OSMP was awarded grant funds from the US Environmental Protection Agency for wetland mapping and monitoring, the Colorado State Forest Service in partnership with the Colorado Chautauqua Association for wildland and urban fuel management, and Boulder Community Health for substance education and awareness programming.
  • Management Area Designations. OSMP staff continued collaborating with the Open Space Board of Trustees to assign management area designations to specific open space properties that currently lack a designation. OSMP has four Management Area Designations (MADs): Habitat Conservation Areas (HCA), Natural Areas (NA), Agricultural Areas (AA), and Passive Recreation Areas (PRA). Assigning these designations provides context and guidance for managing these properties in the future.
  • Open Space Board of Trustees. OSMP staff thank board members for their dedication to helping the department and our community enjoy and protect Boulder's open space. Open Space Board of Trustees members make recommendations to the Boulder City Council and staff on acquiring and managing city open space, including providing input on the department’s annual budgets. The five Open Space Board of Trustees members are appointed to five-year terms by the Boulder City Council. Learn more about the Open Space Board of Trustees, view memos and information prepared for them in 2024 and watch 2024 board meetings.
A happy dog smiles to the camera

In 2024, Open Space and Mountain Parks completed a long-term study of fees it charges the public to ensure that important fee programs, such as Voice and Sight Tag Program permits and parking fees, are financially sustainable.