City of Boulder Neighborhood Services

Neighborhood Services is your connection for finding and utilizing city departments and resources.

What is Neighborhood Services?

Whether you have lived in town for decades or just moved into the area, we want you to know that Neighborhood Services is your connection for finding and utilizing city departments and resources.

How to Build Community in Your Neighborhood

Connect with your neighbors

Say hello in-person and online. Using listservs, emails, texting, and Nextdoor all are great ways to get in contact.

Host a neighborhood block party

Block Party Permitting, Trailer and other resources: Information on when/how to get a Block Party Permit, how to reserve the Block Party Trailer, and a tool kit for great block party ideas and resources.

Stay connected to the city

Apply for funding from the Neighborhood Connection Fund

Apply for programming or funding to bring your community together by sharing experiences in your community and around the city. Information about this program can be found on the Neighborhood Connection Fund website.