Neighborhood Services offers different programs to community members who live in the city of Boulder. Whether you just moved to our beautiful community or have lived here for many years, our programs offer helpful information and resources so that you can build positive relationships with your neighbors and connect your community to city services.
City of Boulder Neighborhood Services
Neighborhood Services is your connection to finding helpful programs and tools to connect with your neighbors and bring city departments and resources to your community.
What is Neighborhood Services?

Neighborhood Services Programs
Neighborhood Connection Fund
Funding for neighborhood events and small projects. Learn more about this program by visiting the Neighborhood Connection Fund webpage.
Block Party Permits
Obtain a permit to close a city-managed residential road for a block party between May 15 and October 15. Visit the Block Party Permit webpage for additional information.
Programming and Workshops
Based on community interest, annual workshops and programs will be organized and published on our webpage, open to all community members who live in Boulder.
- HOA Workshops
Resources to connect your neighborhood
City of Boulder Department Navigation
Focused on providing direct navigation support to Manufactured Home Communities and affordable rental communities.
Block Party Trailer
A reservable trailer with all the needed supplies to host a memorable block party in your neighborhood. Visit the Block Party Trailer webpage for more information.

How to Build Community in Your Neighborhood
Simple acts
Being a good neighbor is something anyone can do. Introducing yourself when you see neighbors outside goes a long way. Staying in communication with neighbors about anything that comes up will create positive experiences and will allow you to solve potential conflicts in a respectful manner.
Providing help
Helping those around you in your community such as helping older adults in your neighborhood shovel their sidewalk is a wonderful way to support by spending 10 extra minutes and keeping your family and those around you safe.
Stay connected to your local municipal government
- Participate in online engagement opportunities about issues that are important to you. Find these through the calendar or on the city's online engagement platform, Be Heard Boulder.
- Listen to the City of Boulder's podcasts, Let's Talk Boulder and Somos Boulder. Let's Talk Boulder explores our community one conversation at a time, with interviews from city staff, local leaders, and your neighbors. Somos Boulder brings you all the latest city information you need to know in Spanish.
Giving back to our community is something that many community members practice. Whether it’s supporting the BolderBoulder each Memorial Day or volunteering with different city departments like Open Space and Mountain Parks, volunteers are essential in creating a healthy community. If you are eager to volunteer, be sure to visit our Volunteer Opportunities webpage or find us on GivePulse.
Help support and organize neighborhood gatherings
- Small gatherings – Start off small. Simply coming together and sharing some food with neighbors can allow for new connections. You might meet a babysitter, dog walker , or someone to help in case of an emergency.
- Block Parties - Permitting, funding, and other resources are available through Neighborhood Services.
- Movie nights or Potlucks – Holding fun movie nights in someone’s yard is an excellent way for all neighbors – especially our youth and young adults – to build long-lasting memories of their community and build a positive identity of the place they call home.
Reporting Issues for Neighborhoods
- Inquire Boulder is our online reporting system. Use this tool initially to respond to an issue.
- If Inquire Boulder is not working for you, consider contacting the following teams and departments:
- Bouder Police - Code Enforcement Unit
- A variety of issues including trash, snow removal, overgrown sidewalk obstructions, and more.
- Call 303-441-1875 to report issues or ask questions.
- Boulder Police
- For noise or any other non-emergency concern, contact non-emergency dispatch: 303-441-3333.
- Emergencies, dial 911.
- Planning and Development - Code Compliance
- For code violations and concerns related to building safety such as: structural integrity, interior sanitation, plumbing/electric system integrity, hot water requirements, or work being done without permits.
- To report a concern visit the online reporting system or call 303-441-3173.
- Parking Services
- Can support with questions about the Neighborhood Parking Permits Program or can help with reporting illegally parked vehicles
- Call 303-413-7300 for any questions or concerns.
- Community Mediation and Resolution Center
- Bouder Police - Code Enforcement Unit
Why Neighborhood connections and relationships matter?